Title: Comparison of RiskyProject Professional vs Lite versions
1Comparison of RiskyProject Professional vs Lite
Intaver Institute Inc. 303, 6707, Elbow Drive
S.W, Calgary, AB, Canada Tel 1 (403)
692-2252 Fax 1 (403) 259-4533 www.intaver.com
2RiskyProject Lite and Professional Descriptions
RiskyProject Professional Advanced Project Risk
Management and Schedule Risk Analysis Software
RiskyProject Lite Monte Carlo Schedule Risk
Analysis Software
- Project managers can use RiskyProject
Professional for planning, scheduling,
quantitative and qualitative risk analysis, and
performance measurement of projects with multiple
risks and uncertainties. - Project risk management
- risk register
- risk ranking
- customizable risk matrix
- risk response and mitigation plans
- risk mitigation waterfall chart
- Monte Carlo schedule risk analysis
- works as standalone and Microsoft Project Add-In
- integrated with Primavera and other project
management software - multiple statistical distributions
- replacement for Risk
- Comprehensive quantitative analysis and reporting
- Tracking with risks and uncertainties
RiskyProject Lite is a project risk analysis
software. RiskyProject Lite includes schedule
risk analysis, cost risk analysis, risk register,
risk adjusted Gantt chart, multiple reporting
view. RiskyProject Lite is designed for project
managers without advanced knowledge of risk
analysis theory. With it, you can create a
project schedule or use project schedule from
Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera, or other
project management applications. Once you have
your schedule, just define your risks using risk
register and calculate the schedule to determine
your risk profile.
3Statistical Distributions
RiskyProject Professional has statistical
distributions for all tasks and the project
In RiskyProject Lite statistical distribution are
hidden. You may view Low, Base, and High results
of analysis. Exception Microsoft Project Add-in
4Defining Uncertainties
RiskyProject Professional has interface to define
statistical distribution.
In RiskyProject Lite there is no interface to
define statistical distribution for cost and
duration. You may only define low, base, and high
estimates. Internally it will become triangular
5RiskyProject Toolbar in Microsoft Project
RiskyProject Professional Toolbar
Scatter Plot for RiskyProject Professional Only
Additional Views
RiskyProject Lite Toolbar
Both RiskyProject Professional and RiskyProject
Lite are seamlessly integrated with Microsoft
6Risk Register
Risk Register is the same for RiskyProject Lite
and RiskyProject Professional
Both RiskyProject Lite and RiskyProject
Professional can be used as a client for
RiskyProject Enterprise
RiskyProject Enterprise
RiskyProject Professional
RiskyProject Lite
7Risk DragnDrop View
In RiskyProject Lite you would need to assign
risks to tasks using Risks tab
Risk DragnDrop view is available only in
RiskyProject Professional
8RiskyProject Lite and Professional Views
RiskyProject Lite
RiskyProject Professional
- RiskyProject has additional views
- Project summary
- Cost analysis
- Cash Flow
- Risk Chart
- Sensitivity Analysis (Tornado diagram)
- Success Rate
- Critical Tasks
- Tracking Gantt
- Five reporting views
RiskyProject Lite has fewer analytical and
reporting views.
9Cost Analysis
Cost with Risks
Cost without risks
Cumulative probabilistic cost analysis view is
available only in RiskyProject Professional
10Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis view is available only in
RiskyProject Professional
Baselines (schedule snapshots) are available only
in RiskyProject Professional
12Probabilistic and Conditional Branching
Conditional and probabilistic branching is
available only in RiskyProject Professional
13Cost vs. Duration Scatter Plot
RiskyProject Professional has Cost vs. Duration
Scatter Plot
14Additional Resources
- White Papers and Articles http//www.intaver.com/
index-whitepapers.html - Online Tutorials http//www.intaver.com/index-tut
orial4.html - Project Decisions http//www.projectdecisions.org
- YouTube Channel https//www.youtube.com/channel/U
Contact Details
Project Think Why Good Managers Make Poor
Project Choices
Michael Trumper Intaver Institute
Inc. mtrumper_at_intaver.com 403.692.2252
Project Decisions The Art and Science Introductio
n to Project Risk Management and Decision