Canonical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Canonical Discriminant Analysis for Classification and Prediction – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Canonical

Canonical Discriminant Analysis for Classific
ation and Prediction
Discriminant analysis techniques are used to
classify individuals into one of two or more
alternative groups (or populations) on the basis
of a set of measurements. The populations are
known to be distinct, and each individual belongs
to one of them. These techniques can also be used
to identify which variables contribute to making
the classification. Thus, as in regression
analysis, we have two uses, prediction and
description. As an example, consider an
archeologist who wishes to determine which of two
possible tribes created a particular statue found
in a dig. The archeologist takes measurements on
several characteristics of the statue and must
decide whether these measurements are more likely
to have come from the distribution characterizing
the statues of one tribe or from the other
tribe's distribution. The distributions are based
on data from statues known to have been created
by members of one tribe or the other. The problem
of classification is therefore to guess who made
the newly found statue on the basis of
measurements obtained from statues whose
identities are certain.As another example,
consider a loan officer at a bank who wishes to
decide whether to approve an applicant's
automobile loan. This decision is made by
determining whether the applicant's
characteristics are more similar to those persons
who in the past repaid loans successfully or to
those persons who defaulted. Information on these
two groups, available from past records, would
include factors such as age, income, marital
status, outstanding debt, and home ownership.
Assumptions LinearitySimilar to other
multivariate techniques that employ a variate
(i.e., linear combination that represents the
weighted sum of two or more predictor variables
that discriminate best between a priori defined
groups), an implicit assumption is that all
relation- ships among all pairs of predictors
within each group are linear. However, violation
of this assumption is less serious than others in
that it tends to lead to reduced power rather
than increase Type I error (Tabachnick and
Fidell, 2001). Multivariate normalityThe
assumption is that scores on each predictor
variable are normally distributed (univariate
normality) and that the sampling distribution of
the combination of two or more predictors is also
normally distributed (multivariate normality).
Multivariate normality is difficult to test and
currently there are no specific tests capable of
testing the normality of all linear combinations
of sampling distributions of predictors. However,
since multivariate normality implies univariate
normality (although the reverse is not
necessarily true), a situation in which all
variables exhibit univariate normality will help
gain, although not guarantee, multivariate
normality (Hair et al., 1995).
Assumptions (Contd.) Homogeneity of
variance-covariance matricesWhen sample sizes
are unequal and small, unequal covariance
matrices can adversely affect the results of
significance testing. Even with decently sized
samples, heterogeneity of variance-covariance
matrices can affect the classification process
whereby cases are over-classified into groups
with greater variability (Tabachnick and Fidell,
2001). A test of this assumption can be made via
Boxs M. As this test is overly sensitive
(increases the probability of Type I error), an
alpha level of .001 is recommended.
MulticollinearityAs with multiple regression
analysis, multicollinearity denotes the situation
where the independent/predictor variables are
highly correlated. When independent variables are
multicollinear, there is overlap or sharing of
predictive power so that one variable can be
highly explained or predicted by the other
variable(s). Thus, that predictor variable adds
little to the explanatory power of the entire
Application Areas 1. The major application area
for this technique is where we want to be able to
distinguish between two or more sets of objects
or people, based on the knowledge of some of
their characteristics. 2. Examples include the
selection process for a job, the admission
process of an educational programme in a college,
or dividing a group of people into potential
buyers and non-buyers. 3. Discriminant analysis
can be, and is in fact used, by credit rating
agencies to rate individuals, to classify them
into good lending risks or bad lending risks. The
detailed example discussed later tells you how
to do that. 4. To summarize, we can use
discriminant analysis when we have a nominal
dependent variable, such as to classify objects
into two or more groups based on the knowledge of
some variables (characteristics) related to them.
Typically, these groups would be users-non-users,
potentially successful salesman potentially
unsuccessful salesman, high risk low risk
consumer, or on similar lines.
Methods, Data etc. 1. Discriminant analysis is
very similar to the multiple regression
technique. The form of the equation in a
two-variable discriminant analysis is
Y a k1 x1 k2 x2 2. This is called
the discriminant function. Also, like in a
regression analysis, y is the dependent variable
and x1 and x2 are independent variables. k1 and
k2 are the coefficients of the independent
variables, and a is a constant. In practice,
there may be any number of x variables. 3.
Please note that Y in this case is a categorical
variable (unlike in regression analysis, where it
is continuous). x1 and x2 are however,
continuous (metric) variables. k1 and k2 are
determined by appropriate algorithms in the
computer package used, but the underlying
objective is that these two coefficients should
maximise the separation or differences between
the two groups of the y variable. 4. Y will have
2 possible values in a 2 group discriminant
analysis, and 3 values in a 3 group discriminant
analysis, and so on.
5. K1 and K2 are also called the unstandardised
discriminant function coefficients 6. As
mentioned above, y is a classification into 2 or
more groups and therefore, a grouping variable,
in the terminology of discriminant analysis. That
is, groups are formed on the basis of existing
data, and coded as 1 and 2 or similar to dummy
variable coding. 7. The independent (x)
variables are continuous scale variables, and
used as predictors of the group to which the
objects will belong. Therefore, to be able to use
discriminant analysis, we need to have some data
on y and the x variables from experience and / or
past records.
Building a Model for Prediction/Classification As
suming we have data on both the y and x variables
of interest, we estimate the coefficients of the
model which is a linear equation of the form
shown earlier, and use the coefficients to
calculate the y value (discriminant score) for
any new data points that we want to classify into
one of the groups. A decision rule is formulated
for this process to determine the cut off
score, which is usually the midpoint of the mean
discriminant scores of the two groups. Accuracy
of Classification Then, the classification of
the existing data points is done using the
equation, and the accuracy of the model is
determined. This output is given by the
classification matrix (also called the confusion
matrix), which tells us what percentage of the
existing data points is correctly classified by
this model.
This percentage is somewhat analogous to the R2
in regression analysis (percentage of variation
in dependent variable explained by the model). Of
course, the actual predictive accuracy of the
discriminant model may be less than the figure
obtained by applying it to the data points on
which it was based. Stepwise / Fixed
Model Just as in regression, we have the option
of entering one variable at a time (Stepwise)
into the discriminant equation, or entering all
variables which we plan to use. Depending on the
correlations between the independent variables,
and the objective of the study, the choice is
left to the researcher.
Relative Importance of Independent Variables 1.
Suppose we have two independent variables, x1 and
x2. How do we know which one is more important in
discriminating between groups? 2. The
coefficients of x1 and x2 are the ones which
provide the answer, but not the raw
(unstandardised) coefficients. To overcome the
problem of different measurement units, we must
obtain standardised discriminant coefficients.
These are available from the computer output. 3.
The higher the standardised discriminant
coefficient of a variable, the higher its
discriminating power.
Example Suppose a Bank wants to start credit
card division. They want to use discriminant
analysis and set up a system to screen applicants
and classify them as either low risk or high
risk (risk of default on credit card bill
payments), based on information collected from
their applications for a credit card. Suppose
the Bank has managed to get from another Bank,
its sister bank, some data on their credit card
holders who turned out to be low risk (no
default) and high risk (defaulting on payments)
customers. These data on 18 customers are given
in fig. 1 (File Discriminant.sav).
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  • We will perform a discriminant analysis and
    advise the Bank on how to set up its system to
    screen potential good customers (low risk) from
    bad customers (high risk). In particular, we will
    build a discriminant function (model) and find
  • .The percentage of customers that it is able to
    classify correctly.
  • .Statistical significance of the discriminant
  • .Which variables (age, income, or years of
    marriage) are relatively better in discriminating
    between low and high risk applicants.
  • .How to classify a new credit card applicant into
    one of the two groups low risk or high
    risk, by building a decision rule and a cut off

Analyze Classify Discriminant Grouping
variable RISKL Independents age, income,
years of marriage Statistics Descriptive
Means, Univariate ANOVAs, Boxs M Function
coefficients Unstandardized Classify
Display Summary Table OK Validity of
discriminant analysis The validity of the
analysis is judged by the Wilks Lambda statistic.
This is a badness of fit. It ranges from 0 to 1.
For a good discriminant analysis, it must be as
close to zero as possible (although a value of
0.3 or 0.4 is suggested). H0 The discriminant
analysis is not valid H1 The discriminant
analysis is valid If the actual sig. is lt 0.05,
we reject H0
The value of Wilks Lamba is 0.319. This value is
between 0 and 1, and a low value (closer to 0)
indicates better discriminating power of the
model. Thus, 0.319 is an indicator of the model
being good. The probability value of the F test
indicates that the discrimination between the two
groups is highly significant. This indicates
that the F test would be significant at a
confidence level of upto 99.9.
Wilks's lambda In discriminant analysis, the
Wilks Lamba is also used to test the
significance of the predictors by themselves.
Since the p values are all lt0.05, age, income and
years of marriage are each significant predictors
by themselves.
Box's M Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices
This assumption is tested with Boxs M test and
the results are presented under the heading Boxs
Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices. The
results indicate that the Boxs M value of 5.992
(F 0.793) is associated with an alpha level of
.576. As mentioned earlier, Boxs M is highly
sensitive to factors other than just covariance
differences (e.g., normality of the variables and
large sample size). As such, an alpha level of
.001 is recommended. On the basis of this alpha
level, the computed level of .576 is not
significant (p gt .001). Thus, the assumption of
equality of covariance matrices has not been
Canonical correlation The canonical correlation
is a measure of the association between the
groups in the dependent variable and the
discriminant function. A high value implies a
high level of association between the two and
vice-versa. We can square the Canonical
Correlation to compute the effect size for the
discriminant function.
Checking for Multicollinearity In Multiple
Regression using SPSS, it is possible to request
the display of Tolerance and VIF values for each
predictor as a check for multicollinearity. A
tolerance value is an indication of the percent
of variance in the predictor that cannot be
accounted for by the other predictors. Hence,
very small values indicate overlap or sharing
of predictive power (i.e., the predictor is
redundant). Values that are less than 0.10 may
merit further investigation. The VIF, which
stands for variance inflation factor, is computed
as 1/tolerance, and it is suggested that
predictor variables whose VIF values are greater
than 10 may merit further investigation. For this
example, multicollinearity is not a problem.
Classification Resultsa Classification Resultsa Classification Resultsa Classification Resultsa Classification Resultsa Classification Resultsa
RISKL Predicted Group Membership Predicted Group Membership Total
RISKL Low Rish High Risk Total
Original Count Low Rish 9 0 9
Original Count High Risk 1 8 9
Original Low Rish 100.0 .0 100.0
Original High Risk 11.1 88.9 100.0
a. 94.4 of original grouped cases correctly classified. a. 94.4 of original grouped cases correctly classified. a. 94.4 of original grouped cases correctly classified. a. 94.4 of original grouped cases correctly classified. a. 94.4 of original grouped cases correctly classified. a. 94.4 of original grouped cases correctly classified.
Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients
age .924
income .775
years of marriage .151
The Structure Matrix provides the correlations of
each independent variable with the standardized
discriminating function. Observe that age and
years of marriage have notable positive
correlations with the function, but income is
moderately correlated.
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Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients
age .246
income .000
years of marriage .085
(Constant) -10.003
Unstandardized coefficients Unstandardized coefficients
Let us take an example of a credit card
application to the Bank who is aged 40, has an
income of SAR 25,000 per month and has been
married for 15 years. Plugging these values into
the discriminant function or model above, we find
his discriminant score y to be - 10.0036 40
(.24560) 25000 (.00008) 15 (.08465), which is
-10.0036 9.824 2 1.26975
3.09015 According to our decision rule, any
discriminant score to the right of the midpoint
of 0 leads to a classification in the low risk
group. Therefore, we can give this person a
credit card, as he is a low risk customer. The
same process is to be followed for any new
applicant. If his discriminant score is to the
right of the midpoint of 0, he should be given a
credit card, as he is a low risk customer.
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