Title: Steps for Success in EHR Planning
1Steps for Success in EHR Planning
- Bill French, VP eHealth Strategies
- Wisconsin Office of Rural Health HIT
Implementation Workshop - Stevens Point, WI
- August 24, 2007
2(No Transcript)
310 Steps to Success
- Define goals that fit into corporate vision
- Gain the commitment of physician champions
- Set appropriate expectations
- Commit to cultural and process changes
- Create a communication plan
410 Steps to Success
- Obtain senior level commitment
- Dont underestimate the impact on the
organization - Create the necessary structure
- Create measurement structure to evaluate success
- Create a realistic timeline and project plan
5Define Goals
- Define goals that fit into corporate vision
- Set clear, measurable goals
- Define a plan of action for achieving the goals
- Determine how you will measure the success of the
goals - All staff need to have one shared vision
6Some Goals
- Provide concurrent access to the medical record
multiple providers - Improve quality of care
- Enhance patient safety
- Support health maintenance, preventive care,
From Organizing your Efforts webcast
7Some Goals (cont)
- Increased productivity
- Reduce hassle factors/improve satisfaction for
clinicians, consumers, and caregivers - Support revenue enhancement
- Support predictive modeling, and contribute to
development of evidence-based healthcare guidance
8Physician Champions
- Gain the commitment of physician champions
- Number one indicator for EHR success
- Involve the physician champion throughout the
planning process - Help the champion to identify and work with staff
resistance - Make sure the champion understands what is being
required of them
9Physician Champion
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Serving as an advocate
- Making the case for change
- Constantly communicating the message in multiple
ways to multiple groups - Being a role model and a facilitator or change
- Understanding and be adaptable to diversity of
10Physician Champion
- Involved throughout the EHR planning and
implementation process - Serving as a mentor
- Working to identify and manage resistance by
other clinicians - Showing other clinicians the value that can be
attained from an EHR
- Set appropriate expectations
- Complete a readiness assessment
- Share goals with staff
- Gather staffs current expectations and utilize
throughout the selection process
12Cultural and Process Changes
- Commit to cultural and process changes
- An EHR is just a tool the process changes
provide the outcomes - Identify hospital cultural concerns and address
in staff meetings - Begin process mapping current processes and
identifying stuck points - Identify how processes may change with an EHR
- Create a communication plan
- Lack of communication is often a reason for
failed implementations - Create a communication plan for the entire
process - Include patients
- Ask staff what they would like to know about the
process, and how would they like to hear it
14Senior Level Commitment
- Obtain senior level commitment
- Identify and support a project manager
- Eliminate administrative barriers to EHR adoption
- Identify and budget for adequate IT support
15Impact on the Organization
- Dont underestimate the impact on the
organization - Staffs current computer skill sets
- Inventory current forms and reports necessary for
moving forward - Time and resources necessary for the change
16MetaStar Resources
- EHR Budget Worksheet
- Process/Benefits map
- Cost/Benefit Analysis
- Computer Knowledge Evaluation Tool
- Forms and Reports Inventory
- Create the necessary structure
- The chief information officer CANNOT do this
alone! - Identify current staff that are interested in the
topic or would be super users - Create a multi-disciplinary team to plan, select
and implement the EHR - Create a meeting schedule on a consistent basis
18Steering Committee Composition
Membership Purpose
Medical director of IS, medical informaticist Coordinates physician EHR processes
Representative of affiliated medical staff Liaison to physician community
Representative employed physician Will be among primary physician users
Representative member of house staff Will be among primary physician users
Other patient care providers (i.e. PA, NP, Nurse) Coordinates nursing EHR processes
Patient Care staff Provides big picture perspective of care processes
Health information management professional Provides documentation and legal support
Chief information officer Primary support for IT functions
Ancillary department representatives Coordinates operational with clinical computing
Others as needed Consultants and legal counsel Chief financial officer Quality, compliance, risk managers Human resources/labor relations IT staff - Unbiased facilitation contractual advice - Financing options and return on investment - Patient safety and quality of care coordination - Impact on staff training - Specifics regarding technical infrastructure
Chief operation officer Executive sponsor
19Measurement and Success
- Create measurement structure to evaluate success
- Create a mechanism for consistent measurement
- Celebrate successes along the way
- Identify quick wins
20Timeline and Workplan
- Create a realistic timeline and project plan
- Identify when each phase will be completed
- Identify which tasks will be completed
- Set goal start and end dates to each task
- Assign person responsible
- Have check-in opportunities
- Be realistic
21(No Transcript)
22Time for Questions
23Contact Information
- Bill French
- VP eHealth Stratgies
- MetaStar
- bfrench_at_metastar.com
- (608) 441-8246
- This material was prepared by MetaStar, the
Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for
Wisconsin, under contract with the Centers for
Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The contents presented do not necessarily reflect
CMS policy.  8SOW-WI-INP-07-113