Title: HCSCC Charter alignment
1HCSCC Charter alignment
The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Services Standards (SA) aim to enhance the quality of services developed and delivered to mental health consumers, living in the community. HCSCC Charter
Some of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Service Standards have general application to the HCSCC Charter rights, in particular Standard 8 Organisational Governance and Management covers governance and management functions. Standard 2 Rights Responsibilities support services should uphold the rights and responsibilities consumers, carers and the community. Some of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Service Standards have general application to the HCSCC Charter rights, in particular Standard 8 Organisational Governance and Management covers governance and management functions. Standard 2 Rights Responsibilities support services should uphold the rights and responsibilities consumers, carers and the community.
Standard 1 Delivery of Services includes access, client assessment review, service planning and service transition. 1. ACCESS Right to access health community services
Standard 3 Safety includes prevention of abuse, safety of carers and OHSW. 2. SAFETY Right to be safe and free from abuse
Standard 5 Promotion of Positive Mental Health, Early Intervention, Prevention and Community Acceptance collaboration, networking partnerships, positive mental health, prevention early intervention, community understanding and reduced stigma. Standard 7 Working Together case management, joint assessment and service planning, referral, shared care, networks partnerships, links with acute and community services. 3. QUALITY Right to quality service
Standard 6 Acceptance of Diversity equitable access, cultural competency (CALD ATSI), gender equity, respect for religious beliefs, special needs, use of interpreters and other communication aids. 4. RESPECT Right to be treated with respect
5. INFORMATION Right to be informed
Standard 4 Consumer, Carer and Community Participation consumer participation in care, participation in planning, barriers to participation, advocacy and consumer feedback addressed. 6. PARTICIPATION Right to actively participate
Standard 2 Rights Responsibilities includes right to complaints processes including external complaints bodies. 7. PRIVACY Right to privacy and confidentiality
Standard 2 Rights Responsibilities includes right to complaints processes including external complaints bodies. 8. COMMENT Right to comment and /or complain