Title: Americans are Paying the
1Americans are Paying the
High Price of Privatization
Privatization COSTS TAXPAYERS MORE. The idea
that contracting out public services will save
taxpayers money is a myth. When you add up the
true costs of administering contracts,
monitoring results, training inexperienced
personnel, and paying for unexplained cost
overruns contracting out actually costs
the taxpayers more.
Privatization REDUCES ACCOUNTABILITY. Contracto
rs dont answer to taxpayers or to public
officials they answer to their
shareholders. When citizens complain about
privatized public services, the government can do
very little until its too late.
Privatization Eliminates OPPORTUNITIES for WOMEN
and MINORITIES. The Federal Government has
traditionally provided greater job
opportunities for women and people of color
than the private sector. Contracting out public
services eliminates economic opportunities for
these individuals.
Privatization DESTROYS GOOD JOBS. The
Bush Administration plans to privatize 850,000
federal jobs nearly half the federal
workforce. Working families lose good jobs.
Communities lose tax revenue. Public services
get cut as local budgets get even tighter.
Dont wait until its too late! Help Stop
Privatization NOW. Call your U.S.
Representative toll free at 1-888-280-6279 and
your U.S. Senators at 1-800-718-1008. Urge them
to oppose Bushs privatization plan and protect
quality public services for all of us.
Privatization LOWERS QUALITY. The goal of a
corporate contractor is to
maximize profits, and many contractors will cut
corners in order to make more money. Under
privatization, public services have been reduced,
access has been limited and quality has declined.
American Federation of Government Employees,
AFL-CIO 80 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20001