Title: Ecosystems
1 Ecosystems
- Ecosystems consist of nonliving (abiotic) and
living (biotic) components.
- An ecosystem survives by a combination of energy
flow and matter recycling.
4KEY CONCEPT 3 Earth is a Closed System!
- GLOBAL RECYLING - A closed pathway where matter
cycles from the nonliving environment to living
and then back again for reuse. - Key feature- nutrients recycle through the
earths air, land, water, and living organisms. - Nutrients are the elements and compounds that
organisms need to live, grow, and reproduce. - The overall rate of nutrient movement is limited
most by decomposition. - The rate of nutrient loss is a key characteristic
in any ecosystem.
Overview of Nutrient Cycling
Feces or urine
Soil nutrient pool
Decomposer food web
Loss to erosion or leaching into groundwater
7Water Cycle
Rain clouds
Transpiration from plants
Precipitation to land
Evaporation from land
Evaporation from ocean
Surface runoff (rapid)
Precipitation to ocean
Surface runoff (rapid)
Infiltration and Percolation
Groundwater movement (slow)
Ocean storage
8Water Cycle
- Causes wind currents
- There are strong forces of attraction between
molecules of water. - Water exists as a liquid over a wide temperature
range. - Liquid water changes temperature slowly.
- It takes a large amount of energy for water to
evaporate. - Liquid water can dissolve a variety of compounds.
- Water expands when it freezes.
Water has greatest influence of all non-living
9Effects of Human Activities on Water Cycle
- We alter the water cycle by
- Withdrawing large amounts of freshwater.
- Clearing vegetation and eroding soils.
- Polluting surface and underground water.
- Contributing to climate change.
10Carbon Cycle
- Combustion
- Burning- CO2
- Fossil fuels hydrocarbons
- Volcanic Action
- Forest Fires
- Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration
- O2 ? ? CO2
- Erosion
- CaCO3 ? shells ? limestone
11Effects of Human Activities on Carbon Cycle
- We alter the carbon cycle by adding excess CO2 to
the atmosphere through - Burning fossil fuels.
- Clearing vegetation faster than it is replaced.
Figure 3-28
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13Greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
Sulfur hexafluoride
14Most Important Greenhouse Gases
GHGs Source Examples Water H2O Oceans,
rivers, plants, soil Carbon Dioxide CO2
Combustion of fossil fuels, plant
respiration, oceans, volcanoes Methane
CH4 Mining operations, combustion,
animals, wetlands, landfills Other GHGs
Nitrous oxide (N2O), Ozone (near surface), Learn
more about GHGs http//www.epa.gov/climatechange/
Source U.S. EPA 2005
15Nitrogen Cycle
- Availability of Nitrogen is a limiting factor for
primary productivity
- 78 N gas in atmosphere
- unusable
16Nitrogen Cycle
- Ammonification
- Decomposition by bacteria during decay
- Bacteria can fix nitrogen which means they
break apart nitrogen gas and convert it into
ammonia or ammonium.
- Assimilation
- Absorption and incorporation of nitrogen by plants
These nodules are called rhyzomes. They are
where the nitrifying bacteria reside. They have
a symbiotic relationship with the plant
- Nitrification
- Ammonia to nitrates and nitrites by bacteria
- Then can be assimilated by plants
- Denitrification
- Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into
17Effects of Human Activities on the Nitrogen Cycle
- We alter the nitrogen cycle by
- Adding gases that contribute to acid rain.
- Adding nitrous oxide to the atmosphere through
farming practices which can warm the atmosphere
and deplete ozone. - Contaminating ground water from nitrate ions in
inorganic fertilizers. - Releasing nitrogen into the troposphere through
18Effects of Human Activities on the Nitrogen Cycle
- Human activities such as production of
fertilizers now fix more nitrogen than all
natural sources combined.
19Phosphorous Cycle
- No gaseous component (from land to sediment and
back to land only) - Erosion ?releases phosphate? soil ?plants
- Decomposers ?phosphate ? soil
- Deposited in oceanic sediment ? unavailable for
years - Fertilizers, run off containing animal wastes,
and sewage ?aquatic ecosystems
20The Phosphorous Cycle
21Effects of Human Activities on the Phosphorous
- We remove large amounts of phosphate from the
earth to make fertilizer. - We reduce phosphorous in tropical soils by
clearing forests. - We add excess phosphates to aquatic systems from
runoff of animal wastes and fertilizers.
22The Sulfur Cycle
23Effects of Human Activities on the Sulfur Cycle
- We add sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere by
- Burning coal and oil
- Refining sulfur containing petroleum.
- Converting sulfur-containing metallic ores into
free metals such as copper, lead, and zinc
releasing sulfur dioxide into the environment.
24Acid Precipitation
- Rain, snow or fog that has a pH value of less
than 5.6 because of the carbon dioxide from air
dissolved in it - Any rainfall has a pH value less than 5.6 is
defined as acid rain
25Acid Precipitation
- When gas pollutants e.g. sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide dissolve in rain water, various acids are
CO2 H2O ? H2CO3 (carbonic acid) SO2
H2O ? H2SO3 (sulphorous acid) NO2 H2O ? HNO2
(nitrous acid) HNO3 (nitric acid)
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