Ethics VI: Virtue Theory in Practice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ethics VI: Virtue Theory in Practice


Forges a link between moral rule and rationality. Act Utilitarianism Outline of Ethical Approaches P1 An action is right if it ... Virtue Theory & Abortion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Ethics VI: Virtue Theory in Practice

Ethics VIVirtue Theory in Practice
Ethics VIVirtue Theory in Practice
Rosalind Hursthouse Virtue Theory and Abortion
Hursthouses Central Program
  • Hursthouse seeks to apply an Aristotelian
    approach to virtue theory to the morality of
  • In particular, Hursthouse claims she is not
    attempting to argue that a virtue theory approach
    is the correct approach to the issue, but rather
    that she is simply trying to show how a virtue
    theorist would approach the topic.

Outline of Ethical Approaches
Forges a link between right action and moral rule.
P1 An action is right if it is in accordance with
a moral rule or principle. P2 A moral rule is
one that
Forges a link between moral rule and rationality.
  1. is laid on us by God or
  2. is required by natural law or
  3. is laid on us by reason or
  4. is required by rationality or
  5. would command universal rational acceptance or
  6. would be the object of choice of all rational

Outline of Ethical Approaches
Forges a link between right action and
Act Utilitarianism
P1 An action is right if it promotes the best
consequences. P2 The best consequences are those
in which happiness is maximized.
Forges a link between consequences and happiness.
Outline of Ethical Approaches
Forges a link between right action and the
virtuous agent.
Virtue Theory
P1 An action is right if it is what a virtuous
agent would do in the circumstances. P1a A
virtuous agent is one who acts virtuously, that
is, one who has an exercises the virtues. P2 A
virtue is a character train a human being needs
to flourish or live well.
Forges a link between virtue and flourishing/
living well/ eudaimonia.
Virtue Theory
  • Virtue theory avoids the complaint of circularity
    by specifying right action in terms of the
    virtuous agent, she in terms of virtues, and
    these as characteristics required for eudaimonia.
  • As such, virtue theory is concerned both with
    What should I do? and What kind of person
    should I be?
  • Every virtue generates a positive instruction,
    and every vice a prohibition.
  • The agent may skip emulating some virtuous agent,
    and instead ask herself, If I were to do
    such-and-such now, would I be action justly or
    unjustly, kindly or unkindly etc.

Virtue Theory (contd)
  • The point of emulating the virtuous agent is that
    acting morally calls for moral wisdom, which is
    acquired through experience, and is not typically
    found in youths who have had little life
  • Hursthouse seems to indicate this comes down to a
    familiarity with the subtleties of the virtues.
  • A normative theory which any clever adolescent
    can apply, or which reaches practical conclusions
    that are in no way determined by premisses about
    what is truly worthwhile, serious, and so on, is
    guaranteed to be an inadequate theory. (597)

Some Problems Defending Virtue Theory
  1. The concept of eudaimonia is obscure, but no less
    obscure than the foundational concepts of
    deontology (rationality) and utilitarianism
  2. It is always possible for one to argue that some
    given characteristic (justice, charity, courage,
    etc.) is not a virtuethat it has been rejected
    as such by some culture. Here, virtue theory must
    stick its neck out and say, well, this culture is
    simply wrong, and provide some argument.
  3. Virtue theory will certainly encounter cases of
    unresolvable conflict where some circumstance
    requires following some one virtue and thus
    rejecting another. The same issue seems to
    threaten deontology.

Virtue Theory Abortion
Hursthouse claims not to be trying to solve the
problem of abortion but to illustrate how
virtue theory directs one to think about it.
  • Traditionally, the ethics of abortion focus on
    two issues
  1. The status of the fetus, and whether it is the
    sort of thing that may be justifiably killed
    (e.g., whether it is a person, whether it has
    rights, etc.).
  2. Womens rights (e.g. what they are, and how far
    they extend).

A virtue theory approach eliminates each of these
issues as fundamentally irrelevant.
Virtue Theory Abortion (contd)
  • Whether or not women have total and complete
    rights to their bodies does not seem to be a
    factor in whether they are acting rightly or
    wronglyvirtuously or viciously
  • In exercising a moral right I can do something
    cruel, or callous, or selfish, light-minded,
    self-righteous, stupid, inconsiderate, disloyal,
    dishonestthat is, act viciously. (598)
  • The status of a fetus is an extremely difficult
    metaphysical issue.
  • But to act virtuously would not seem to rely on
    ones having deep metaphysical knowledge about
    the object of ones actions.
  • As such, the answer to such a question cannot be
    relevant to the rightness or wrongness of
  • Rather, what are relevant are the familiar
    biological facts pertaining to abortion.

Virtue Theory Abortion (contd)
  • What we should be asking is, how do the familiar
    biological facts figure into the practical
    reasoning, actions and passions, thoughts and
    reactions of the virtuous and the non-virtuous?
  • What does it mean to have the right or wrong
    attitude towards such facts?
  • What facts
  • e.g. that human parents tend to care
    passionately about their offspring. (599)
  • e.g. that family relationships are among the
    deepest and strongest in our livesand,
    significantly, among the longest-lasting. (ibid)
  • Relevantly, we should maintain the right attitude
    towards life, family, and motherhood.

Virtue Theory Abortion (contd)
  • Obviously, pregnancy is not just one physical
    condition among many, and abortion not comparable
    to a haircut or an appendectomy.
  • Premature termination of a pregnancy is, in
    some sense, the cutting-off of a new human life,
    and thereby connects with all our thoughts
    about human life and death and so is a serious
    matter. (599)
  • Our attitudes regarding the fetus change as it
    develops, when it is born, and as the baby grows.
  • As such, abortion for shallow reasons in later
    stages will be more shocking than abortion in
    early stages, as will miscarriage in later stages
    rather than earlier.

Virtue Theory Abortion (contd)
  • When pregnancy, childbearing, or childrearing
    will conflict with the womans physical health or
    physically demanding job, her seeking an abortion
    cannot be described as self-indulgent, callous,
    or irresponsibleas showing a lack of serious
    respect for human life or motherhood.
  • What this shows is rather that something is very
    wrong with the womans life which makes it so
    hard to recognize pregnancy and childbearing as
    the good that they can be. (601)
  • That is, there is something that seriously
    restricts her from living her life well.

Virtue Theory Abortion (contd)
  • The familiar facts support the view that
    parenthood in general, and motherhood and
    childbearing in particular, are among the things
    that can be correctly thought to be partially
    constitutive of a flourishing human life. If this
    is right, then a woman who opts for not being a
    mother by opting for an abortion many thereby
    be manifesting a flawed grasp of what her life
    should be, and be about. (601)
  • The good of motherhood may conflict with another
    worthwhile pursuit, but where it conflicts with
    either a false, irresponsible, or unrealizable
    goal, failing to pursue this virtue will be the
    wrong act.

Virtue Theory Abortion (contd)
  • One who gets pregnant without the intent of
    bearing a child will usually lack some virtuous
    characterresponsibility, serious-mindedness, and
    so on.
  • As such, even where securing an abortion is not a
    vicious act, the guilt such women often feel is
  • Similar issues arise for men involved in a case
    of abortion.
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