Title: The Glorious God and His Glorious Church
1The Parable That Got Him Killed
Matt. 2133-37
2 33 Hear another parable There was a certain
landowner who planted a vineyard and set a hedge
around it, dug a winepress in it and built a
tower. And he leased it to vinedressers and went
into a far country. 34 Now when vintage-time
drew near, he sent his servants to the
vinedressers, that they might receive its fruit.
35 And the vinedressers took his servants,
beat one, killed one, and stoned another. 36
Again he sent other servants, more than the
first, and they did likewise to them. 37 Then
last of all he sent his son to them, saying,
They will respect my son. Matt. 2133-37
3The Last Days of Jesus Life
4- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
5- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
6- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
7- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
- The praise of the children
8- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
- The praise of the children
- The cursing of the fig tree
9- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
- The praise of the children
- The cursing of the fig tree
- The question of His authority
10- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
- The praise of the children
- The cursing of the fig tree
- The question of His authority
- The baptism of John the Baptist
11- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
- The praise of the children
- The cursing of the fig tree
- The question of His authority
- The baptism of John the Baptist
- The parable of the two sons
12- The Last Days of Jesus Life
- Matthew chapter 21
- Triumphant entry
- Cleansing of the temple
- The praise of the children
- The cursing of the fig tree
- The question of His authority
- The baptism of John the Baptist
- The parable of the two sons
- The parable of the wicked vinedressers
13The Parable That Got Him Killed
14- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
15- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
16- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
17- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
18- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
19- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
- Jesus identified the vineyard
20- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
- Jesus identified the vineyard
- The owners Son identifies the owner
21- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
- Jesus identified the vineyard
- The owners Son identifies the owner
- The first servants and the Son
22- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
- Jesus identified the vineyard
- The owners Son identifies the owner
- The first servants and the Son
- The other vinedressers
23- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
- Jesus identified the vineyard
- The owners Son identifies the owner
- The first servants and the Son
- The other vinedressers
- The explanation of the parable
24- The Parable That Got Him Killed
- Jesus was loved at first, then hated
- What tipped the scales? Luke 2019
- The importance of this parable
- Characters/events in the parable
- The owner of the vineyard
- Jesus identified the vineyard
- The owners Son identifies the owner
- The first servants and the Son
- The other vinedressers
- The explanation of the parable
- The application of the parable
25The Application of the Parable
26- The Application of the Parable
- His plan included all mankind
27- The Application of the Parable
- His plan included all mankind
- Judaism was only until the Seed comes
28- The Application of the Parable
- His plan included all mankind
- Judaism was only until the Seed comes
- Wicked men destroyed miserably
29- The Application of the Parable
- His plan included all mankind
- Judaism was only until the Seed comes
- Wicked men destroyed miserably
- What would you do if wicked men killed your
only son?
30- The Application of the Parable
- His plan included all mankind
- Judaism was only until the Seed comes
- Wicked men destroyed miserably
- What would you do if wicked men killed your
only son? - The why of the great tribulation
31- The Application of the Parable
- His plan included all mankind
- Judaism was only until the Seed comes
- Wicked men destroyed miserably
- What would you do if wicked men killed your
only son? - The why of the great tribulation
- Parable is key to understanding the book of
32- Becoming Part of His Plan
- Believe in Him Mark 1616
- Repentdecide to obey Acts 1730
- Confess Christ Rom. 109
- Baptized to be saved Acts 2216
- Added to His Kingdom, His church
- Be faithful until death Rev. 210