Chapter 8: Scrambling Through Cryptography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 8: Scrambling Through Cryptography


Chapter 8: Scrambling Through Cryptography Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals Second Edition Objectives Define cryptography Secure with cryptography ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 8: Scrambling Through Cryptography

Chapter 8 Scrambling Through Cryptography
  • Security Guide to Network Security Fundamentals
  • Second Edition

  • Define cryptography
  • Secure with cryptography hashing algorithms
  • Protect with symmetric encryption algorithms
  • Harden with asymmetric encryption algorithms
  • Explain how to use cryptography

Cryptography Terminology
  • Cryptography science of transforming information
    so it is secure while being transmitted or stored
  • Steganography attempts to hide existence of data
  • Encryption changing the original text to a
    secret message using cryptography

Cryptography Terminology
  • Decryption reverse process of encryption
  • Algorithm process of encrypting and decrypting
    information based on a mathematical procedure
  • Key value used by an algorithm to encrypt or
    decrypt a message

Cryptography Terminology
  • Weak key mathematical key that creates a
    detectable pattern or structure
  • Plaintext original unencrypted information (also
    known as clear text)
  • Cipher encryption or decryption algorithm tool
    used to create encrypted or decrypted text
  • Ciphertext data that has been encrypted by an
    encryption algorithm

Cryptography Example
Five Key Security Functions
  1. Intended to protect the confidentiality of
  2. Second function of cryptography is authentication
  3. Should ensure the integrity of the information as
  4. Should also be able to enforce nonrepudiation,
    the inability to deny that actions were performed
  5. Can be used for access control

Securing with Cryptography Hashing Algorithms
  • One of the three categories of cryptographic
    algorithms is known as hashing.

Defining Hashing
  • Hashing, also called a one-way hash, creates a
    ciphertext from plaintext
  • Hash algorithms verify the accuracy of a value
    without transmitting the value itself and
    subjecting it to attacks
  • A practical use of a hash algorithm is with
    automatic teller machine (ATM) cards
  • A hash of your PIN is kept on the magnetic strip
    of your ATM card instead of the PIN iteself

Defining Hashing (continued)
Defining Hashing (continued)
  • Hashing is typically used in two ways
  • To determine whether a password a user enters is
    correct without transmitting the password itself
  • To determine the integrity of a message or
    contents of a file
  • A benefit of using a hash value is the password
    itself never has to sent over the media.
  • The hash is not intended to be decrypted, it is
    simply used as a comparison value.

Hash Algorithm Characteristics
  • Hash algorithms are considered very secure if the
    hash that is produced has the following
  • Impossible for two different hashes to produce
    the same hash (collision)
  • Impossible to produce the message from the hash
  • Impossible to produce a desired predefined hash
    value (pseudo-random)
  • Hash algorithm itself does not have to be secure
  • Hash algorithm produces a hash of a fixed size no
    matter what the size of the input

Defining Hashing (continued)
Message Digest (MD)
  • Message digest 2 (MD2) takes plaintext of any
    length and creates a hash 128 bits long
  • MD2 divides the message into 128-bit sections
  • If the message is less than 128 bits, data known
    as padding is added
  • MD2 was optimized to run on Intel-based computers
    that processed 16 bits at a time.
  • Message digest 4 (MD4) was developed in 1990 for
    computers that processed 32 bits at a time
  • Takes plaintext and creates a hash of 128 bits
  • The plaintext message itself is padded to a
    length of 512 bits
  • MD4 was flawed in that it could produce
    collisions and was never widely accepted.

Message Digest (MD)
  • Message digest 5 (MD5) is a revision of MD4
    designed to address its weaknesses
  • The length of a message is padded to 512 bits
  • The hash algorithm then uses four variables of 32
    bits each in a round-robin fashion to create a
    value that is compressed to generate the hash
  • Weaknesses have been found in the compression
    function of MD5 that could lead to collisions
  • Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) is the replacement
    for MD5

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
  • Patterned after MD4 but creates a hash that is
    160 bits in length instead of 128 bits
  • The longer hash makes it more resistant to
  • SHA pads messages less than 512 bits with zeros
    and an integer that describes the original length
    of the message
  • SHA was developed in 1993 by the National
    Security Agency (NSA) and the National Inst. of
    Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • So far, there have not been any weaknesses found
    in SHA

Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
  • Most common type of cryptographic algorithm (aka
    private key cryptography)
  • Use a single key to encrypt and decrypt a message
  • With symmetric encryption, algorithms are
    designed to decrypt the ciphertext
  • It is essential that the key be kept
    confidential if an attacker secured the key, she
    could decrypt any messages

Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
  • Can be classified into two distinct categories
    based on amount of data processed at a time
  • Stream cipher (such as a substitution cipher)
  • Block cipher
  • Substitution ciphers substitute one letter or
    character for another
  • Monoalphabetic
  • Homoalphabetic

Symmetric Encryption Example
Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
  • A monoaphabetic substitution cipher maps a single
    plaintext character to a single ciphertext
  • A homoalphabetic substitution cipher maps a
    single plaintext character to multiple ciphertext
  • A transposition cipher rearranges letters without
    changing them
  • With most symmetric ciphers, the final step is to
    combine the cipher stream with the plaintext to
    create the ciphertext

Transposition Example
  • A M A N D A S I G N
  • 1 7 2 8 4 3 0 6 5 9
  • A P R O F I T W A S
  • A C H E I V E D B Y
  • O U R AC T U N I T

First a key is created and then a number is
assigned to each letter of the key in
alpha- betic order.
This process is known as Single Columnar
Protecting with Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
Protecting with Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
  • A block cipher manipulates an entire block of
    plaintext at one time
  • The plaintext message is divided into separate
    blocks of 8 to 16 bytes and then each block is
    encrypted independently
  • The blocks can be randomized for additional
  • Block ciphers are more secure than stream ciphers
    because it is difficult to tell what the length
    of the actual input is since the input is padded
    to reach the required block size.
  • Block ciphers are also considered more secure
    because their output is more random.

Data Encryption Standard (DES)
  • One of the most popular symmetric cryptography
  • DES is a block cipher and encrypts data in 64-bit
  • DES encrypts 64-bit plaintext by executing the
    algorithm 16 times to create ciphertext
  • There are four modes of DES
  • Electronic Code Book (ECB)
  • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
  • Cipher Feedback (CFB)
  • Output Feedback (OFB)
  • See pages 282 and 283 for their details

Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)
  • Uses three rounds of encryption instead of just
  • The ciphertext of one round becomes the entire
    input for the second iteration
  • Employs a total of 48 iterations in its
    encryption (3 iterations times 16 rounds)
  • The most secure versions of 3DES use different
    keys for each round other versions use only two

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Approved by the NIST in late 2000 as a
    replacement for DES
  • Process began with the NIST publishing
    requirements for a new symmetric algorithm and
    requesting proposals
  • Requirements stated that the new algorithm had to
    be fast and function on older computers with
    8-bit processors as well as 32-bit, and 64-bit
  • AES uses the Rinjdal algorithm

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Performs three steps on every block (128 bits
    16 bytes) of plaintext
  • Within step 2, multiple rounds are performed
    depending upon the key size
  • 128-bit key performs 9 rounds
  • 192-bit key performs 11 rounds
  • 256-bit key uses 13 rounds
  • To date, no attacks have been successful against

Rivest Cipher (RC)
  • Family of cipher algorithms designed by Ron
  • He developed six ciphers, ranging from RC1 to
    RC6, but did not release RC1 and RC3
  • RC2 and RC5 are block ciphers
  • RC2 processes 64 bit blocks
  • RC5 has a variable block size (32, 64 or 128
  • RC4 is a stream cipher that accepts keys up to
    128 bits in length
  • RC4 is used for WEP
  • RC6 also has three different key lengths
  • 128, 192 and 256 bit keys
  • http//

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)
  • IDEA algorithm dates back to the early 1990s and
    is used in European nations
  • Block cipher that processes 64 bits with a
    128-bit key with 8 rounds
  • PGP uses IDEA for symmetric encryption

  • Block cipher that operates on 64-bit blocks
  • Can have a key length from 32 to 448 bits
  • To date, no weaknesses have been found

Hardening with Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms
  • The primary weakness of symmetric encryption
    algorithm is keeping the single key secure
  • This weakness, known as key management, poses a
    number of significant challenges
  • Asymmetric encryption (or public key
    cryptography) uses two keys instead of one
  • The private key typically is used to encrypt the
  • The public key decrypts the message

Hardening with Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms
Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
  • Asymmetric algorithm published in 1977 and
    patented by MIT in 1983
  • Most common asymmetric encryption and
    authentication algorithm
  • Included as part of the Web browsers from
    Microsoft and Netscape as well as other
    commercial products
  • Multiplies two large prime numbers
  • RSA is slower than other algorithms
  • Asymmetric algorithms are slower than symmetric

  • Unlike RSA, the Diffie-Hellman algorithm does not
    encrypt and decrypt text
  • Strength of Diffie-Hellman is that it allows two
    users to share a secret key securely over a
    public network
  • Once the key has been shared, both parties can
    use it to encrypt and decrypt messages using
    symmetric cryptography

Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • First proposed in the mid-1980s
  • Instead of using prime numbers, uses elliptic
  • An elliptic curve is a function drawn on an X-Y
    axis as a gently curved line
  • By adding the values of two points on the curve,
    you can arrive at a third point on the curve

Understanding How to Use Cryptography
  • Cryptography can provide a major defense against
  • If an e-mail message or data stored on a file
    server is encrypted, even a successful attempt to
    steal that information will be of no benefit if
    the attacker cannot read it

Digital Signature
  • Encrypted hash of a message that is transmitted
    along with the message
  • Helps to prove that the person sending the
    message with a public key is whom he/she claims
    to be
  • Also proves that the message was not altered and
    that it was sent in the first place

Digital Signature Process
  • Sender creates plaintext message
  • Generates hash value of entire message
  • Encrypts hash with her own private key
  • Encrypts message with receivers public key
  • Signature is appended to encrypted message
  • Receiver receives encrypted message and signature
  • Decrypts hash with senders public key
  • Decrypts encrypted message own private key
  • Hash algorithm generates new hash to match
    original hash value

Benefits of Cryptography
  • Five key elements
  • Confidentiality
  • Authentication
  • Integrity
  • Nonrepudiation
  • Access control

Benefits of Cryptography
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and GNU Privacy Guard
  • PGP is perhaps most widely used asymmetric
    cryptography system for encrypting e-mail
    messages on Windows systems
  • Commercial product
  • Uses RSA or DH for asym and uses IDEA for sym
  • GPG is a free product that can be used
    interchangeably with PGP and is supported by all
    OS platforms

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and GNU Privacy Guard
(GPG) (continued)
  • GPG versions run on Windows, UNIX, and Linux
    operating systems
  • PGP and GPG use both asymmetric and symmetric
  • PGP can use either RSA or the Diffie-Hellman
    algorithm for the asymmetric encryption and IDEA
    for the symmetric encryption

Microsoft Windows Encrypting File System (EFS)
  • Encryption scheme for Windows 2000, Windows XP
    Professional, and Windows 2003 Server operating
    systems that use the NTFS file system
  • Uses asymmetric cryptography and a per-file
    encryption key to encrypt and decrypt data
  • When a user encrypts a file, EFS generates a file
    encryption key (FEK) to encrypt the data

Microsoft Windows Encrypting File System (EFS)
  • The FEK is encrypted with the users public key
    and the encrypted FEK is then stored with the
  • EFS is enabled by default
  • When using Microsoft EFT, the tasks recommended
    are listed on page 293 of the text

UNIX Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
  • When UNIX was originally developed,
    authenticating a user was accomplished by
    requesting a password from the user and checking
    whether the entered password corresponded to the
    encrypted password stored in the user database
  • Each new authentication scheme requires all the
    necessary programs, such as login and ftp, to be
    rewritten to support it

UNIX Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
  • A solution is to use PAMs
  • Provides a way to develop programs that are
    independent of the authentication scheme

Linux Cryptographic File System (CFS)
  • Linux users can add one of several cryptographic
    systems to encrypt files
  • One of the most common is the CFS
  • Other Linux cryptographic options are listed on
    pages 294 and 295 of the text

  • Cryptography seeks to fulfill five key security
    functions confidentiality, authentication,
    integrity, nonrepudiation, and access control
  • Hashing, also called a one-way hash, creates a
    ciphertext from plaintext
  • Symmetric encryption algorithms use a single key
    to encrypt and decrypt a message

  • A digital certificate helps to prove that the
    person sending the message with a public key is
    actually whom they claim to be, that the message
    was not altered, and that it cannot be denied
    that the message was sent
  • The most widely used asymmetric cryptography
    system for encrypting e-mail messages on Windows
    systems is PGP
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