Views - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit III - ... Unit III – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Views

Unit III
  • A table that is derived from other tables
  • Considered as a virtual table
  • Does not store data physically

Views in SQL
  • The syntax
  • AS "SQL Statement"

Views in SQL
  • AS

Views in SQL
  • ADV
  • Simplification of certain queries
  • Can also be used as a security mechanism
  • View is always up-to-date.
  • To dispose a view, DROP VIEW is used

Updation in Views
  • A view with single defining table is updatable if
    the view attributes contain the primary key or
    some other key of the base relation.
  • Views defined on multiple tables using joins are
    not updatable
  • Views defined using grouping and aggregate
    functions are not updatable

Need for views
  • Views provide a shorthand or macro capability
  • Allow the same data to be seen by different users
    in different ways at the same time
  • Provide automatic security for hidden data
  • Views can provide logical data independence

  • Principle of Interchangability
  • There must be no arbitrary and unnecessary
    distinctions between tables and views.
  • Principle of Database Relativity
  • User works with a mixture of base tables and
    views called an expressible database.

View Retrievals
  • Let D be a database and V be a view on D
  • V X ( D )
  • Expression X is some funnction on D
  • Let RO be a retrieval operation on V. The result
    of the retreival is
  • RO (V ) RO ( X ( D ) )
  • Thus the result of retrieval is equal to the
    result of applying X to D

View Retrievals
  • Retrieval can be of two methods
  • Materialization
  • Materializing a copy of the relation that is the
    current value of view V and then applying RO to
    that materialized copy
  • Substitution
  • Materialization cannot be used for update
  • Substitution is quite straightforward and works
    well in theory

View Updates
  • View updatability is a semantic issue. Not a
    syntactic one.
  • View updation must work correctly in the special
    case when the view in a base relvar
  • The updating rules must preserve symmetry where
  • The updating rules must take into account any
    applicable triggered actions, including in
    particular referential actions such as cascade

View Updates
  • It is desirable to regard UPDATE as a short hand
    for DELETE-INSERT sequence.
  • All updates on views must be implemented by the
    same kind of updates on the underlying relvars.
  • Rules must be capable of recursive application.
    I.e, updates on views are all or nothing.

View Updates
  • Union
  • Insert Rule for A UNION B
  • The new tuple must satisfy PA or PB or both. If
    it satisfies PA, it is inserted into A. If it is
    satisfies PB, it is inserted into B, unless it
    was inserted into B already as a side effect of
    inserting it into A

View Updates
  • Union
  • Delete Rule for A UNION B
  • If the tuple to be deleted appears in A, it is
    deleted from A. If it appears in B, it is deleted
    from B

View Updates
  • Union
  • Update Rule for A UNION B
  • The tuple to be updated must be such that the
    updated version satisfies PA or PB or both.
  • If the tuple to be updated appears in A, it is
    deleted from A without performing any triggered
    actions and without checking the predicate for A.
    This may have the side effect of deleting from B

  • Union
  • Update Rule for A UNION B
  • If the tuple (still) appears in B, it is deleted
    from B.
  • If the updated version of the tuple satisfies PA,
    it is inserted into A. If the updated version
    satisfies PB, it is inserted into B , unless it
    is inserted into B already as a side effect of
    inserting it into A

View Updates
  • Intersect
  • The new tuple must satisfy both PA and PB. If it
    does not currently appear in A, it is inserted
    into A. If it (still) does not appear in B, it is
    inserted into B.
  • The tuple to be deleted is deleted from A. If it
    (still) appears in B, it is deleted from B.

View Updates
  • The tuple to be updated must be such that the
    updated version satisfies both PA and PB.
  • The tuple is deleted from A without performing
    any triggered actions or predicate checks. If it
    (still) appears in B, it is deleted from B
  • If the updated version of the tuple does not
    currently appear in A, it is inserted into A. If
    it does not appear in B, it is inserted into B

View Updates
  • Difference
  • Rules for updating A MINUS B
  • INSERT The new tuple must satisfy PA and not PB.
    It is inserted into A
  • DELETE The tuple to be deleted is deleted from A
  • UPDATE The tuple to be updated must be such that
    the updated version satisfies PA and not PB.The
    tuple is deleted from A and the updated version
    is inserted into A

View Updates- Project
  • Let X and Y be two groups of attributes on
    relation A. Consider the projection of A over X.
  • INSERT Let the tuple to be inserted be x. Let
    the default value of Y be y. The tuple (x,y) is
    inserted into A. (If no default values exists, it
    is an error

View Updates- Project
  • DELETE All tuples of A with the same X value as
    the tuple to be deleted from AX are deleted
    from A
  • UPDATE Let the tuple to be updated be (x)and the
    updated version is (x). Let a be a tuple of A
    with the same X value x, and let the value of Y
    in a be y. All such tuples a are deleted from A.
    Then for each value y, the tuple (x, y) is
    inserted into A

View Updates - Join
  • Consider the join J A JOIN B where
  • A, B and J have the headings X, Y, Y,Z and
    X, Y, Z respectively. Let the predicates for A
    and B be PA and PB respectively. Then Predicate
    for J is PJ and is equal to PA(a) and PB(b)

View Updates- JOIN
  • INSERT The new tuple j must satisfy PJ. If the A
    portion of j does not appear in A, it is inserted
    into A. If B portion of j does not appear in B,
    it is inserted into B
  • DELETE The A portion of the tuple to be deleted
    is deleted from A and the B portion is deleted
    from B

View Updates- JOIN
  • UPDATE The tuple to be updated must satisfy PJ.
    The A portion is deleted from A and the B portion
    is deleted from B.
  • If the A portion of the updated version does
    not appear in A, it is inserted into A. If the B
    portion does not appear in B, it is inserted into

View Updates- JOIN
  • Implications of the rule for the cases
  • One-to-one
  • One-to-many
  • Many-to-many

Functional Dependencies
  • Let r be a relation and let X and Y be arbitrary
    subsets of the set of attributes of r.
  • Then , Y is functionally dependent on X if and
    only if each X value in r has associated with it
    precisely one Y value in r.
  • It is written symbolically as X Y
  • In other words whenever two tuples of r agree on
    their X value, they also agree on their Y value

Trivial and Nontrivial Dependency
  • A dependency is trivial if it cannot possibly
    fail to be satisfied.
  • A dependency is trivial if and only if the right
    side is a subset of the left side.

Closure of a set of dependencies
  • The set of all FDs that are implied by a given
    set S of FDs is called the closure of S, written
    as S .
  • Armstrongs axioms allow to compute S from S
  • Armstrongs axioms
  • A set of inference rules by which new FDs can
    be inferred from given ones
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