Title: Jeopardy
Poetry Terms
Q 6
Q 16
Q 11
Q 21
Q 1
Q 2
Q 7
Q 12
Q 17
Q 22
Q 8
Q 13
Q 18
Q 3
Q 23
Q 9
Q 4
Q 14
Q 19
Q 24
Q 5
Q 10
Q 15
Q 20
Q 25
Final Jeopardy
2Question 1
The repetition of consonant soundsat the
beginning of words.
3Answer 1
What is alliteration?
4Question 2
Language enriched by word imagesand figures of
5Answer 2
What is figurative language ?
6Question 3
A figure of speech which uses adeliberate
7Answer 3
What is hyperbole ?
8Question 4
Correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of
lines of verse.
9Answer 4
What is rhyme ?
10Question 5
A concrete thing used to suggest something
larger and more abstract.
11Answer 5
What is a symbol ?
12Question 6
Details perceived by sight, hearing,smell, or
any mode by which oneperceives stimuli outside
or withinthe body.
13Answer 6
What is sensory detail?
14Question 7
Words whose sound imitates theirsuggested
15Answer 7
What is onomatopoeia ?
16Question 8
A symbolic interpretation of writtenwork.
17Answer 8
What is figurative meaning ?
18Question 9
The close repetition of middle vowelsounds.
19Answer 9
What is assonance ?
20Question 10
A figure of speech in which humanqualities are
attributed to animals,inanimate objects, or
21Answer 10
What is personification ?
22Question 11
A figure of speech in which a comparison is made
between twounlike thins using the words
likeor as.
23Answer 11
What is concrete image ?
24Question 12
A rhyme between words in thesame line .
25Answer 12
What is internal rhyme ?
26Question 13
The reflection of an authorsattitude toward his
or her subject.
27Answer 13
What is tone?
28Question 14
A depiction of the structure of end rhyme using
letters of the alphabet.
29Answer 14
What is rhyme scheme?
30Question 15
A partial or imperfect rhyme, oftenusing
assonance or consonance only .
31Answer 15
What is near rhyme ?
32Question 16
Words and phrases that create vividsensory
experiences for a reader.
33Answer 16
What is imagery ?
34Question 17
The repetition of identical consonantsounds
before and after differingvowel sounds.
35Answer 17
What is consonance ?
36Question 18
A figure of speech in which an impliedcomparison
is made between two unlike things.
37Answer 18
What is a metaphor ?
38Question 19
A four line stanza.
39Answer 19
What is a quatrain?
40Question 20
The feeling or atmosphere that awriter creates
for a reader reflectionof an authors attitude
toward asubject or theme.
41Answer 20
What is mood ?
42Question 21
One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two
or more lines usually characterized by a common
pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines.
43Answer 21
What is a stanza ?
44Question 22
A particular arrangement of words inpoetry, such
as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and
number of metrical units in a line.
45Answer 22
What is meter ?
46Question 23
Two lines of verse with similar end-rhymes.
47Answer 23
What is a couplet ?
48Question 24
Verse composed of variable, usually unrhymed
lines having no fixed metrical pattern. .
49Answer 24
What is free verse ?
50Question 25
A lyric poem of fourteen lines, following one or
another of several set rhyme-schemes.
51Answer 25
What is a sonnet ?
52Final Jeopardy
A measurable, patterned unit of poetic rhythm.
53Final Jeopardy Answer
What is a foot ?