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Office Automation


BUSS 909 Office Automation & Intranets Lecture 4 Media and Document Architectures – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Office Automation

Office Automation Intranets
  • BUSS 909

Lecture 4 Media and Document Architectures
Notices 1
  • a new Tutorial has been added called T3
    330-430- see the list on my door for membership
  • three students have put their name into two
    classes (2169927, 2291447, 2077644) please
    correct this
  • students requesting changes should find a person
    to swap with and then both students should let me
    know- ASAP!

Notices 2
  • An extension has been granted for Assignment 1-
    it was due 2/4/01 Week 5 but is now due 9/4/01
    Week 6
  • primarily because we have some late enrolling
    students who are still finalising topics
  • some students have recently changed topics- I am
    extremely reluctant to change topics due to lack
    of source materials
  • does not affect subsequent due date for

Agenda 1
  • the application we will discuss this lecture is
    document management which fits with OA used to
    support office workflow
  • Document management is a good example of an
    application well-suited to client/server- many of
    the core processes can be applied to intranets in

Agenda 2
  • for OA and Intranets- it is necessary to be able
    to analyse the types of documents that are used
    in an office
  • over the next few lectures will discuss the
    media, elements, markup, documents, document
    types, stylesheets and database publishing that
    can constitute modern OA and web-based intranets

Agenda 3
  • Classification of different types of media can be
    found in Gibbs and Tsichritzis (1995) Reading 3
    Media Types 15-77-
  • this is also a good reading for Lecture 11

Media Convergence Diversification
Media Convergence
  • convergence is a term used to describe the coming
    together of all communication and computing
    devices- as described by Nicholas Negroponte (MIT
    Media Labs)
  • separate media (eg/ television) are being merged
    into digital form over time (the computer
    provides the means for this functionality)

Media Convergence
  • recall that most OA development occurred in the
    mid-1970s to late 1980s
  • OA contributed to digital convergence by
  • using client/server architectures
  • setting the stage for developments in CSCW and
    Groupware (described in Lecture 3)
  • promoting the use of Compound Document
    Architectures (CDAs), SGML etc

Media Convergencec. 1994
Multimedia Drives Playstations HDTV
teleputer PDAs Dynabooks Internet
Media television film music, print
Multimedia Enhanced Music CDs Electronic
Books Interactive Movies
Video Servers Interactive Advertisements Home
Consumer Electronics and Computing
Telecomms information structure switching,
Media Convergencec. 2005
Interactive Advertisements Interactive
Multimedia Videogames Enhanced Music Interactive
Movies Enhanced Books Electronic
Publishing HDTV Remote Shopping Videophones Groupw
are Teleconferencing Surrogate (Virtual)
Travel Consumer Infotainment Edutainment Virtual
Media Convergencewrt Implementation
  • Negroponte predicts that the computer will become
    an information appliance
  • systems which represent early attempts to
    implement an information appliance include
  • Apple Computer- iMac

Media Convergencewrt Implementation
  • there is no agreement on what an information
    appliance will look like
  • Replace your television with a computer or vice
  • Buy a new set-top box sitting to sit beside your
    Home Entertainment Unit?
  • Will information be carried over cable, telephone
    lines, or airwaves?
  • Will you buy computation like electricity?

Media Diversification 1
  • at the same time as media convergence is
    occurring- everything is becoming digital ...
  • new forms of digital information are being
    created and added to existing services all the
    time- media diversification
  • eg/. WWW has an extensible approach to adding the
    ability to use new media types

Media Diversification 2
  • determining the type of elements that could be in
    HTML files is complex
  • new browser plug ins are made available fo new
    media (the BUSS909 Intranet pages) will soon have
    links at a large number of plug-ins- some of
    which will be unfamiliar to you

Media Diversification 3
  • servers add a header to each document that tells
    the browser the type of file it is sending
  • the browser determines how to handle the file
    based on that information- whether to display the
    contents in the window or to launch an
    appropriate plugin or helper application

Media Diversification 5
  • the system for communicating media types
    (Niederst 1999, 61) resembles Multipurpose
    Internet Mail Extension or MIME which was
    developed for sending attachments in email
  • the server needs to be configured to recognize
    each MIME type in order to successfully
    communicate the media type to the browser

Media Diversification 6Changing nature of the
  • having documents in digital form is one thing,
    but this is useless if the information is locked
    inside them and inaccessible- need to transform
    documents into information
  • this has led to fundamental changes in what
    constitutes a document, and its organisation to
    facilitate information retrieval

Media Diversification 7Hypertext
  • Major advances have been made in media types and
    modes of access used in documents- distinctions
    classify between Hypertext, Multimedia
  • Hypertext-
  • generally consist of one or more text oriented
    media at the nodes
  • uni- or bi-directional links between nodes
  • asynchronous accessing of nodes

Media Diversification 8Hypertext
Components of various media types
Source Hardman, Bulterman van Rossum (1994)
Media Diversification 9Multimedia
  • generally consist of many types of media at the
    nodes (video, sound, text and images)
  • uni- or bi-directional links between nodes
  • synchronous accessing of individual nodes but
    asynchronous accessing between nodes

Media Diversification 10Multimedia
Components of various media types
Source Hardman, Bulterman van Rossum (1994)
Media Diversification 11Hypermedia
  • combination of hypertext and multimedia
  • nodes consist of many types of media (video,
    sound, text and images)
  • uni- or bi-directional links between nodes
  • asynchronous or synchronous accessing of
    individual nodes depending on media type
  • but asynchronous accessing between nodes

Media Diversification 12Hypermedia
Components of various media types
Source Hardman, Bulterman van Rossum (1994)
Documents Elementshttp//
Documents ElementsDefinitions
  • Document is an organized collection of
    information (which may contain one or more
    elements) for human consumption, regardless of
  • Element is a basic, tagged component of a
    document (term developed in SGML and commonly
    used elsewhere)

Document Decomposition
  • In order to be able to create an OA system, you
    need to know the structure and function of
    documents and how they relate to business
  • Document Decomposition involves breaking down or
    disassembling a document into its constituent
    elements before putting it into a repository

  • How small a bite of a document a system can
  • Can your document management system manage
    anything smaller than an entire file?
  • Does it know about and manage the elements of
    documents found within files, such as paragraphs
    and sections?

  • these are questions about granularity
  • the term itself implies that there is a continuum
    in how fine an element a system can manage
  • In fact, systems either can or cannot look inside
    a document file. If it can, then it's extremely
    likely that it can handle any size element.

  • Content is what is inside a document, abstracted
    from its format or appearance
  • the content of this document involves principles
    and definition used in actual OA systems
  • regardless of whether these have been highlighted

  • Codes inserted into a document to indicate its
    formatting or structure
  • Mark up systems may require authors to
  • insert markup codes by hand
  • let the author press a function key and the
    system automatically inserted it, or
  • they may hide the codes from the viewer but
    instead showed their effect- WYSIWYG.

  • two types of markup- Procedural and Declarative
  • Procedural markup inserts codes that have
    immediate effect.
  • eg./ "ltBgt" might turn on bolding until a "lt/Bgt"
    is encountered.

  • paragraphs and other elements are tagged with an
    identifier (e.g. a name) and applies formats
    defined for elements with that identifier
  • eg./ the start of a paragraph might have a "para"
    and format it according to the rules established
    by the author (via a style sheet perhaps) for
    elements named "para."

  • lt!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad//DTD HoTMetaL
    PRO 4.019971010extensions to HTML 4.0//EN"
  • "hmpro4.dtd"gt
  • ltHTMLgt
  • ltHEADgt
  • ltTITLEgtBUSS909 Main Screenlt/TITLEgt Informatio
    n which is not
  • ltMETA HTTP-EQUIV"expires" CONTENT"0"gt
    displayed in the browser
  • lt/HEADgt
    LINK"FF0080" VLINK"8000FF"
  • ALINK"FF0000"gt
  • lt!-- BUSS909 Title --gt
  • ltTABLE BGCOLOR"000000" WIDTH"0"
  • ltTRgt
  • ltTD WIDTH"69" BGCOLOR"000000"gtltIMG
    SRC"uow.gif" ALT"UOW Crest" WIDTH"60"
  • ltTD WIDTH"377" BGCOLOR"000000"gtltFONT
    FACE"Impact" COLOR"FFFFFF" SIZE"4"gt

Desktop Publishing/WPApplication of Markup
Desktop Publishing (1)
  • a term coined by Paul Brainerd, founder of Aldus
    (PageMaker) around 1985.
  • refers to the use of inexpensive desktop
    technology to accomplish what previously required
    very expensive, proprietary publishing systems to
  • previous commercial publishing systems replaced
    light tables and hot wax used to arrange parts of
    documents into pages

Desktop Publishing (2)
  • the first DTP systems were so rigidly page-based
    that if an article couldn't fit entirely onto one
    page, the user would have to cut and paste the
    overflow manually
  • DTP is the opposite of WP since the latter so
    completely automated page layout that authors had
    little control over the look of the document

Desktop Publishing (3)From WP and DTP to DMS
  • today, word processors and DTP overlap
  • many authors find their WPs more than adequate
    for achieving good-looking pages, and
  • DTP continues to be used primarily on
    highly-designed documents that are ready for
    their final layout
  • there is now a new movement...

Desktop Publishing (4)From WP and DTP to DMS
  • the new (compound) document management systems
    (DMS) try to avoid investing in labor that cannot
    be reused
  • authors create content which are automatically
    composed into the required outputs
  • adjusting for format, medium and content
    appropriately, and
  • are then reused by readers

Desktop Publishing (5)Difficulties with DTP...
  • the new document management systems focus on the
    information in the document and apply formatting
    information based on that information
  • DTP does not fit comfortably in this model
    because it is focused not on information but on
  • once a document is laid out using DTP software,
    it cannot easily be reused

Desktop Publishing (5)Difficulties with DTP...
  • if you can recover the text and graphics from a
    DTP document, all the work of the designer is
  • while DTP definitely has a role in such systems,
    it would be a mistake to base such a system
    around DTP software

Compound Document Architectureshttp//
Compound Document Architectures
  • Compound Document Architectures describe and
    permit the manipulation of document components of
    different data types by software applications
  • Some compound document architectures limit data
    types. (See OLE, OpenDoc, DOM)

Compound Document Architectures Compound Document
  • documents can contain many different types of
    data, text, drawings, photos, multimedia, etc.
    which are live in that they still carry with
    them the information required to edit or reuse
  • compound document management systems manage both
    revisable and non-revisable information

Compound Document Architectures Configuration
Management Systems (1)
  • documents can be considered as having parts that
    can be reused in certain circumstances
  • these parts need to be carefully analysed in an
  • configuration management tracks the relationships
    between the parts. Systems that know which pieces
    are used where, even-or especially-if some parts
    are used in more than one place.

Compound Document Architectures Configuration
Management Systems (2)
  • if an element changes, the system knows all the
    documents incorporating the element are out of
    date- revision or version control
  • it then takes some action such as alerting
    authors or readers or updating each affected file
  • enable documents to be built from bills of
    materials- a list of elements and data required
    to reproduce the document

Database Publishinghttp//
Database Publishing
  • organisation has information stored in corporate
  • a set of targeted documents are to be produced
    that vary only in data drawn from that database
  • the process is automated so that data is drawn
    from the database
  • information is inserted into the correct
    locations in the publications

Database Publishing
  • this can range from for example
  • very simple Form Letters in which only the
    return address and name vary, to
  • very complex four-color retail catalogs created
    on-demand, varying according to recipient's
    interests, area of the country, buying habits,
    and credit history

Database Publishing
  • this might sound like simple form letters or
    receipts with which you will already be familiar
  • but the major difference with database publishing
    is that the data extracted from the database
    determines other conditional aspects of the
  • these include...

Database Publishing
  • information If its in Queensland, add a
    warning about the need for sun block
  • document design If the customer is older than
    65, increase the font size so they can read it
  • packaging If its going to someone under 15,
    include a free game

Database PublishingDocument Management Systems
  • manage collections of documents
  • aid in the creation storage, manipulation
    retrieval, assembly, or delivery of documents
  • minimum requirement for a document management
    system is a check-in/check-out library service

Database PublishingDocument Management Systems
  • typically packaged with a set of text oriented
    tools to manipulate documents, including text
    retrieval, workflow, formatting, and editing
  • also designed to manage the capture, storage,
    retrieval, and routing of non-revisable images
    typically scanned document pages

Database PublishingAssets or Component Management
  • Asset oriented manage document assets or page
    description language files for either print or
    electronic output (on-demand printing)
  • Component oriented manages document objects or
    components as well as document structures as
    separate entities and are not restricted by file
    system boundaries

Database PublishingDocument Conversion Systems
  • systems that convert document information from
    one format to another, including OCR, markup
    language, formatting language, or page
    description language conversion
  • necessary in order to prepare existing legacy
    documents for Document Management Systems

Database PublishingDocument Interoperability
  • standards that facilitate the sharing of document
    content, structure, and processing information
    between document management applications and
    other applications between multiple document
    repositories, and among network and distributed
    object architectures.

Next Week
  • this week, we have seen that OA Intranets use
    many types of media and are expected to cope with
    the creation of new forms of media
  • next week, we describe SGML which is the
    technological link between OA Systems and
    intranet technologies (including HTML, XHTML, XML
    and the Web)
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