Title: Coaches With Clients presents...
1- Coaches With Clients presents...
The Rapid Coaching Academy Professional Coach
Training System Session 7 Mastering Your
Psychology, Part 1
2Follow Up From Session 6
- Did you work on Optimizing Your Environments?
- Idea environment Tips
- 1 Word of the Day from Merriam-Webster
- 2 Quote of the Day
- BusinessInspired.com
- Deepak Chopra We think 4 million thoughts a day,
but 98 of those thoughts are the same day in and
day out. - Mary Allen LifeCoachMary.com
3 Mastering Your Psychology
- Theres a lot of success books out there
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by
Stephen R. Covey - But they dont really address mastering your
psychology - Over the next few sessions, were going to talk
about how to dig deep with clients - Be aware of what is driving our clients goals is
it inspiration or ego?
4When To Start Working With Clients On Mastering
Their Psychology
- Right at the beginning
- Might already identify areas to work on in the
intake form - In the early stages get clients into action in
other ways - Create an action plan
- When something comes up
- Set up expectations
- Thinks dont always work out like we hope they
will - Its part of the coaching process.
- You can success in spite of challenges
5Where To Draw The Line Between Coaching
- If you ever feel over your head about something,
then that might be a clue - Hey, I think you might need therapy.
- Im definitely not a therapist and this seems
like an issue that you might want some therapy
on. - Therapy is a good healthy thing that a lot of
people get and Ive seen a therapist myself.
6What To Say When Youre Not Comfortable With A
New Issue...
- Another clue is when the issue isnt related to
their goals and its not something you feel
comfortable with - You hired me because you wanted to do this, this
and this. Im comfortable talking about this but
I dont want it to distract us from these goals. - Hey, Im really not comfortable talking about
this stuff. Im comfortable with you bringing it
up but I dont feel like I have the tools to help
you. I think a therapist might be a better fit
for you.
7Where To Draw The Line Between Coaching
- If its a big, pervasive issue like lifelong
depression - When in doubt, err on the side of caution
- Do it very softly, subtly, gently
- Have you ever thought about seeing a therapist
about this? - You can add it to your intake form
- There are other options its not your
responsibility to resolve all the issues in your
clients life - The people who are going to hire you are not
likely to have these issues
8Its Really About Personal Growth...
- Everything is really about personal growth
- Everything we want to achieve is for 2 reasons
- The impact that will make on the world
- The growth that will have to happen in order to
achieve it - In order to grow we have to let go of the old
9Be Present
- Be in the moment
- Get present before the coaching session gets
started - Please help me to make the best impact I can on
whomever it is today to help her or him in
whatever way they most need. - If the client needs help mastering their
psychology, where are they? - When you are centered you create an atmosphere
that is calming for them
10Be A Judgment-Free Zone Listen...
- Let them say whatever they need to say
- Give them space
- Listen, listen, listen
- Youre not going to master their psychology for
them - You are going to help them master their
psychology - There is a lot of richness and depth to the
challenges people have
11Richness and Depth
- There is a lot of richness to peoples
challenges. - Its not that its complex, it can be very
simple. - Sometimes theyll attempt something and fail.
12The Patterns Your Client Has
- Pointing out patterns is another way to help
clients master their psychology - Simply pointing out whats happening is powerful
in and of itself - Create a judgment free environment by globalizing
that a lot of people do this - A lot of people do this when things dont work
out. - A greater truth is people beat themselves up.
- Is it helpful to you?
- Awareness in and of itself can be curative
- This is what coaches call a belief system and
this particular belief system could be setting
you up for a lot more struggle.
13Keep Your Radar Up
- Notice their language patterns, belief systems,
energy - Are they avoiding something?
- What else is going on?
- They may be saying something, but then you may be
hearing other things - Indexing saying you and instead of I
14Preview Of Mastering Your Psychology
- Beliefs
- Judgments
- Fears 6 Different Ways to Help Clients With Fear
Issues - Whats driving clients goals
- How to help clients see the greater truth about
situations - How to help clients set boundaries for themselves
- How to deal with doubts and insecurity
- How to assess/diagnosis the clients real issues
- Unconscious tools of influence
15Coaching Tool Working With Fear
- Fear is pretty big, common thing everyone has
- An insecurity is a fear about themselves
- Outwards fears fear of heights, etc
- All fear is a fear of feeling
- Either a fear of physical feelings (getting hurt,
etc) - 90 of fears are fears of something emotional
16Dealing With Fear
- Can you think of a fear that you would like to
resolve? - Talk about the situation itself
- Dig a little deeper, see whats there
- Unconditional Bliss by Raphael Cushnir
- Living The Questions
- Feeling into the Core of the Feeling, by Tom
17The Living The Questions Process
- Whats happening right now in your body?
- When you think about that whats happening right
now in your body? - Can you be with it?
- Notice whether you can really be with the
feeling, or whether your resisting it - Keep your focus on the most intense part.
- Check back in
18When To Use Which Technique
- Give the client a lot of space be willing to
have silence - If youre worried about not creating enough value
- Just be with the feeling until the feeling is
resolved - The more you do this process the easier it gets
- You cant be with it to try to get rid of it
- The ultimate outcome is to feel happy peaceful
- Focus on the most intense part of the most
intense part - Start with something small
- Work with it on your own, then with your trios
20- Coaches With Clients presents...
The Rapid Coaching Academy Professional Coach
Training System Session 7 Mastering Your
Psychology, Part 1