Bell Work Tuesday 3/25 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bell Work Tuesday 3/25


Bell Work Tuesday 3/25 Look in your book beginning on page 681 and begin reading to find the answers 1. How was Spanish colonial society structured? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bell Work Tuesday 3/25

Bell WorkTuesday 3/25
  • Look in your book beginning on page 681 and
    begin reading to find the answers
  • 1. How was Spanish colonial society structured?
  • 2. How did the Haitian Revolution differ from
    other revolutions in Latin America?
  • 3.) Which group led the quest for Mexican

Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West
  • Chapter 24

Section 1-Latin American People Win Independence
Central and South America
Colonial Society Divided
  • In Latin American society, class dictated
    peoples place in society
  • PeninsularesSpaniards born on the Iberian
    peninsula, they were the only ones able to hold
    high office in the colonial government
  • Creoles-Spaniards born in Latin America
  • Could not hold high-level office but could rise
    in rank in the army
  • Mestizos-People of mixed European and Indian
  • Mulattos-People of European and African ancestry

Revolutions in America
  • Revolution in Haiti-
  • Saint Domingue (Haiti) was the 1st Latin
    territory to free itself from European rule
  • Toussaint LOuverture led the revolution until he
    was sent to a French prison
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared them independent
    on January 1, 1804
  • Haiti means mountainous land

Creoles Lead Independence
  • Creoles-
  • Least oppressed of those in Latin American and
    the best educated
  • Brought ideas of the enlightenment back from
  • The South American Wars of independence rested on
    the achievements of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San

Creoles Lead Independence
  • Simon Bolivar
  • August 1819-Bolivar led 2,000 soldiers through
    the Andes and won a surprise victory
  • 1821-Bolivar won Venezuelas independence and
    marched into Ecuador where he met San Martin
  • Jose de San Martin
  • 1817-San Martin helped free Chile
  • Gran Colombia-The future countries of Venezuela,
    Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador united to form one

Mexico Ends Spanish Rule
  • Miguel Hidalgo-
  • A priest from Dolores who took the first step
    towards Mexicos independence
  • Poor but well educated man who supported the
  • Sept. 16th, 1810-Hidalgo rang the bells from his
    church and called for the rebellion
  • He and his 80,000 man army were defeated

Mexico Ends Spanish Rule
  • Mexicos Independence-
  • 1820-Mexicos creoles feared the loss of their
  • They united in their support of Mexicos
    independence and in 1821gained it
  • Central Americas Independence-
  • 1823-Central America declared their independence
    from Mexico, taking the name the United Provinces
    of Central America

Brazils Royal Liberator
  • Brazils Quest for Independence-
  • Brazil declared their independence without blood
  • They also had help from Portugal's royal family
  • 1822-8,000 Brazilians signed a petition to have
    Dom Pedro rule Brazil
  • He agreed and Brazil received their independence

Bell WorkWednesday 4/01
  • Look in your book beginning on page 687
    and begin reading to find the answers
  • 1. How do Radical ideas differ from Liberal
  • 2. Why did Frances Third Republic fail?
  • 3. What was the driving force behind Russias
    industrial expansion?

SSR Log Wednesday 3/26
  • Please sit quietly with your desks cleared and
    have your pencil/pen ready for SSR

SSR Log Wednesday 3/26
  • Please take two minutes to discuss our SSR
    article with your table mates.
  • When you receive your SSR Meta-cognitive log
    please read the directions and select and circle
    five sentence stems to help complete the activity

Section 2-Europe Faces Revolution
Clash of Philosophies
  • Conservative-Argued for the protection of the
    traditional monarchies
  • Usually made up of wealthy land owners
  • Liberal-Wanted to give more power to elect
    parliament (only landowners could vote)
  • Made up of middle-class business leaders and
  • Radical-Favored drastic changes to extend
    democracy to all people
  • Believed that gov. should practice liberty,
    equality and brotherhood

Nationalism Develops
  • Nationalism-A belief that a persons greatest
    loyalty should be to a nation of people who share
    a common culture and history, not to a king
  • Most who supported this were liberals or radicals
  • Nation-State-A nation with its own independent
  • In 1815 only France, England and Spain could be
    considered nation states

Nationalists Challenge Conservative Power
  • Greeks Gain Independence-
  • 1st people to win self-rule from the Ottoman
  • 1827 France, Britain and Russia helped the Greeks
    defeat the Ottomans in the Battle of Navarino
  • 1830 France, Britain and Russia signed a treaty
    guaranteeing the independent kingdom of Greece

Radicals Change France
  • The Third Republic-
  • After Louis-Philippe was removed from power in
    1848 the new republican gov. was split into
  • One side wanted political reform the other social
    and economic
  • Dec 1848-Louis-Napoleon was elected president
  • He rebuilt roads, encouraged industrialization,
    and ambitious public works programs

Reform in Russia
  • Defeat Brings Change-
  • As the 1850s approached Russia still was behind
  • Alexander II moved the country towards
    modernization and social change
  • He felt this would allow Russia to compete as a
    world power
  • Reform and Reaction-
  • Alexander II abolished serfdom in 1861
  • Gave nobles half the land yet made the serfs buy
  • Nationalism under Alexander III encouraged
    industrial development of Russia

Chapter 24-Section 1 Terms
Chapter 24-Section 2 Terms
Bell WorkThursday 4/02
  • Look in your book beginning on page 692 and
    begin reading to find the answers
  • 1. Which aging empires suffered from the forces
    of nationalism?
  • 2. What role did Garibaldi play in the
    unification of Italy?
  • 3. What advantages did Prussia have in leading
    the German states to unification?

Section 3-Nationalism
Case Study Italy Cavour Unites Italy
  • Cavour Leads Italy to Independence
  • Camillo di Cavour-
  • Prime Minister of Sardinia
  • Felt that the only obstacle to annexing Northern
    Italy was Austria
  • 1858 Napoleon III agreed to help, and Sardinia
    conquered all of Italy except the city of

Case Study Italy Cavour Unites Italy
  • Garibaldi Brings Unity-
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi-
  • May 1860, led a small group of fighter and
    captured Sicily
  • Always wore bright red shirts into battle so they
    were nicknamed the Redshirts
  • Between 1870 and 1886 Italian forces took control
    of Venice and the Papal states
  • The addition of Rome completed the assembly of
    the united kingdoms of Italy

Case Study Germany Bismarck Unites Germany
  • 1815-39 German states united to form the German
  • Although Austria dominated the confederation
    Prussia was ready to unify them
  • Bismarck Takes Control-
  • Otto von Bismarck serves as the prime minister of
    Germany and was considered master of realpolitik
    ( meaning politics of reality)

Case Study Germany Bismarck Unites Germany
  • The Franco-Prussian War
  • Bismarck reasoned that war with an outside force
    could rally the support of Southern Catholics in
    Germany towards protestant Prussia
  • He gave the impression that the French ambassador
    insulted the Prussian King
  • France in turn declared war on Prussia on July
    19, 1870
  • Hunger forced the Parisians (citizens in Paris
    France) to surrender

Case Study Germany Bismarck Unites Germany
  • The Franco-Prussian War was the last step in
    German unification
  • Jan 18th, 1871King William I of Prussia was
    crowned Kaiser (Means emperor)
  • Germans called the empire the Second Reich

Thinking Map-Chapter 24 Sections 1-3
  • Tree Map-Chapter 24 Section 1 and 2 Terms
  • Bubble Map-Nation States in Europe by 1815
  • Brace Map-Louis-Napoleons Accomplishments as
  • Circle Map-The Four Countries that Formed Gran

Chapter 24 Section 1-3 Quiz Review
Chapter 24 Section 1-3 Quiz Review
Chapter 24 Section 1-3 Quiz Review
Chapter 24 Section 1-3 Quiz Review
Chapter 24 Section 1-3 Quiz Review
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