Title: Recent Results of ?(2S) Decays at BESII
1Recent Results of ?(2S) Decays at BESII
- ???
- IHEP, Beijing
- for the BES Collaboration
??????????? ??,??
- ?(2S)????
- 12 rule
- ?(2S)?3-body
- ?(2S)?pn??,pn??
- ?(2S)?????0KK?
- ???BB
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5Events selection and result
Data MCcont.Bg. Cont.Bg. Bg.
6M. Appelquist and H. D. Politzer, PRL34, 43 (1975)
This is the famous (or notorious) 12
712 rule
- 3-body
- Multi-body
- Radiative decay
8?? 3-body
PRD74, 12004 (2006)
9BESII PRD71, 072006 (2005)
?? 3-body
BESII PRD74, 12004 (2006)
10Multi-body ? decays
BESII, PRD73, 052004 (2006)
11Multi-body ? decays
BESII, PRD73, 052004 (2006)
Some modes are suppressed, some are enhanced,
while some others obey the 12 rule!
12(No Transcript)
13 PRD, 74(072001)
14Summary 12 rule
- Facts
- ? ?VP suppressed
- ? ?PP enhanced/supressed
- ? ?VT suppressed
- Multi-body obey/sup
- Radiative enhanced/supressed
Seems no obvious rule to categorize the
suppressed, the enhanced, and the normal decay
modes of J/? and ?.
15- The difference between previous BES-I measurement
and recent CLEOc is significant - According to the hadron helicity conservation,
the angular distribution of J/?,?(2S)?B8B8
satisfy -
Channel BES-I(?10-4) CLEOc
2.16?0.15?0.36 2.87?0.12?0.15
1.81?0.20?0.27 3.28?0.23?0.25
1.2?0.4?0.4 2.63?0.35?0.21
0.94?0.27?0.15 2.38?0.30?0.21
(?(2S)?ppbar) (?(2S)?ppbar) (?(2S)?ppbar) (?(2S)?ppbar)
Theo. Theo. Exp. Exp.
0.58 Claudson et al 0.67?0.15?0.04 E835
0.80 Carimalo 0.67?0.15?0.04 E835
??1 indicates the baryon isnt point-like
16- Ngood charged2
- Two tracks are identified as proton or
anti-proton. - and
- t-t-lt4ns
- ?acollt5o
- Egt0.75GeV
- EE?-3.686lt0.13GeV
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18Angular distribution
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20- PID, 2 of 4 good charged tracks with high
momentum are taken as proton and anti-proton, the
other two are pion. - Secondary vertex finding
- Total energy
- Pmisslt0.18GeV
21Suppressing ??? ?? J/?
22(No Transcript)
23Branching ratio of
The B(???p) has been considered in generator.
24- PID and second vertex finding are same as above
channel. - Pmisslt0.25GeV
- N?gt2
- 4-C fit,
- Determine pair by minizing
25(No Transcript)
26Branching ratio of
The B(????) has been considered in generator.
27- 6 good charged. The two tracks with higher
momentum are taken as proton and anti-proton. The
other 4 tracks are taken as pions. - At least one of 4 combinations
can pass the secondary vertex finding algorithm,
if more than one, the one with the least
will be selected. -
- Pmisslt0.15GeV
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29Branching ratio of
The B(????) has been considered in generator.
30Systematic error
- Track efficiency
- Hadronic interactive model
- Uncertainty of background
- ? vertex finding
- ? decay length
- Kinematic fit
- Energy cut
- Recoiling mass and Pmiss cut.
- ?(2S) total number
31Total systematic error
() 7.1 9.4 13.4 10.3
Results of ?(2S)?BBbar
32Comparison between BES-II and CLEOc for
Channel BES-II(?10-4) CLEOc
3.31?0.09?0.23 2.87?0.12?0.15
3.39?0.20?0.32 3.28?0.23?0.25
2.35?0.36?0.32 2.63?0.35?0.21
3.00?0.42?0.31 2.38?0.30?0.21
- is improved.
- Many intermediate states are observed in
- such as ?,?,K,f0(1710).
- are
studied. - with 4 final states
are measured and our results are very consistent
with CLEOcs. The measured ? value in ppbar
agrees well with one of theoretical predictions.
Thank you!