Economic Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Economic Models


Chapter 2 Economic Models – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Economic Models

Chapter 2
  • Economic Models

Economic Model
  • The complexity of the real economy makes it
    impossible for us to understand all the
    interrelationships at once nor, for that matter,
    are all these interrelationships of equal
  • The sensible procedure is, therefore, to pick
    out what appeals to our reason to be the primary
    factors and relationships relevant our problem
    and focus on these alone.Such a deliberately
    simplified analytical framework is called
    Economic model.

Ingredients of Mathematical Model
  • A variable is something whose magnitude can
    change, i.e. something that can take on different
    values. Variables used in economics include
    price, profits, demand, supply, cost, GDP,
    inflation rate, investment, and consumption. It
    must be represented by a symbol and not by a
    number, For instance, S 20 represents Quantity
    Supplied or D 40 implies Quantity Demanded. We
    are freezing the variables at specific values in
    appropriate chosen units).
  • Endogenous variables (within)
  • Variables, whose solution values we seek from
    the model. Exogenous variables (without)
  • Variables which are assumed to be determined by
    forces external to the model, and whose
    magnitudes are accepted as given data only.

Ingredients of Mathematical Model
  • A constant is a magnitude that does not change
    and is therefore, the antithesis of that
    variable. When a constant is joined to a
    variable, we call it coefficient of the variable.
  • Y 6X. The number 6 is a constant. Coefficients
    can also be symbolic rather than numerical.
  • Expression aP. The symbol a is supposed to
    represent a given constant, and yet, since we
    have not assigned to it a specific number, it can
    take virtually any value. Like 5P, a took a value
    of 5.

Ingredients of Mathematical Model
  • A parameter is a specified term in algebraic
    equation. For example, in y 3x 2, the numbers
    3 and 2 are parameters. As a matter of
    convention, parametric constants are normally
    represented by the symbols a, b, c or their
    counterparts in the Greek alphabet a , ß, and ?
  • To distinguish between exogenous and endogenous
    variables, we use subscript 0 to the chosen
    symbol. For example, if P is the Price, then P0
    signifies an exogenously determined price.

Equations and Identities
  • In economic applications, we distinguish between
    three types of equation
  • A definitional equation sets up an identity
    between two alternate expressions that have
    exactly the same meaning. For this purpose, the
    identical equality sign ? is used , read as
    is identically equal to , instead of regular
    equals sign .
  • A behavioral equation specifies the manner in
    which a variable behaves in response to changes
    in other variables. For instance, consider the
    two cost functions C 75 10Q
    (2.1) C 110 Q2 (2.2) where
    C is the Cost and Q is the Quantity.In (2.1),
    the fixed cost is 75, whereas in (2.2) the fixed
    cost is 110.In (2.1), for each unit increase in
    Q, there is a constant increase of 10 in C,
    whereas, in (2.2), as Q increases unit after
    unit, C will increase by larger amount.

Equations and Identities
  • A conditional equation states a requirement to
    be satisfied. For example, in a model involving
    the notion of equilibrium, we must setup
    equilibrium condition. The famous equilibrium
    conditions in economics are Qd Qs quantity
    demanded quantity suppliedor S I
    intended saving intended investment
  • or MC MR marginal cost marginal revenue

The Real-Number System
  • Whole numbers such as 1, 2, 3, are called
    positive integers, while -1, -2, -3, are called
    negative integers. Whereas, the number 0 is
    neither positive nor negative. These when put
    collectively put into a single category are then
    referred to as the set of all integers.
  • Integers, of course, do not exhaust all the
    possible numbers, for we have fractions, such as,
    ¼ , ½ , ¾ ,Also, we have negative functions such
    as - ½ , and - ¼ . Together, these make up the
    set of all fractions. Any number that can be
    expressed as a ratio of two integers is called a
    rational number.The set of all integers and set
    of all fractions together form a set of all
    rational numbers.

The Real-Number System
  • An alternative defining characteristic of a
    rational number is that is expressible as either
    a terminating decimal (e.g. ¾ 0.75) or a
    repeating decimal (e.g. 2/3 0.66666.)
  • Numbers that cannot be expressed in ratios are
    called irrational numbers. For example, Pi
    3.14215 which is non repeating, and non
    terminating decimal.

This figure shows all the number sets, arranged
in interrelationship to one another. Its a
summary of the structure of the real number
The Concepts of Sets
  • Set Notation A set is simply a collection of
    distinct objects. These objects may be a group of
    (distinct) numbers, persons, food items, or
    something else. The objects in the set are called
    elements.There are two alternative ways of
    writing a set, namely, by description and by
    enumeration. Example of by enumeration would
    be A apple, orange, banana, tomatoes B
  • Example of set by description would be S
    y y a positive integer which is read as S
    is the set of all (numbers) y, such that y is a
    positive integer

The Concepts of Sets
  • Relationship between Sets
  • When two sets are compared with each other,
    several possible kinds of relationship may be
    observed. Equal sets If two sets A and B
    happen to contain identical elements,
  • A a,b,2,g and B a,b,2,gthen A and B
    are said to be equal, i.e., A B.
  • Subset S 2,4,6,8,10 and R 2,4,6, then
    we say R is a subset of S because every element
    of R is also an element of S. To denote S and R
    in symbols, we say S R S is contained
    in R or R includes S
  • Null set
  • The smallest possible subset of S is a set that
    contains no element at all. It is denoted by
    or .

The Concepts of Sets
  • Disjoint setsTwo sets may have no elements in
    common at all. For instance, X 23,65,98,100
    and Y 32, 56, 89, 1 . These two sets are said
    to be disjoint sets because they have nothing in
    common. Finally, when two sets have some
    elements in common but some elements are peculiar
    to each. In that event, the two sets are neither
    equal nor disjoint also, neither set is a subset
    of the other.
  • X 23,65,98,100 and Y 23, 65, 89, 1

Operations on Sets
  • Although sets are different from numbers, one
    can perform certain mathematical operations on
    them like. Three principle operations to be
    discussed here involve union, intersection, and
    complement of sets. UnionIf A and B are
    sets, then their union A U B, A union B, is the
    set consisting of all elements that are in A or
    B. (or in both A and B). A 3,5,6,6,8 and B
    2,7,8 ? A U B 2,3,5,6,7,8
  • IntersectionThe intersection of two sets A and
    B, on the other hand, is a new set which contains
    those elements and only those elements) belonging
    to both A and B. The intersection set is
    symbolized by A n B, A intersection B . In this
    case, if A -3,-4,5,7,8,9 and B -3,-4, 2 ?
    A n B -3,-4.

Operations on Sets
  • If A 10, 20, 30 and B 11,21,31, then A n
    B F because set A and set B are disjoint
    therefore their intersection is an empty set no
    element in common to A and B. Complement
  • A set that contains all the numbers in the
    universal set U that are not in the set A. It is
    symbolized by . For example, U 1,2,3,4,5,6
    and A 4,5,6, then 1,2,3.
  • Note that the symbol U has the connotation for
    or and the symbol n means and , the
    complement symbol carries the implication of

Operations on Sets
  • The three types of sets can be visualized in the
    three diagrams known as Venn Diagrams
  • In this figure, the points in the upper circle
    form a set A, and the points in the lower circle
    form set B. The union A and B then consists of
    the shaded area covering both circles.

Operations on Sets
  • In this figure, the same two sets are shown.
    Since their intersection should only comprise the
    points common to both sets, only the (shaded)
    overlapping portion of the two circles satisfies
    the definition.

Operations on Sets
  • In this diagram, let the points in the rectangle
    be the universal set and let A be the set of
    points in the circle then the complement set
    will be the (shaded) area outside the circle.

Laws of Set Operations
  • Commutative law (of unions and intersections)
    A U B B U A and A n B B n AAssociative
    law (of unions and intersections)
  • To take the union of three sets, A,B and C, we
    first take the union of any two sets and then
    union the resulting set with the third. A
    similar is procedure is applicable to the
    intersection operation. (Associative law)
  • A U (B U C) (A U B) U C
  • A n (B n C) (A n B) n C
  • Example A 3,4, B 5,7 and C 1,2.
    Left side A U (B U C) 3,4 U 1,2,5,7
  • Right side (A U B) U C 3,4,5,7 U 1,2
  • Hence, Left side Right side Law

Laws of Set Operations
  • The distributive law (of union and intersection)
  • A U (B n C) (A U B) n (A U C)
  • A n (B n C) (A n B) U (A n C)
  • These resemble the algebraic law a x (b c)
    (a x b) (a x c).
  • Example
  • A 9,10 , B 3,4 , and C 5.6
  • Left side A U (B n C) 9,10 U
    9,10.Right side (A U B) n (A U C)
    3,4,9,10 n 5,6,9,10 9,10
  • Hence, Left side Right side
    Law Verified.

Relations and Functions
  • Unordered Pair In writing a set a,b, we do
    not care about the order in which the elements a
    and b appear because by definition a,b
    b,a.We call this unordered pair.
  • Ordered PairWhen ordering of a and b does
    carry a significance, however, we can write two
    different ordered pairs denoted by (a,b) and
    (b,a), where (a,b) (b,a).
  • Example Let t time in minutes and c
    calories burned. We can now form a ordered pair
    (t, c). Then (20, 230) and (230,20) would
    obviously mean different things. Moreover, the
    latter ordered pair would hardly fit any person
    anywhere. Therefore, ordering is important

Relations and Functions
  • Another important example of ordered pair is the
    Cartesian coordinate plane, and dividing the
    plane into four quadrants. In this, the points
    (2,4) and (4,2) are again different. Thus
    ordering is significant here as well.

Relations and Functions
  • Suppose, now from two sets, x 4,5 and y
    7,8, we wish to form all the possible ordered
    pairs with the first element taken from set x and
    second taken from set y. Therefore, we may
    express this Cartesian product alternatively as
    x x y (a,b) a x and b y.
  • Therefore, in our example, it would be x x
    y (4,7), (4,8), (5,7), (5,8)
  • Similarly, we have ordered triples represented
    by x x y x z (a,b,c) a x, b y, c

Relations and Functions
  • Since any ordered pair associates a y value with
    an x value, any collection of ordered pairs any
    subsets of the Cartesian product will
    constitute a relation between y and x. Given an x
    value, one or more y values will be specified by
    that relation. For instance, the set (x, y)
    y x, which consists of ordered pairs as (3,2),
    (3,1), and (3,-4) constitutes another relation.
    Observe that, when x value is given, it may not
    always be possible to determine a unique y value
    from a relation. In the example above, when x
    3, then y can take various values, such as 2,
    1,and -4.

Relations and Functions
  • Domain and RangeThe set of all permissible
    values that x can take in a given context is
    known as the domain of the function.
  • The y value into which an x value is mapped is
    called the image of that x value. The set of all
    images is called the range of the function.

Relations and Functions
  • Example The total cost C of a firm in per day
    is a function of its daily output
  • Q C 75 10Q. The firm has a capacity limit
    of 50 units of output per day. What are the
    domain and range of the cost of
    production? Domain Q 0 Q 50To find
    range, we substitute Q 0 and Q 50 in the Cost
    function to get C 75 and C 575, respectively.
    Therefore, Range C 75 C 575

Types of Functions
  • A function is also called a mapping, or
    transformation both connote the action of
    associating one thing with another.
  • Constant functionsA function whose range
    consists of only one element is a called constant
    function. For example, y f(x) 4 or y 4 or
    f(x) 4.

Types of Functions
  • Polynomial functionsThe word polynomial means
    multiterm and a polynomial function of a single
    variable x has the general form y a0 a1x
    a2x2 a3x3 . anxn
  • Case of n 0 y a0 constant function
  • Case of n 1 y a0 a1x linear
    functionCase of n 2 y a0 a1x a2x2
    quadratic functionCase of n 3 y a0
    a1x a2x2 a3x3 cubic function
  • The terms a0 , a1 are called the coefficients
    of x, and the powers of x are called the

Types of Functions
  • Quadratic FunctionsA quadratic function plots
    a parabola, roughly, a curve with a single built
    in-bump or wiggle.
  • A parabola opens downwards if a2 lt 0 and the
    shape looks like this

Types of Functions
  • A parabola opens upwards if a2 gt 0 and the shape
    looks like this

Types of Functions

Types of Functions
  • Rational Functions
  • A function such as y in which
    y is expressed as a ratio of
  • two polynomials in the variable x, is known as a
    rational function.
  • A special rational function that has interesting
    applications in economics is the function y
    or xy a which plots as
    rectangular hyperbola.

Types of Functions
Types of Functions
  • Nonalgebraic FunctionsExponential functions
    such as y bx , in which an independent variable
    appears in the exponent, are Nonalgebraic.Another
    example of nonalgebraic function is the famous
    logarithmic function, y logb x
  • However, any function expressed in terms of
    polynomials and/or roots (such as square root) of
    polynomials is an algebraic function. Also, The
    more esoteric name of algebraic functions is
    transcendental functions.

Types of Functions
Types of Functions
  • Non Algebraic Functions
  • A Digression on Exponents
  • In general, we define, for a positive integer n,
    xn x x x x x x x x ? n terms. From the
    general definition, exponents obey the following
    rulesRule I

Types of Functions
Non Algebraic Functions
  • Rule II
  • for example,

Types of Functions
Non Algebraic Functions
  • Rule III Rule IV x0 1 ? Anything to
    the power of 0 is always 1
  • Rule V

Types of Functions
Non Algebraic Functions
  • Rule VI
  • Rule VII
  • xm x ym (xy)m

Functions of Two or More Independent Variables
  • So far, we have considered only functions of a
    single independent variable y f(x). Now we
    extend the case to two or more independent
    variables. Given a function z g(x,y)which
    means that given a pair of x and y values will
    uniquely determine a value of the dependent
    variable z. For example,
  • z ax byIn this case, the domain is a set
    of ordered pairs (x,y).

Functions of Two or More Independent Variables
  • Figure (a)
  • The function g is a mapping from a point in a
    two dimensional space into a point on a line
    segment, such as from the point (x1,y1) into the
    point z1 or from (x2,y2) into z2.
  • Figure (b)
  • If a vertical z axis is erected perpendicular to
    the xy plane, there will result a three
    dimensional plane, and the value of the function
    (value of z) is given by the height of a vertical
    line plotted on that point.

Levels of Generality
  • On a more general level of discussion and
    analysis, there are functions in the form
  • y a y a bx y a bx cx2
    (etc)Since parameters are used, each function
    represents not a single curve but a whole family
    of curves. For instance,y a can not only take
    values like y 0, y -1 or y 4. It can also
    take y ¼ or y -10 as well. To attain higher
    level of generality, we may resort to general
    functions like y f(x) or z g(x,y). When
    expressed in this form, the function is not
    restricted to being either linear, quadratic,
    cubic, or exponential.

  • The structure of a mathematical economic model
    consist of a system of equations, which may be
    definitional, behavioral, or in the nature of
    equilibrium conditions. The behavioral
    equations are usually in the form of functions,
    which may be linear or nonlinear, numerical or
    parametric, with one independent variable or
    many. It is through these that the analytical
    assumptions adopted in the model are given
    mathematical expressions.
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