Title: Training
- OnBase Training for Faculty Reviewers
- Jose Martinez
- Admissions Supervisor
- Office of Graduate Studies
2OnBase Background Information
- OnBase is a software application that
electronically captures, stores, and manages
documents. - The benefits of OnBase include, but are not
limited to - All electronic documents will be in one place
- Faculty will be able to read files anywhere at
any time - There are many modules available our campus is
using the workflow in Financial Aid and now
Graduate Admissions.
3Graduate Admissions Workflow
- Documents uploaded to OnBase
- OGS matches document(s) to applicant and SID
- OGS/OIA makes initial review
- If eligible file released to Graduate
Coordinator/Director - Coordinator/Director assigns file to Faculty
Reviewer(s)/Committee - Faculty Reviewer(s)/Committee returns to Graduate
Coordinator/Director - Graduate Coordinator/Director makes
recommendation and returns file to OGS/OIA for
4Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- The confidentiality of all students educational
records (university transcripts, financial aid
records, class schedules, etc) are governed at
all public colleges and universities by a federal
law - FERPA. - As a staff/faculty, you are a "campus official"
whom the university has determined have a
"legitimate educational interest" whenever you
perform a task that is specified in your
position, description, or by a contract
agreement, performing a task related to a
student's education, performing a task related to
the discipline of a student, providing a service
or benefit relating to the student (such as
health care, advising, counseling, job placement
or financial aid). - As a campus official it is your responsibility
to maintain confidentiality of all student
educational records your have access to.
5Downloading Citrix and Accessing OnBase
- In order to access OnBase you will need to login
to your MySacState account and download and
install the Citrix Receiver. Once the receiver
has been installed, you will then access OnBase
Unity Client from the link on your MySacState
account (under the Sacflow section). - If the Sacflow box does not appear on your
MySacState Login, you may try accessing the
software via www.mycloud.csus.edu
OnBase Unity Client link accessible after Citrix
has been installed
First Download and Install the Citrix Receiver
7You will access My Cloud using your Sac State
user name and password
8Once you have login to My Cloud, please select
the Sacflow Unity Client. You may still have to
Download the Citrix readers for the software to
operate properly.
9Faculty Review
- Once the Graduate Coordinator/Director has
assigned the applicant file to the Faculty
Reviewer(s)/Committee it will move to the Faulty
review queue (GA3). - Faculty will record their scoring and
recommendations and return to Graduate
10Once the applicant file has been assigned to
faculty it will move to this queue
Transcripts and supporting documents may be found
in the Related Items Tab
11When Faculty is ready to review the application,
they will highlight the students name in the
Inbox Tab and select the Review Applicant
12After selecting the Review Applicant button, the
Graduate Admissions Faculty Review Sheet will
appear in the User Interaction Tab.Faculty will
rate applicants based on department criteria and
save the form.
13After the faculty have completed their review
they will click here to return the file to the
Graduate Coordinator/Director