Title: The progress of the ECEC Portal
1The progress of the ECEC Portal
- ECEC Network
- 22nd of June, 2010
- Ineke Litjens
- Directorate for Education
- Education and Training Policy Division
2The ECEC Portal
- What is the ECEC Portal?
- The purpose
- Plans for the Portal
- The structure of the Portal progress to date
- Incorporating data and data collection
- Outputs
- Further steps
3What is the ECEC Portal?
- Not a database a portal that points to available
qualitative and quantitative information/data on
ECEC across countries - Includes 8 sections (topics)
- Per section a range of indicators with data for
all countries
4The purpose
- Update the SS II country profiles
- Pulls in and organizes information from different
OECD sources - Includes results from the Network questionnaires
- Provide information/data per indicator for all
countries at one glance (not per country
individually) - One-stop-shop for all OECD data/information on
ECEC and young children
5Plans for the Portal
- One-off project
- Include explanatory notes
- Sector specific information
- Country specific information
- Based upon the information/data collection, gaps
can be identified
6The Structure
Parental and community involvement
Regulations for quality
This information will feed into the Policy
Toolbox, which will include policies and
8Work conditions(2008)Source ECEC Network
Sector Job title Staff turnover rate Average working hours per week Remuneration compared to primary school teachers Remuneration compared to primary school teachers Staff/child ratio
Australia (2006) Australia (2006) Australia (2006) Australia (2006) Australia (2006) Australia (2006) Australia (2006) Australia (2006)
Early childhood education Preschool teacher 8.40 39.4 87 of average wage of primary school teachers 87 of average wage of primary school teachers m
Day care and Family day care Child care manager 16 43.4 70 70 m
Day care and Family day care Child care worker 21.50 37.9 55 55 m
Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada
Quebec Early childhood education Pedagogue m 35 35 56 of average wage of primary school teachers 4-5 year 110 5 year and older 120
Quebec Day care centre Child care worker/ Educator 36.6 32 32 53 0-18 months 15 18 months-4 year 18
9Explanatory sheetIndicator Wf 4 work conditions
- Definitions and methodology
- Explanation of what is understood with work
conditions - Explanation of definitions staff turnover rate,
staff/child ratio a.o. - How these have been calculated
- Why they are included in this indicator
- Key findings (descriptive and visual)
- Comparability and data issues
- Reference to other relevant indicators
- Further reading
10Incorporating data
- Inputs from the ECEC Network questionnaires and
Starting Strong reports - Comparative quantitative data and qualitative
descriptions - (policies and strategies to be included in the
Policy Tool Box) - Other OECD sources inputs NOT gathered through
the Network questionnaires - Mainly quantitative data e.g. socio-economic
information, labour force data, funding and
financing data - From Education database, Family database,
Benefits Wages - Close co-operation with INES, DELSA
11Data collection
- Initial use internal working tool among the
network members with country agreement, online
information publicly available - Presentation - for countries per indicator ? feed
into current work - - The project Encouraging quality in ECEC / the
design of the Implementation toolbox - Analyses on ECEC topics (e.g. curriculum or
professional development), and outcomes of ECEC - Feed into other OECD databases
13Further steps
- Draft questionnaire
- Participation in pilot-run
- Questions/concerns?