Title: NCAR Command Language
1NCAR Command Language and its Application with
Wei Huang, Dave Brown, Mary Haley, Rick
Brownrigg, Dennis Shea, Adam Phillips
Quick Access to HDF and HDFEOS data with NCL NCL
(NCAR Command Language) is an interpreted
language designed specifically for scientific
data analysis and visualization. Excellent file
handling Easy access to h4, h5, he, and
he5. ncl_filedump can be used to check what is
in a file quickly. ncl_convert2nc converts HDF
and HDFEOS (and other) data to NetCDF file.
Handling HIRDLS data NCL can process and
visualize HIRDLS data. Below is a sample of O3
via OpenDap.
Figure 1. Process and visualize HIRDLS data (Left
O3, right the track)
Figure 1a HIRDLS Time Series
2Figure 1b HIRDLS track
OMI-Auro-L3 data A plot of O3 from OMI-Auro-L3
data via OpenDap.
Figure 2 OMI-Auto-L3, O3 Column Amount
3Figure 3 Monthly Surface Reflectance (January)
Figure 4 Radiactive Cloud Fraction
4HDF5 data Processing and Visualizing HDF5 dataset
Figure 5 Blue (left) and Red (right) Reflectance
from a HDF5 file
Figure 6 Sea Surface Temperature (HDF5 with
Compound data type)
Reference http//www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/HD
Contact huangwei_at_ucar.edu