Title: Automatic%20Projector%20Calibration%20with%20Embedded%20Light%20Sensors
1Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded
Light Sensors
- Johnny C. Lee1,2
- Paul H. Dietz2
- Dan Maynes-Aminzade2,3
- Ramesh Raskar2
- Scott E. Hudson1
1Carnegie Mellon University 2Mitsubishi Electric
Research Labs 3Stanford University Santa Fe, NM
UIST 2004
2Introduction to Projection
3Introduction to Projection
4Projector Calibration
5Projector Calibration
6Our Approach
- - Embed light sensors into the target surface
- optical fibers channel light energy from each
corner to sensors - USB connection to the PC
- White front surface hides fibers and acts as a
light diffuser
7Calibration Demo
Demonstration of calibration process
8Gray Code Patterns
- Binary sequence where only 1-bit changes from one
entry to the next. - Robust spatial encoding property
- Frequently used in Range-Finding systems
9 Binary Gray
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001
1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101
1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000
10 Binary Gray
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001
1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101
1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000
11 Binary Gray
12 Binary Gray
13 Binary Gray
14 Binary Gray
15 Binary Gray
16 Binary Gray
17 Binary Gray
18 Binary Gray
19 Binary Gray
20 Binary Gray
21 Binary Gray
22 Binary Gray
23Scalability and Robustness
- Pattern count log2(pixels)
- Constant time with respect to of sensors
- Decoding location requires only one XOR operation
per location bit (cheap fast) - Robust against inter-pixel sensor positioning
- Robust against super-pixel size sensors
- Accurate to the nearest pixel when in focus
- Degrades gracefully in under defocusing
- Strong angular robustness
24Angular Robustness Mirrors
Demonstration Video
25Optical Path
Optical path between the projector and the sensor
does not need to be known. Pixel location of a
sensor can be found so long as there exists a
path. Additional sensors in the target surface
can increase robustness to partial occlusion.
26Application Demonstrations
Demonstration Video
27Research Applications
Digital Merchandising, MERL
Everywhere Displays, IBM
ShaderLamps, projector AR, UNC/MERL
28Other Applications
- Cheap, light-weight displays
- Projector array stitching
- data walls
- planetariums
- Redundant projector alignment
- shadow reduction
- stereoscopic displays
- increasing brightness
- - high-dynamic range display
29Trade Offs
- Digital correction inherently sacrifices pixels
and resamples the image. - Image filtering
- Higher resolution projectors
- Pan-Tilt-Zoom projectors (preserve pixel density)
- Optical correction
- Requires instrumented surface
- Not a problem for some high QoS applications
- Removable/reusable wireless calibration tags
30Future Work
- Interactive Rates - Movable Screens
- High speed projection (DLP)
- n-ary and RGB Gray Codes
- Adaptive Patterns
- Imperceptible calibration
- High speed steganography
- Infrared
- Multiple projectors
- Smart rooms
- 3D positioning
31Concluding remarks
- Robust
- Fast
- Accurate
- Low-Cost
- Scalable
- Applicable in HCI and out
- Contact Info
- Johnny Chung Lee
- johnny_at_cs.cmu.edu
Haptic Pen A Tactile Feedback Stylus for Touch
Screens Wednesday 3pm session
Four sensor coordinates are used to compute a
homography (loosely) a transformation between
two coordinate spaces.
- Automatically flips image in the presence of
mirrors. - Works with OpenGL and DirectX matrix stacks for
real-time warping on low-cost commodity hardware.
- Warping extends beyond the bounds of the sensors
(internal feature registration, characterization) - If more than 4 sensors are use, sub-pixel
accuracy can be achieved through best-fit
34vs. Camera Based Approach
- Standard computer vision problems
- Background separation
- Variable lighting conditions
- Material reflectance properties
- Non-planar/Non-continuous surfaces can be
difficult - Accurate registration to world features requires
high resolution cameras - Expensive (and high-speed is even more expensive)
- High-computational overhead (Pentium vs. PIC)
- Rigid camera-projector geometry
- Requires calibration
- Zooming may be problematic
- Not as flexible
- Projector stitching/Redundancy
- ShaderLamps/Non-planar surfaces