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and finally


and finally 5) Conservatism stifles progress: Burke s closed society does not allow for existing moral and social paradigms to be challenged as this would lead ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: and finally

and finally
  • 5) Conservatism stifles progress
  • Burkes closed society does not allow for
    existing moral and social paradigms to be
    challenged as this would lead to instability.
  • Pinchin uses the example of clashes between
    science and the church.
  • If moral certainty is to be preserved then the
    outcome of such an exchange may not be the truth.
  • 6) Inaccurate diagnosis of human nature?
  • Burke has little faith in mans capability as a
    rational animal this forms the basis of his
    rejection of Enlightenment thought. Instead he
    argues that humans are governed by emotion
  • Yet, is he right to be so sceptical? Liberals
    such as Mill will argue that individuals are able
    to apply reason in order to work out what is best
    for them. NB Liberalism is very much an
    Enlightenment project.
  • Further, anarchists will also insist that humans
    are capable of self government and should not be
    restricted by external influence.

  • Many commentators differentiate between
    political and economic liberalism. Economic
    liberalism is sometimes referred to as
    libertarianism and is embraced by most Liberals
    and Conservatives. It advocates proliferation of
    the free market economy. Classical political
    liberalism, as advocated by J S Mill, focuses on
    individual freedom, expressed primarily in terms
    of freedom of speech and action. It is concerned
    with negative freedom, though recent
    manifestations advocate the positive e.g. Welfare
    Liberalism (Rawls Original Position).
    Neo-liberalism is a term associated with the
    promotion of global free trade and rabid
    capitalism (guess where I pin my colours?!)

John Locke
  • Key Work Two Treatises of Civil Government.
  • Ideology Locke believed that the rights of
    individuals to life, liberty and estate come
    before the rights of society. He advocated a
    Social Contract Theory where the individual
    surrenders to the community his natural right to
    enforce the law of nature, in return for the
    preservation of life, liberty and estate by the
    community. Lockes theory of government also
    established the Separation of Powers
    legislative, executive and judicial.

Locke Quotes
  • "Government has no other end but the
    preservation of property."
  • "Where law ends, tyranny begins."
  • The end of law is not to abolish or restrain,
    but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all
    the states of created beings capable of law,
    where there is no law, there is no freedom.
  • All mankind... being all equal and independent,
    no one ought to harm another in his life, health,
    liberty or possessions.
  • Every man has a property in his own person. This
    nobody has a right to, but himself.
  • Not hugely relevant, but one I like! -Education
    begins the gentleman, but reading, good company
    and reflection must finish him.

The significance of law
  • Each individual is aware of natural laws that
    include the right to liberty, equality, and
  • Natural Laws are ordained by God and understood
    by all rational beings.
  • Yet, each man will interpret the natural law
    differently, some using it to justify personal
  • As such, a social contract is again required to
  • Once entered, the social contract is totally
    binding and enforced by law. All who live under
    it are bound by it.
  • The contract is established primarily to protect
    individual rights to life, liberty property and
    is enforced by a limited government.
  • As Nozick observes, Locke limits the State to
    that of a protection agency.

The central importance of Property
  • Locke argues that in the state of nature, God
    gave the earth to all human beings.
  • Men are free to make use of the earths
  • All humans are held to own their own bodies.
  • When they mix their labour with nature, that
    which they are utilising becomes their property
    and is no longer part of the common store.
    Consequently, humans can claim a natural right to
    property, upheld by the natural law.
  • Lockean provisos i) no one should take more than
    they can make use of, ii) one must leave enough
    and as good for others.

Some Criticisms
  • Nozick argues that it is difficult to justify the
    idea that mixing ones labour with land gives one
    indefinite rights to that land If I own a can
    of tomato juice and spill it in the sea so that
    its molecules mingle evenly throughout the sea,
    do I thereby come to own the sea? (Reductio ad
  • A right to inheritance of that land is even more
    difficult to uphold if all is inherited, how
    can future generations mix their labour?) here
    it would seem that property is theft!
  • For Locke, property rights are an integral part
    of human freedom. Inequality simply reflects the
    way in which God rewards the industrious.
  • Yet, such inequality surely excludes many from
    the freedoms that Locke appears to hold dear and
    does not satisfy any reasonable doctrine of
    distributive justice.

John Stuart Mill
  • Committed Utilitarian, economist, activist,
    academic and MP, Mill had a considerable impact
    on the world in which he lived and continues to
    exert significant influence in political thought
  • Despite his obvious distaste for the conservatism
    of his day, modern conservatism exhibits many
    liberal traits particularly economic ones.

The quote in full "I never meant to say that
the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant
to say that stupid people are generally
Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and
universally admitted a principle that I hardly
think any gentleman will deny it."Letter
Combining with Utilitarianism
  • For Mill, his concept of freedom is underpinned
    by the principle of utility i.e. the experience
    of liberty inevitably leads to maximal happiness.
  • This places enormous faith in the individual
    knowing what will make them happy.
  • Yet, there is an apparent contradiction here
    Mills writings on democracy suggest that the
    majority of people require representation as they
    do not always know what is good for them.
  • Plus his qualitative utilitarianism appears
  • That said, many critics have also argued that On
    Liberty focuses too much on negative freedom and
    fails to recognise the need to protect
    individuals from exploitation Rawls later seeks
    to address this.

Negative Freedom
  • The only part of conduct of any one, for which
    he is amenable to society, is that which concerns
    others. In the part, which merely concerns
    himself, his independence is, of right, absolute.
    Over himself, over his own body and mind, the
    individual is sovereign. (On Liberty)
  • Mill is obviously more concerned with freedom
    from (negative) rather than freedom to
  • The extent to which Mill was prepared to allow
    individual liberty was shocking to his
  • He advocated the experiment of living which
    serves to enliven both the individual and society
  • Liberty is also required if society is to resist

The harm principle
  • My freedom to swing my fist ends where your face
    begins (Berlin summarising Mill)
  • This quote sums up Mills central doctrine that
    the individual has liberty in every aspect of
    existence other than that which causes harm to
  • This emphasises negative, rather than positive
    freedom. Consequently, paternalism is rejected
    (though possible contradiction with writings on
    authority see earlier notes)
  • But what is harm? A strong criticism of the harm
    principle is that it fails to make clear what
    counts as harm.
  • Physical harm is clear, but what of psychological

  • Mill agrees with Benthams diagnosis of natural
    nights as nonsense on stilts.
  • He argues that freedom is not a natural right,
    but a right born of utilitarian justification
    i.e. reason is required to apply the principle of
    utility to the idea of a free future. It is only
    because freedom is advocated by this principle
    that it should be considered a right.
  • NB Bentham believed Utilitarianism to be a
    scientific theory and rejected the idea the
    reason was required to implement it.

Freedom of Speech and Action (Fallibility Thesis)
  • If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,
    and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
    mankind would be no more justified in silencing
    that one person, than he, if he had the power,
    would be justified in silencing mankind. (On
  • Controversial opinions/actions should never be
    suppressed as
  • 1, they may be right
  • 2,even if wrong, discussion encourages better
  • 3, if some truth is contained, discussion will
    enable it to come out.

  • Mill claims that any attempt to suppress opinion
    is tantamount to claiming infallibility.
  • He held a deep conviction that humans ought to
    pursue the truth and that this could not take
    place unless we open ourselves up to the
    possibility that we may be wrong and allow for
  • Such a vision of the open society would obviously
    not be acceptable to conservatives such as Burke
    or absolutists such as Plato.

Gibbs against the infallibility argument
  • Gibbs criticises Mills infallibility argument
    to remove freedom of speech infers infallibility.
    He argues that it is acceptable for a ruler to
    protect the public from dangerous opinion e.g.
    that British foreign policy is threatening
    national security.
  • A ruler might silence an opinion without
    assuming himself to be infallible, without even
    assuming that he knows this particular opinion to
    be false. He might know it to be true, and
    silence it because it is dangerous.
  • Such a perspective obviously runs contrary to
    Mills need for the truth.
  • Many would rather be subject to the consequences
    of the truth than have it denied them. (think Tom
    Cruise vs Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men!)
  • For others Ignorance is bliss (think Cypher in
    The Matrix I dont get out much!)

Gibbs on truth
  • Gibbs also criticises Mills commitment to
  • For Mill, the truth is always better than
  • This seems to contradict Mills commitment to a
    connection between utility and truth.
  • Gibbs agrees that the truth is important, but
    claims that it should not take precedence over
    all else One would obviously have the
  • Yet, Gibbs fails to show why this is the case.

  • Mill very much directs his writing in favour of
    legal positivism. Morality is considered to be a
    private affair, not de jure (according to law).
  • This stands in contrast to a more conservative
    perspective that advocates the overlapping thesis
    and commitment to a natural law theory.
  • Mill also guards against the tyranny of the
    majority social pressure to conform.
    Individuals should not have their freedom of
    speech/expression curtailed by the indignation of
    the masses yes Mark, its alright to wear your
    mums Sunday dress. That said, there is no
    compulsion to approve of the behaviour/words of

  • Devlins ideas were formed in response to the
    Wolfenden Report (1959) which recommended the
    decriminalisation of homosexuals.
  • He argued that the idea of private morality harms
  • Laws must reflect the moral values of citizens
  • In this sense, he is advocating an overlapping
    thesis (akin to natural law)
  • The law ought to protect against vice!
  • Thus, Mills position on freedom of expression is
    challenged though we could argue that Devlin is
    simply redefining the harm principle.

If prostitution isnot the laws business, what
concern has the law with the ponce or the
Where to draw the line?
  • What counts as harm? Physical violence is
    reasonably clear cut, but what of my subscription
    to Mammoth Melons Monthly?
  • For Mill, being offended does not count as harm.
    Does he understate the reality of psychological
    harm? It seems that sustained exposure to
    disturbing imagery can cause significant damage
    to the individual and those around.
  • Child psychologist Dr Tanya Byron has recently
    argued for tighter controls on censorship,
    particularly with use of video games.

Hart The Concept of Law
  • Hart famously reacted to Devlins conservative
    position, claiming that the State has no business
    interfering in peoples personal lives.
  • Hart offers a defence of legal positivism. He
    restates Mills position, arguing that the moral
    majority should not be able to suppress
    individual expression.
  • Actual harm must be evident and demonstrated by a
    panel of experts before human expression is
  • Is anyone so qualified to offer expert advice
    of this nature?
  • To reduce application of the law to cover only
    actual harm may well lead to the continued
    suffering of many. E.g. what of my neighbours
    desire to play Val Doonican LPs at 3am every
    night? do I experience actual harm?

Welfare Liberalism
  • Key Work John Rawls - A Theory of Justice
  • Ideology Contemporary libertarian and social
    contract theorist. Arguably the most important
    political philosopher of the 20th century, Rawls'
    guiding idea is that in a just society the laws
    and institutions would not confer advantages on
    some people at the expense of others based on
    natural and social contingencies that are
    arbitrary from a moral standpoint.
  • In developing his own account of "justice as
    fairness," Rawls asks us to imagine ourselves
    choosing principles of justice from an original
    position of equality in which we lack knowledge
    of our social and economic standing, race, sex,
    natural abilities, and other socially relevant
  • Rawls argues that we would put priority, first,
    on providing equal liberties and fair
    opportunities for all and, second, on maximizing
    the share of income and wealth of those least

The Revolutionary Image (Socialism)
  • Pinchin focuses primarily on Marx, though he is
    not the only, nor the first socialist. Yet, it is
    difficult to deny that he has been the most
  • Marx was inevitably influenced by a rich period
    of German philosophy that had preceded him.
    German Idealism had directed European philosophy
    in the 18th century with thinkers such as Kant,
    Schopenhauer, Hegel dominating the landscape.
  • In particular, the ideas of Hegel and the
    materialist, Feuerbach, helped shape Marxs
    philosophical vision.

John Rawls
  • Quotes Ideally citizens are to think of
    themselves as if they were legislators and ask
    themselves what statutes, supported by what
    reasons satisfying the criterion of reciprocity,
    they would think is most reasonable to enact.
  • The principles of justice are chosen behind a
    veil of ignorance.

Space for a humorous interlude man goes to the
zoo. Theres only one dog there. Its a Shih
Anarchy, State and Utopia
  • This is the title of Robert Nozicks influential
    reply to his Harvard colleague, Rawls.
  • Nozick argues that the state should not interfere
    with individual liberties, particularly economic
  • He refutes Proudhons claim that property is
    theft, believing instead that most property has
    been acquired fairly.
  • Nozick is obviously a supporter of individualism.
    Welfare provision is rejected, with even income
    tax rejected as a type of forced labour -
    individuals are compelled to spend some time
    working to pay the government.
  • Market forces should be left unhindered. Wealth
    should be distributed according to merit and good
  • It is difficult to see how such a system could
    ever be considered just or, indeed, tolerated by
    the majoritybut it is!

John Donne no man is an island
  • Donne rejects individualism, considering us to
    be defined beyond material terms
  • "All mankind is of one author, and is one
    volume when one man dies, one chapter is not
    torn out of the book, but translated into a
    better language and every chapter must be so
    translated...As therefore the bell that rings to
    a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but
    upon the congregation to come so this bell calls
    us all but how much more me, who am brought so
    near the door by this sickness....No man is an
    island, entire of itself...any man's death
    diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind
    and therefore never send to know for whom the
    bell tolls it tolls for thee.
  • This leads us nicely to

Marx Quotes
  • "The history of all hitherto existing societies
    is the history of class struggle."
  • From each, according to his ability to each,
    according to his need.
  • The theory of the Communists may be summed up in
    the single sentence Abolition of private
  • The proletarians have nothing to lose but their
    chains. They have a world to win.

Hegelian Dialectic Feuerbachs materialism
  • From Hegel, Marx developed the idea of history as
    process. Hegel viewed this as a spiritual
    process, involving thesis, antithesis and
  • Marxs reading of Feuerbach enabled him to
    decouple Hegels dialectical process from his
    idealism. It also fuelled his atheistic ideas and
    helped him to develop a material view of history
    as process.
  • Feuerbach viewed expressions of spirituality as
    mythical. Marx believed that such expressions
    were the product of mans alienation from his
    true humanity and revealed a hope for a better
    life post mortem Religion is the sigh of the
    oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless
    world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is
    the opium of the people.

Dialectical Materialism
  • Marx viewed history as an economic process a
    cycle whereby an underclass would rise up against
    their masters, overthrow them and then become the
    new ruling class.
  • This is represented in the form of
  • For Marx, this is a scientific process. He viewed
    history as subject to deterministic economic
    laws. Changes are inevitable and ideas are
    reflections of economic interests.
  • Marx identifies four great changes in history,
    each with a modal point (point of change).

Dialectic in process
  1. Nomadic and pastoral era. Modal point soil
    cultivation and domestication of animals.
  2. Classical period concentrated wealth and
    slavery. Stability and development of the arts.
    Modal point big, hairy Barbarians with sharp
    pointy sticks, too many orgies (what is too
    many?!) need for decentralisation.
  3. Feudalism conflict between land owners and
    serfs. Modal point Industrialisation - need for
    urban workforce
  4. Capitalism and the Liberal ideology that supports
    Democracy. Conflict between bourgeoisie
    (industrialists etc) and proletariat (workers).
    Modal point the peasants are revolting! the
    proletariat become conscious of exploitation and
    seek to overthrow the ruling class, resulting in

  • This will result in the abolition of private
    property and the creation of a truly socialist
    society. Modal point none! Communism will
    signal the removal of the means of antagonism and
    conflict i.e. capitalism.
  • Communism brings an end to the pre-history of
  • Initially, the overthrow of capitalism will
    result in antagonisms and a brief dictatorship
    of the proletariat will be required. Once the
    class system has been abolished, the state will
    wither away
  • Yet, history has not borne this out Russia etc
  • NB Fukuyama saw things differently advent of
    libertarianism end of history?!
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