Title: Cognitive Psychology PSYC231
1Cognitive PsychologyPSYC231
- Introduction
- Dr. Jan Lauwereyns, EA619, ext. 5042
- First set of eight lectures
- Goldstein, chapters 1-4
- Introduction
- Cognition and the brain
- Perception
- Attention
3Cognitive psychology historical background
- Something between stimulus and response hidden,
covert - Donders reaction time experiments
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6Cognitive psychology historical background
- Something between stimulus and response hidden,
covert - Donders reaction time experiments
- Thinking takes time
- Separable components perceptual discrimination,
motor selection, etc.
7Figure 1.3 (p. 6)A modern version of Donders
(1868) reaction time experiment. (a) the simple
reaction-time task and (b) the choice
reaction-time task. For the simple time reaction
text, the participant pushes the J key when the
light goes on. For the choice reaction time test
the participant pushes the J key if the left
light goes on, and the K key if the right light
goes on. The purpose of the Donders experiment
was to determine the time it took to decide which
key to press for the choice reaction time test.
8Figure 1.4 (p. 7)Sequence of events between
presentation of the stimulus and the behavioral
response, in Donders experiment. The dashed
line indicates that Donders measured reaction
time, the time between presentation of the light
and the participants response. (a) simple
reaction-time task (b) choice reaction-time task.
9Cognitive psychology historical background
- Helmholtz and psychophysics
- Wundt and analytic introspection
- Countered by behaviourism
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12Rat navigation guided by remote
control The Far Side?
13Rat navigation guided by remote
control The Far Side?
14Talwar et al., Nature, 2002
15Revival Information processing,with the
computer as a model
- Input
- Input processor
- Memory unit
- Arithmetic unit
- Control
- Output
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17Modern approaches
- Converging operations
- Studying behavioural and neurophysiological
correlates - of mental events
- The Davachi et al (2003) experiment
18Davachi et al. ProNAS 2003
- let me tell you a little secret PubMed