Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou


Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou diordan_at_otenet.gr Department of Communication, Media and Culture Panteion University, Athens Greece Self-confidence What is it? is the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou

Dr. Dimitra Iordanoglou diordan_at_otenet.gr
Department of Communication, Media and
Culture Panteion University, Athens Greece
What is it?
  • is the belief in ones own capability to
    accomplish a task and select an effective
    approach to solve a problem.
  • It includes confidence in ones ability as
    expressed in increasingly challenging
    circumstances and confidence in ones decisions
    or opinions

Self confidence in action
  • People with low SC
  • Avoid confrontation with people
  • Do not trust their judgment
  • Hesitate to try new things
  • Avoid challenges
  • Unable to stand up for their rights
  • People with high SC
  • Trust their opinion even in the face of
  • Are decisive
  • Take risks and try new things
  • Have a presence

Self esteem, Self efficacy, Locus of control
  • Self esteem represents a global self evaluation.
    It is the extend to which people like, respect
    and are satisfied with themselves
  • Self efficacy A persons belief that she/he has
    the ability, motivation, correct self perception
    to complete a task successfully. People with high
    self efficacy have a can - do attitude.
  • Locus of Control a persons general belief about
    the amount of control (s)he has over personal
    life events. Individuals who think that events in
    their life are due to fate or luck have an
    external locus of control whereas those who feel
    that can influence their destiny have an internal
    locus of control. Internal locus of control has
    been associated with better performance and
    leadership positions.

The role of heredity
  • With building self confidence, there are
    two types of influence that are impressed upon us
    in life. There is social heredity and physical
  • Physical heredity is a collection of traits,
    physical appearances and habits passed down from
    parents and grandparents that have a likely
    outcome of designed behaviors in an individual.
  • Social heredity comes from all sources and places
    through which a person obtains knowledge, such as
    school, church, reading, video, story telling and
    word of mouth conversation.
  • Physical heredity is able to be controlled
    more so as it relates to this subject, however
    control of thoughts and action is more likely
    dependent on the effects of social heredity.

Self confidence, arrogance and fear
  • There is a actually a distinct difference
    between self confidence and arrogance.
  • Arrogance is almost always a destructive
    behavior, while a nice dose of self
    confidence can take a man or woman to
    heights almost unimaginable.
  • If you are going to develop self confidence
    you must start with eliminating fear.
  • Fear  antagonizes the human soul. It speaks to
    man telling him, You cant do it -you are not
    strong enough to make the attempt you should
    worry of what others may think you will fail.
  • For those people who can master and eliminate
    fear, they will begin immediately developing self
  • As you continue to push your yourself and face
    your fear, the confidence within you will grow

4A Assess your Core Self - Evaluations
  • OBJECTIVE To help participants assess the levels
    of their core self-evaluation and set goals for
  • ESTIMATED TIME 20-30 min.
  • DESCRIPTION Give participants a copy of the Core
    Self-Evaluations Scale and ask them to complete

4B Case studySteve Jobs. An unconventional
  • OBJECTIVE To help participants elaborate on
    leadership theories and exchange views and ideas
    about ways to apply leadership skills on their
  • DESCRIPTION Read the case study and discuss the
    following questions as a group
  • ? Was Steve Jobs a self - confident leader?
  • ? Which of his behaviors demonstrate this skill?
  • ? Write a short report analyzing his leadership
    style based on the theories you have learned so

Steve Jobs motivational speech at Stanford
  • His life in 3 stories (15 min.)
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vgO6cFMRqXqU

4C Brand Yourself
  • OBJECTIVE To help participants identify their
    strengths and learn to present themselves in an
    assertive and confident way.
  • ESTIMATED TIME 40-45 min.
  • MATERIALS A4 sheets for each participant,
    various magazines, scissors and glues.
  • DESCRIPTION Think of the following questions and
    then create a collage which describes your
    abilities as a person and as a (future)
    professional. Add a tag line to your personal
    brand. You can use pictures from the magazines,
    drawings or any object that can best describe
    your personality
  • Imagine this activity as part of an innovative
    personnel selection process where you apply for a
    leadership position)
  • .
  • ? Identify the primary "product" you have to
    offer to others (service, resource, special
    ability, etc.)
  • ? Identify your core values. What really matters
    to you?
  • ? Identify your passions. What things or ideas do
    you love?
  • ? Identify your talents. What have you always
    been recognized for?
  • ? What do you do better than most other people?
    What skills do people seem to notice in you?
  • (An example of a professional coachs tag line
    A visionary realist to help you discover and
    manifest your dreams)

Developmental activities
  • On the job
  • Find a model of self confidence
  • Get a mentor to help you demonstrate this skill
    in various situations and give you honest
  • Further reading
  • http//www.slideshare.net/shabbarsuterwala/develop
  • http//www.slideshare.net/shabbarsuterwala/self-co
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vD1R-jKKp3NA
  • Film watching

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