Title: Jeopardy
Q 100
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Final Jeopardy
2100 Question from H1
This refers to one half of the earth which can
be described in four different ways.
3100 Answer from H1
What is a hemisphere? (Northern, southern,
eastern and western.)
4200 Question from H1
Means connected or touching.
5200 Answer from H1
What is contiguous?
6300 Question from H1
The relationship between a certain distance on
the map and the distance on the ground.
7300 Answer from H1
What is map scale?
8400 Question from H1
Where a river empties into a larger body of
9400 Answer from H1
What is the mouth?
10500 Question from H1
- North , south, east, west
- 2. Northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast
11500 Answer from H1
- What are the cardinal directions?
- What are the intermediate
- directions?
12100 Question from H2
A location given based on other places nearby.
13100 Answer from H2
What is relative location?
14200 Question from H2
This type of map shows natural features of a
given area and can be used to locate these.
15200 Answer from H2
What is a physical map?
16300 Question from H2
Latitude line measuring 0 degrees.
17300 Answer from H2
What is the equator?
18400 Question from H2
180 degrees opposite the Prime Meridian.
19400 Answer from H2
What is the International Dateline?
20500 Question from H2
The global address of an area using both latitude
and longitude.
21500 Answer from H2
What are coordinates?
22100 Question from H3
The exact location.
23100 Answer from H3
What is absolute location?
24200 Question from H3
This shows divisions and areas that are
considered man-made.
25200 Answer from H3
What is a political map?
26300 Question from H3
This is located at 90 degrees north latitude.
27300 Answer from H3
What is the North Pole?
28400 Question from H3
Two names for the lines that measure east and
west directions.
29400 Answer from H3
What are longitude and meridians?
30500 Question from H3
The state located at 33N 112W.
31500 Answer from H3
What is Arizona?
32100 Question from H4
Map Scale 1 inch 250 miles Distance 3 ½
inches Mileage?
33100 Answer from H4
What is 875 miles?
34200 Question from H4
Map Scale 1 inch 276 miles Distance ½
inch Mileage?
35200 Answer from H4
What is 138 miles?
36300 Question from H4
The two names for the lines that run east to
west but measure north and south directions.
37300 Answer from H4
What are parallels and latitude lines?
38400 Question from H4
34 N 73 E
39400 Answer from H4
What is Islamabad?
40500 Question from H4
In seeking longitude, which direction are you
traveling? A).East or WestB).North or South
C).North or West Which is the only Great Lake
completely within the United States? A).Lake
Michigan B).Lake Erie C).Lake Huron
Must get BOTH correct!!
41500 Answer from H4
Answers are.. A. A.
42100 Question from H5
Line of longitude that measures 0 degrees.
43100 Answer from H5
What is the Prime Meridian?
44200 Question from H5
40 N 50 E
45200 Answer from H5
What is the Caspian Sea?
46300 Question from H5
Line of longitude that measures 180 degrees.
47300 Answer from H5
What is the International Date Line?
48400 Question from H5
The five major oceans of the world.
49400 Answer from H5
What are the Indian, Atlantic, Pacific, Southern
and Arctic?
50500 Question from H5
The seven continents of the world.
51500 Answer from H5
What are Asia, Africa, Australia,
Antarctica, North America, South America, and
52Final Jeopardy
The three guidelines to writing coordinates
53Final Jeopardy Answer
- Latitude is always written first.
- B. You must include the hemisphere (direction)
as a label. - C. Add the degree symbol.