Title: Physical and Chemical Changes
1Physical and Chemical Changes
2What is a Physical Change?
- A physical change alters the form of a substance,
but does not change it to another substance - In most cases, it can be reversed.
Example Melting ice Cutting paper
3What is a Chemical Change?
- When a substance undergoes a chemical change, it
is changed into a different substance with
different properties. (irreversible)
Example Baking a Cake Rusty nail
45 Signs of a Chemical Change
- Color Change
- Precipitation
55 Signs of a Chemical Change
- Gas Production
- Temperature Change
65 Signs of a Chemical Change
- Changes in Characteristic Properties (odor, light
given off)
7Chemical or Physical Change?
8Chemical or Physical Change?
- Rocket fuel burning?
- Chemical
9Chemical or Physical Change?
10Chemical or Physical Change?
11Chemical or Physical Change?
- Disappearing puddle?
- Physical