Title: The Magic
1The Magic of Exceptional Customer
Service Leadership
2 Confession There is no Magic
3 Confession There is no Magic Its Doing
Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well
4Lessons From Disney Be Willing to
Change To Remain the Same
5 Organizations That Reinvent Themselves
Doug Lipp
6 Organizations That Reinvent Themselves Will Domin
ate Their Market! Doug Lipp
7Maximize Your Potential
8Maximize Your Potential Overcome the Obstacles
9Maximize Your Potential Overcome the Obstacles
Create the Opportunities
10 The Obstacles
11Obstacle 1 Let The Old Ways Rule
- Old Ways
- Stuck in A Rut
- Weve never done it this way
- Order-Taker
- Im not in sales
- What would Walt say?
13Obstacle 2 Were Soooo Good
14- Soooo Good
- Arrogance
- Complacency
- The One-Trick Pony
15 Obstacle 3 Everyone Else is A
Jerk Incompetent Too Demanding
16- Everyone Else is a Jerk
- Mutual Bashing Contempt
- Robotic / Self-Centered
- Other Persons / Groups Fault
17Obstacle 4 Save Your Way to Prosperity
18- Save Your Way
- to
- Prosperity
- Fire the Matterhorn Climbers!
- Tinkerbell? Whats the ROI?
- Who Needs Training?
- Dont Value Your Value
19 The Opportunities
20Opportunity 1 Communicate Communicate
22- Communicate
- Tear Down the Walls
23- Communicate
- Tear Down the Walls
- Consistency Discipline
24- Communicate
- Tear Down the Walls
- Consistency Discipline
- Words Actions Execution
25Communicate Hire Right
26Communicate Hire Right
Train Right
27Communicate Hire Right
Train Right Treat Right
28Communicate To Achieve Sustain
Your Culture
29Opportunity 3 The World Is Changing Are
30Opportunity 4 Creativity Disney Style Know
Your Customer!
31Opportunity 4 Creativity Disney Style Walk
In Their Shoes
32Walk In Their Shoes From Ordinary to
33Walk In Their Shoes From Ordinary to
Extraordinary Solve Their Problems!
34Walk In Their Shoes From Ordinary to
Extraordinary Solve Their Problems!
Prove Your Value!
35Walk In Their Shoes From Ordinary to
Extraordinary Where did I park my car?
36Walk In Their Shoes From Ordinary to
Extraordinary When is the 300 Parade?
37Walk In Their Shoes From Ordinary to
Extraordinary Tigger Teambuilding