Crisis of Confidence, 1969 - 1980 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Crisis of Confidence, 1969 - 1980


CHAPTER 30 Crisis of Confidence, 1969 - 1980 Web America United and Divided Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong walks on moon Near disaster of Apollo 13 400,000 celebrate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Crisis of Confidence, 1969 - 1980

  • Crisis of Confidence, 1969 - 1980

America United and Divided
  • Apollo 11
  • Neil Armstrong walks on moon
  • Near disaster of Apollo 13
  • 400,000 celebrate Woodstock in 1969
  • Nixon begins Vietnamization -- bringing
    American troops home
  • Anti-war movement escalates
  • Kent State
  • Americans learn more about events in Vietnam
  • William Calley
  • Pentagon Papers

Activism, Rights, and Reform
  • Womens rights see some improvement
  • Minority groups push for rights as well
  • La Raza Unida
  • American Indian Movement
  • Wounded Knee
  • To court black voters, Nixon become concerned for
    civil rights
  • Office of Minority Business Enterprise
  • Nixon impacts Supreme Court, especially with
    Warren Burger
  • Roe v. Wade
  • Court also attacks lingering segregation

The Struggle for the Equal Rights Amendment
New Directions at Home and Abroad
  • Nixon restructures welfare
  • Returns much control to state level
  • First Earth Day is celebrated in 1970
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Clean Air Act of 1970
  • Nixon supports CIA covert actions in Latin
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Nixon visits China
  • Closer relations, ignored Taiwan question
  • Moscow Summit, May 1972
  • Strategic Arms limitation Treaty
  • Détente

Four More Years?
  • Nixon wins victory over George McGovern
  • Watergate Hotel burglary
  • U.S. withdrawal left Vietnam vulnerable
  • 50,000 American dead in war
  • Watergate Scandal
  • Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein investigation
    showed Nixon involved in cover up
  • Nixons resigns, August 9, 1974
  • Gerald Ford becomes president.
  • Yom Kippur War
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  • U.S. support for Israel, bring oil embargo
    against U.S

Presidential Election, 1972
Gerald Ford in the White House
  • Ford in office
  • War Powers Act (1973)
  • Pardons Nixon in September 1974
  • Offers conditional amnesty to Vietnam draft
  • North Vietnam takes South Vietnam, April 29, 1975
  • Americans view Ford as unprepared
  • Helsinki Accord of 1975
  • Jimmy Carter wins 1976 election

The Election of 1976
The Carter Years
  • Carter supports civil rights
  • Nation divided on affirmative action
  • President oversees return of Panama Canal Zone
  • Camp David Accord between Israel and Egypt
  • Anwar Sadat and Menahem Begin
  • Carters finest hour
  • Inflation, high unemployment, and energy crisis
    burden America

The Carter Years (cont.d)
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis
  • Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
  • November 4, 1979, dozens of American taken
    hostage at embassy in Tehran
  • April 1980, rescue mission ended in deadly
  • 8 soldiers dead
  • Carters credibility destroyed

Discussion Questions
  • Examine Nixons policy on Vietnam. How was it
    different than that of his predecessor? Was it
  • What were the details of the Watergate Scandal?
    Why were Americans willing to have Nixon removed
    from office?
  • What were the problems that faced Ford and
    Carter? How did each deal with them?
  • Explain this statement Carters greatest
    achievement and his most abysmal failure both are
    connected to the Middle East.
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