Responsibility for Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Responsibility for Safety


... demographic/cultural and economic ... Introducing Change in processes 1 Developing Operational and Social profiles for each of the ... OSD Gender Diversity - ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Responsibility for Safety

Hosted by The Peoples Committee
Agenda Item Presenter Duration Start End
Welcome HSE Induction Younis Al-Hinai (Head HSE Corporate Planning) 005 0800 0805
MSEM Update Mohamed Al-Salmani (Corporate HSE Manager) 020 0805 0825
The Peoples Survey Fahad Al Jabry (HR Business Partner) 030 0825 0855
DI Exercise DI In PDO Najya Al Hinai (Snr. Behavioral Advisor) Fareed Al Harthy (HR Business Manager) 060 0855 0955
Training Development Said Yarubi (TL Strategy Learning) 015 0955 1010
Break Break 010 1010 1020
Process Incidents Classifications Anthony Sipkema (Technical Safety Engineer) 015 10 20 1035
PDO (The good neighbour) Ahmed Sawaei (Head Community Relations) 015 1035 1050
The Thank You Exercise Najya Al Hinai (Snr. Behavioral Advisor) 020 1050 1110
QA / AOB - 020 1110 1120
Closing - - 1130 1130
Welcome HSE Induction
Younis Al Hinai
HSE Update
Mohamed Al Salmani
Safety Performance 2011- 2016 YTD
(No Transcript)
The Peoples Committee
People Survey Results 2015
Training Development
Responsible Business
Leadership Board
The Peoples Committee
Weekly Meetings
2 hour allocation
One on One
Awareness Sessions and Exercises at MSE Q3 Meeting
People Survey 2016
The Peoples Survey
Fahad Al Jabry
  • Engaged workers are the cornerstone of everything
    we do in PDO. We believe that engaged employees
    achieve greater levels of personal and
    professional fulfillment and make a more valuable
    contribution to the Company. Indeed, external
    research has demonstrated a link between
    engagement and business performance higher
    levels of engagement lead to higher productivity
    and profitability, less absenteeism, and fewer
    safety incidents.
  • The PDO People Survey (PS) is an annual
    opportunity for employees to give feedback on
    various aspects of working in PDO. The survey
    results provide invaluable insight on our
    continuous improvement journey it allows us to
    capitalise on our strengths and at the same time
    it helps us identify the areas that we need to
    work on to improve our working environment and
    our business results.

Driving Employee Engagement and Feedback
8107 staff members invited to participate 6128
surveys returned 75.6 response rate, up from
59.4 in 2014

Relative percentage change
Driving Employee Engagement and Feedback
Role clarity and Organisational leadership
1. Clear link between my work and the
organisation's objectives
2. My job makes good use of my skills and
3. I have the resources (information and
technology) that I need to do my job effectively
13. Satisfied with involvement in decisions that
affect my work
19. Where I work, the change process is moving us
in the right direction
33. I believe that leaders in my organisation
tell the truth
34. Org's leadership gives clear picture of org's
35. Org making changes necessary to compete
36. Overall my organisation is well-led
46. Org responds effectively to changes in the
external business environment
Communication and people development
4. When changes are made, communications are
handled well
38. Well informed about my orgs business
performance results
39. Leaders in my org listen when I speak and act
upon my suggestions
7. I have the opportunity to grow and develop
8. Given a real opportunity to improve my
skills in this organisation
25. My team leader gives me feedback that helps
improve my performance
28. My team leader encourages me to perform at my
30. My team leader is personally involved in my
Overall results - TOP THREE DASHBOARD
3 most favourable least favourable items
53. Proud to work for PDO
11. I believe that I am fairly paid for what I do
1. Clear link between my work and the
organisation's objectives
6. Free to speak my mind
54. I would recommend PDO as a good employer
45. Free from harassment discrimination
People Survey Detailed Focus Areas per Directorate
MSEM DI Free to speak my mind Workplace is free from harassment discrimination Hold session on DI topics in Q2 quarterly staff meeting.
MSEM Team Leadership Dashboard My team leader is personally involved in my development My team leader gives me feedback that helps improve my performance Hold 1-2-1 discussions with Staff to discuss performance and development at least once every two months. Introduce weekly HR clinic at both locations (BSM and clinic)
MSEM Operational Excellence Organisation eliminates unnecessary practices in way of achieving results Introduce and monitor Continuous Improvement boards for each section.
People Development In house development/replacement plan for non critical position Introduced bi monthly FLT HSE Capability mapping for non critical position
MSEM People Survey Committee formed, ToR agreed,
meet weekly.
2014 and 2015 People Survey Charity Campaign
14 August 23 September People Survey Awareness Campaign
24 August 23 September People Survey window open
24 August 23 September People Survey response rate monitoring weekly updates to the MDC
11 October People Survey results available
31 December All employees should have received the feedback from leaders about the PDO People Survey results and should have had the opportunity to discuss the results, and offer suggestions for improvements.
31 December People Survey action plans should be in place and integrated in Business Plans

Information on process on the following slide
Or alternative to Business Plan, as deemed
appropriate by the Directorate / team.
Employees fill in the survey Results available through reports Team to have dialogue on results Form focus areas for improvement and build into Directorate/team plans
EMPLOYEE Fill in the survey with honest and open answers Actively join discussion with Team/ Department/ Directorate Leader Speak your mind Understand focus areas for improvement and how you can contribute Provide continuous feedback to leaders on what is going well and what can be improved
LINE MANAGER Inform employees about the survey. Emphasise to employees that their feedback is critical to drive improvements across the Directorate and you are keen to hear from them Get insights from results Seek to unfold narrative behind results Take ownership in having the dialogue with employees on the results. Encourage employees to speak up Form focus areas for improvement and build into business plan Have an ongoing dialogue with employees to update progress and listen to staffs feedback.
HR BUSINESS PARTNER Support your Directorate in Survey preparation Partner with Directorate leaders to get insights from data Advise Directorate leaders in having a constructive, effective and open dialogue with staff Help Directorate in forming focus areas for improvement and give advice on how to feed into business plan Provide coaching for team leaders with low scores
  • It is the Line Manager who is RESPONSIBLE for the
    survey results and follow-up actions. The Line
    Manager is expected to have a dialogue with
    employees directly.
  • The HR Business Partner offers PROACTIVE support
    and coaching to Line Managers.

  • What are the definitions used in the People
    Survey questions
  • PDO  Petroleum Development Oman LLC, i.e., the
    enterprise as a  whole  
  • ORGANISATION  PDO as an organisation
  • LEADERSHIP  The top management team of PDO,
    i.e., the MDC
  • TEAM LEADER  The person (supervisor, manager,
    etc.) who is  accountable for your appraisal
  • WORK TEAM  The team, section or department
     headed by your Team Leader
  • If I submit my response during the survey window
    and I transfer to another department the month
    after, where will the results of my response be
  • Your responses to the survey will be included in
    your former department's results. We create the
    survey population on the basis of an extract from
    PDO People per the cut-off date. This data is
    leading, even though some staff will transfer to
    other departments or Directorates.

  • When is the People Survey Window?
  • The PDO People Survey will run from 24 August to
    23 September 2016.
  • When will the survey results be available?
  • The People Survey results will be available on
    11th October 2016.
  • Do I have to complete the questionnaire?Participa
    tion in the PDO People Survey is entirely
    voluntary. However, we do hope you will take the
    time to contribute your opinions towards making
    PDO a great place to work and a better performer.
    The higher the response rate, the more valid the
    results will be.
  • Some items do not apply to me. What should I
    do?You can answer these items by ticking the
    "Neutral" response if you do not agree with the
    question and also do not disagree. If you have no
    opinion or do not know what this question refers
    to, you can tick the "Don't know / Not
    applicable" response.
  • My work schedule means that I interact with two
    Supervisors/Line Managers. How should I respond
    to the Team Leadership questions?
  • The People Survey data submission follows the
    organisational structure in SAP. You should reply
    to the Team Leadership questions with regards to
    the person (supervisor, manager, etc.) who is
     accountable for your annual appraisal (PPC).

  • Can we reduce the number of respondents required
    to get a Direct Report?
  • In 2016, the number of respondents required to
    get a Direct Report will remain at 6. A key
    factor to the success of the People Survey is the
    guarantee of Data Privacy and for this purpose 6
    respondents is a critical number. If we go down,
    e.g., to N4, the risk that a team lead can
    identify the answer of an employee is very high
    and less people will answer because of the Data
    Privacy/confidentiality risk. We need to keep
    Data Privacy to ensure good quality honest
    feedback from employees.
  • The survey tool does allow for small organisation
    units to be combined so managers of such units
    can get some data.
  • Why is there no space for open comments in the
  • In 2013, it was looked into whether a comment box
    should be included in the People Survey. The
    central Survey Office in Shell looked at what
    other companies have achieved by doing so, and
    also discussed how it could be done in a good way
    internally. There are pros and cons with both
    solutions, but in the end the conclusion was that
    the most important part of the People Survey
    cycle happens in the quality discussion within
    the teams when the results are out.

  • To whom are the results made available?
  • The results will be made available directly to
    team leaders that have 6 or more responding
  • How is confidentiality preserved?
  • A series of measures is in place to safeguard
    confidentiality of all survey responses
  • All survey responses are stored outside PDO.
    Sirota Survey Intelligence is our contracted
    survey vendor and the survey responses are stored
    on their secure computer systems. PDO People
    Survey Team does not have direct access to their
    computer systems
  • Data from PDO People is converted into codes
    before it is passed on to Sirota. The codes
    represent the answer that the respondent has
    given on screen. No actual PDO People data is
    shared with Sirota
  • Survey results are only reported in aggregated
    format a web based reporting system generates
    survey results charts for analysis groups that
    have at least 6 respondents (regardless of the
    combination of demographic codes that was used to
    define this analysis groups)
  • Nobody in PDO will see raw survey data, and
  • No attempt will be made to identify individual

  • How should the People Survey results be used in
    Performance Management?
  • It is relevant to include People Survey results
    for team leaders/managers/supervisors as part of
    leadership development discussions.
  • While the People Survey results can be considered
    as part of a wider performance conversation, they
    should not be taken as a direct metric. It is
    important to be mindful that there could be more
    factors influencing the scores.
  • Will we see any changes to the People Survey
    questions from 2015 to 2016?
  • For the People Survey 2016 we will not change the
    questionnaire, this will be exactly the same as
    in 2015. Consistency is important. A new
    question, or a change in wording to a single
    question, will mean that we cannot track the
    year-on-year trend. It will also impact the
    trending of the Dimension the question belongs
  • PDO has shared feedback with the central Shell
    Survey Office on the 2015 questionnaire. The
    feedback has been evaluated and will be
    considered in more detail for the 2017 cycle.

NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
1 Role Clarity Q1 Clear link between my work and the organisations objectives Your Job
2 Role Clarity Q2 My job makes good use of my skills and abilities Your Job
3 Role Clarity Q3 I have the resources (information and technology) that I need to do my job effectively Your Job
4 Communication Q4 When changes are made, communications are handled well Your Job
5 Operational Excellence Q5 Come up with new and better ways of doing things to improve business performance Your Job
6 Diversity Inclusion Q6 Free to speak my mind without fear of negative consequences Your Job
7 People Development Q7 I have the opportunity to grow and develop Your Job

  • What are the definitions used in the People
    Survey questions

NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
8 People Development Q8 Given a real opportunity to improve my skills in this organisation Your Job
9 Job Resources Q9 I am able to balance my work and my personal life Your Job
10 Job Resources Q10 Level of work pressure is acceptable Your Job
11 N/A Q11 I believe that I am fairly paid for what I do Your Job
12 N/A Q12 How do you rate the organisation in providing job security Your Job
13 Role Clarity Q13 Satisfied with involvement in decisions that affect my work Your Job
14 Employee Engagement Q14 Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job Your Job
What are the definitions used in the People
Survey questions
NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
15 Operational Excellence Q15 Good collaboration across organisational boundaries Your Work Team
16 Operational Excellence Q16 Decisions get made without undue delay Your Work Team
17 Operational Excellence Q17 Continuously improve processes for simplicity and speed Your Work Team
18 Diversity Inclusion Q18 We are treated with respect Your Work Team
19 Organisational Leadership Q19 Where I work, the change process is moving us in the right direction Your Work Team
20 Responsible Business Q20 Everyone takes responsibility for complying with safety rules Your Work Team
21 Job Resources Q21 How satisfied are you with physical working conditions Your Work Environment
What are the definitions used in the People
Survey questions
NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
32 Diversity Inclusion Q32 Decisions leaders make concerning employees are fair Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
33 Organisational Leadership Q33 I believe that leaders in my organisation tell the truth Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
34 Organisational Leadership Q34 Organisation's leadership gives clear picture of organisation's direction Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
35 Organisational Leadership Q35 Organisation is making the changes necessary to compete effectively Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
36 Organisational Leadership Q36 Overall my organisation is well-led Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
37 Organisational Leadership Q37 Overall, I think PDO is well-led Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
What are the definitions used in the People
Survey questions
NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
32 Diversity Inclusion Q32 Decisions leaders make concerning employees are fair Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
33 Organisational Leadership Q33 I believe that leaders in my organisation tell the truth Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
34 Organisational Leadership Q34 Organisation's leadership gives clear picture of organisation's direction Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
35 Organisational Leadership Q35 Organisation is making the changes necessary to compete effectively Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
36 Organisational Leadership Q36 Overall my organisation is well-led Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
37 Organisational Leadership Q37 Overall, I think PDO is well-led Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
What are the definitions used in the People
Survey questions
NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
38 Communication Q38 Well informed about my organisations business performance results Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
39 Communication Q39 Leaders in my organisation listen when I speak and act upon my suggestions Your Organisation's Leadership, i.e., the MDC
40 Operational Excellence Q40 My organisation is customer-focused in what we do Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
41 Responsible Business Q41 My organisation acts responsibly in relation to the natural environment Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
42 Responsible Business Q42 Organisation acts with integrity in dealings with society/community Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
43 Responsible Business Q43 Organisation acts with integrity in dealings with employees Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
44 Diversity Inclusion Q44 Work environment values different views and perspectives Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
What are the definitions used in the People
Survey questions
NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
45 Diversity Inclusion Q45 Work environment free from harassment discrimination Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
46 Organisational Leadership Q46 Organisation responds effectively to changes in the external business environment Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
47 Operational Excellence Q47 Organisation seeks to develop apply new ideas Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
48 Operational Excellence Q48 Organisation has structures to effectively execute business strategy Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
49 Operational Excellence Q49 Organisation eliminates unnecessary practices in way of achieving results Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
50 Responsible Business Q50 Confident that action will be taken if I report an issue Your Organisation, i.e., PDO
What are the definitions used in the People
Survey questions
NO question Dimension Text Asked For?
51 Employee Engagement Q51 PDO as a company to work for, compared to other companies PDO
52 Employee Engagement Q52 Motivated to commit extra effort to help company succeed PDO
53 Employee Engagement Q53 Proud to work for PDO PDO
54 Employee Engagement Q54 I would recommend PDO as a good employer PDO
55 Employee Engagement Q55 Overall satisfaction with PDO at the present time PDO
Thank you for your continued support of the PDO
People Survey.
Diversity Inclusiveness
Group Exercise
Najya Al Hinai
  • What you need to do
  • On a piece of paper, in big bold letters write
    down a personal DI experience you faced in less
    than 5 words. (e.g. racism, age discrimination,
    harassment etc)
  • Do not write your name, reference indicator, or
    department on the paper.
  • Place your paper face down in the middle of your

Fareed Al Harthy
DI Journey
Diversity Inclusion A business imperative
supported by a formal governance structure, focus
areas and action plans, program owned by PCD
driven by business champions
Governance - Support Structure
MDC Sub-committee
Monitor DI performance, provide steer and
feedback to MDC.
Central DI Ambassador. Drive DI agenda through
strategy development, priority setting, decision
making, implementation and execution.
DI Officer
HR Business Partners
Ensure awareness and involvement of Leaders in
the execution of DI initiatives. Influence
execute DI strategy.
DI Team, Supervisors
Provide input and advice on as well influence
direction of DI agenda. Identify barriers and
solutions to leverage and unlock the full
potential of DI.
DI Committee Mandate
The DI Committee shall act collectively, representing the MDC to review and approve strategy and policies related to the governance and assurance of DI initiatives and journey in PDO, and establish consistency by deciding on clear boundaries/rules in the application of the same. The meeting quorum requires the Chairman, and at least 3 Directors (representing an acceptable majority), to be present. Pre-reading and agenda is issued at least 2 working days prior to the meeting convening. Draft minutes will be circulated within 5 working days after the meeting. If no comment is received, it will be deemed final. All minutes will be kept in a shared repository for members to access. KPI measures will be defined and agreed by the 2nd Committee meeting.
Represents MDC in providing full approval and steer on strategies, policy, governing guidelines, methodology, processes and implementation plans that affect DI Journey in PDO. Reviews and decides on new initiatives or changes in DI plans. Reviews and recommends corrective action to issues faced. Ensures decision and steer are aligned to PDOs strategic focus and goals. Demonstrates cabinet responsibility for decisions made and ensures their compliance. Acts as a sounding board for major proposals or collection point for critical DI information. Reviews and monitors DI performance
The DI Committee meets once every quarter under the chairmanship of MD. MD as Chair, will report via email (and via other channels deemed appropriate) the highlights of DI Committee decisions to non-members. Supporting material is provided if required.
2015 Gender Comparison
In 2015, female respondents score more
favourably than their male colleagues on two
dimensions and less favourably on seven
In 2015, 694 women and 5.434 men responded to
the People Survey, up from 489 and 3.453 in 2014,
2015 Gender Comparison DI
Women and mens perception of DI in the
workplace differ notably when it comes to feeling
free to speak ones mind (?7), fairness of
decisions (?6) and most significantly with
regards to the workplace being free from
harassment and discrimination (?15), .
Awareness Education
DI Lunch Learn
Targeted Groups
More Together
The working Together Communication Campaign
Awareness - DI Web Page
5 Year outlook
Governance Standard Assurance Communication
Leadership Expectations Driving Behavioral
Change Resources Tools
Integrate Embed in People Processes Accountabil
ity for Action/Results
Culture Change Recognised Internally
Externally as DI leader
Case for Action Leadership Engagement
Awareness Stage
Hardwiring Stage
Ownership Stage
Leading Edge Stage
Back Up
Definition of Harassment Harassment is any form
of action, conduct or behavior which is
considered unwelcome, intimidating, upsetting,
offensive, embarrassing or humiliating by the
receiver. It is the impact of the behavior that
is the key point in deciding whether any
harassment has occurred.
(No Transcript)
2014-2015 Trend Female Staff
In 2015, 694 women responded to the People
Survey, up from 489 in 2014.
In 2015, we observe improvements on 6 out of 9
nine dimensions.
In 2015, a new question was introduced as part
of the Communication dimension. It is this new
question which drives the decrease. The
like-for-like comparison show a Communication
score of 66 in 2014 and 65 in 2015.
10 Minute Break
Training Development
Said Al Yarubi
  • Organization Chart
  • Stakeholders
  • What do we do ?
  • Some statistics
  • 2015/2016 efforts achievements
  • 2017 LN Master Plan
  • LN Process engagement

Organization Chart
Technical Training TOP
Non Technical Training
IT Support Team
ME Hub
HSE Training
Graduate Program
Wells learning Centre
Continuously Improve (CI)
  • Collect Evaluation
  • Analyze Trends
  • Feedback results to LSAs and training focal
  • Communicate Trends and Patterns
  • Evaluate Training Effectiveness and improve
    design if needed
  • Feedback to both delivery and planning

Historical Training Statistics
2015 Efforts Achievements
  • 7 reduction (USD 2 Million ) on overseas courses
    for mature staff
  • Additional  PCL efforts were made for cost
  • Applied a 10 reduction on the vendor agreements.
  • Negotiated with the training providers
  • Shifted some of the courses to  other vendors at
    a better cost
  • Replaced overseas vendors with local vendors such
    as Gutech
  • Replaced imported courses with in-house using PDO
  • Maximized in house delivery where possible.
  • Above combined contributed to a total saving of
    USD 3.4 Million
  • Total efforts mounts to USD 5.4 Million

Started in 2016 will continuously improve
  • New TOP Strategy ongoing work on PCL Strategy
    to further develop GDP establish 70-20-10
  • As an improvement majority of leadership courses
    will be run in-house.
  • Constrain all overseas to graduates
  • Will consider the overseas course for
    alternatives such as educational weeks
  • PSCM courses majority will be run in the field
  • Significant savings by optimal utilization of
    Wells Learning Centre (2015 around 1 Million USD
    savings were made)

Cooperate Learning Needs Establishment Process

Follow procedures attend training
Individuals /Graduates
  • Discuss GDP/CBD framework with supervisor CFDH
  • Define submit LN based on gaps against LLDs and
    Expected Times

Validate individual needs against LLD and
business needs
  • Upload approved Learning Needs in SAP/LiveLink
  • Communicate to staff/ GDCs of approved Training
  • Facilitate inclusion of SMART goals for GDP in
    staff PPCs

Compile Validate functional needs against LLDs,
training history and available budget
  • Challenge functional training requests align
    corporate competence profiles LN against
    corporate business needs
  • Inform GDCs on Final List of Courses vs Names and
    expected number of new recruits (aligned with
    approved Development Agreements)

Communicate to Staff on LN Submission
  • Send Invitation to participants
  • Confirm registration, fees PO with vendors

Kick-off Learning Needs (LN) Plan Process
  • Register participant attendance in SAP System
  • Track and report progress

Build Integrated LN
Proforma Endorsement Submit Shell DRB
Update Graduate LLDs Pass-on to Stakeholders
  • Allocate Candidates for mandatory courses
  • QC Master LN List vs Master GDP Tracking List

Endorse updated LN vs competence requirements
with CFDHs
Functional Director CFDH /DL
Update and align Learning Ladders (LLDs) with
corporate competence requirements
Sign-Off Learning Needs with delivery model cost
2017 LN Engagement
  • Thank you

Process Incidents Classification
Anthony Sipkema
Definition Overview
  • PDO classifies AI-PS incidents using the
    international practice of API/OGP.

Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) - An unplanned
or uncontrolled release of any material from
primary containment, including non-toxic and
non-flammable materials (e.g. Steam, nitrogen,
compressed CO2 or compressed air). For drilling
operations, any unplanned or uncontrolled release
to the surface (seabed or ground level) should be
included. An unplanned or uncontrolled release
is an LOPC irrespective of whether the material
is released into the environment, or into
secondary containment, or into another primary
containment not intended to contain the material
released under normal operating conditions.
Tier 1 2 Definitions
Tier 1 Process Safety Event is an LOPC with
consequence. It is an unplanned or uncontrolled
release of any material, including non-toxic and
non-flammable materials, from a process that
results in consequences as listed, per the API
754 Guide. Tier 2 Process Safety Event is an
LOPC with consequence. It is an unplanned or
uncontrolled release of any material, including
non-toxic and non-flammable materials, from a
process that results in consequences per the API
754 Guide. As an approximation Tier 2 events are
roughly an order of magnitude lower impact than
Tier 1 Process Safety Events All other events
are classified as LOPC events.
Example Thresholds for Tier 1
Product Units TIER-1 outdoor TIER-2 outdoor
Crude Kg 1000 100
Condensate Kg 1000 100
LPG Kg 500 50
Gasoline kg 1000 100
Diesel/ Fuel oil/ Kerosene Kg 2000 200
Jet Fuel kg 1000 100
Oil Based Drilling mud Kg N/A 1000
DIPA / amines kg 500 50
TEG/ glycol kg N/A 1000
Natural gas/ methane Kg 500 50
Nitrogen Kg 2000 200
H2S Kg 25 2.5
Note Releases are measured per hour where info
available (otherwise on reported volume)
From Global Upstream OGP/API PSE Classification
Guide 2015
PDO 1st half year Comparison
Less events reported in 2016. Consistent across
2016 Tier 1 Events
1 Harweel ZAZ-10 (11 Jan 16)
2 QA MOL leak (25 Feb 16)
3 Sadad Fire (5 Jun 16)
Release of 820m3 oil from coupon pit due to
failure of coupon plug fitting. Significant
pollution around QA facility. Potential 2
fatalities and 20000m3 spill ER exposure of
ignition and further fatalities/injuries. Wear of
thread in access fitting to point of failure to
hold plug in pipe.
Un-ignited release of 45kg H2S during well clean
up activity. Exposure to staff and surrounding
area. Incorrect flare design and non-compliance
to standards.
Fire at LLRTP. Ignition took place while breaking
the LLRTP coupling. Significant damage and one
person injured (MTC) Potential fatalities
2016 Tier 2 Events
PDO The Good Neighbor
Ahmed Sawaei
Corporate Synopsis PDO Vision
To be renowned and respected for the excellence
of our people and the value we create for Oman
and all our stakeholders

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Corporate Synopsis Milestones
1937 Sultan Said bin Taimur grants a 75 year concession to the Iraq Petroleum Company which set up a subsidiary- Petroeluem Development Oman Dhofar Ltd. to manage the operation.
1956 First exploration well is drilled it was dry
1962 After Drilling several more dry wells, Petroleum Development (Oman) finally strikes oil at Yibal.
1963-64 Natih Fahud fields are also discovered an oil-producing nation is born.
1966 A power plant is constructed at Fahud, a pipeline to the coast is laid and an industrial complex at Saih Al Maleh (later Mina Al-fahal) was built.
1967 The first export cargo of Omani oil- 543,800 barrels- is loaded onto a tanker.
1969 Dhofar is regained as part of the companys concession.
1974 The Government acquires a 60 stake in the company.
1975-76 Central Oman oil fields are brought on stream, raising oil production to an average of 341,000 barrels per day.
1978 On behalf of the government , the Company constructs a gas pipeline from the Yibal field to the coast, fueling a power and desalination plant at Al Ghubrah.
1980 The Company is registered by Royal Decree as a limited liability company under the name of Petroleum Development Oman and its ammonite logo is introduced.
1981 The Marmul field which proved to be commercially viable upon reappraisal, is brought on stream, realizing the oil-production potential of South Oman.
1991 Major gas discoveries are made at Saih Rawl and Barik in Central Oman.
1996 The Company takes on the responsibility for delivery of gas from the Central Oman fields to a liquefied natural gas plant near Sur for a period of 25 years.
1998 The Company launches its local community contractors initiative to support the development of companies within its concession area, thereby promoting economic growth.
1999 The Central Processing Plant at Saih Rawl and the gas pipeline from Saih Rawl to Oman Liquefied Natural Gas Plant at Qalhat are commissioned.
2002 The Company embarks on a long term strategy to grow its oil production on the basis of enhanced oil recovery projects.
2004 New 40-year concession and shareholder agreements are signed.
2007 The Company celebrates its 40th year of exporting oil. Also the discovery of the Budour Northeast oil field announced and the contracts for two enhanced oil recovery projects, at Qarn Alam and Marmul were awarded.
2008 30th Anniversary of Gas production.
2010 The Companys first full-scale enhanced oil recovery project completed in Marmul using polymer.

Corporate Synopsis Shareholding Concession

Oil Shareholding
Upstream Gas Shareholding
100 Government
Corporate Synopsis PDO Dimension
Oil Production 2010 (kb/d)
553 Govt. Gas/condensate Production 2010
(MMm3/d) 95 Number of
producing fields
126 Number of producing wells

30 Rigs, over 100 well delivery units Number of
Omani Staff 5000 Number of
Contractor Staff 35,000 Number of
airports 3 Export
pipelines gt 3000 km
Hard-topped roads gt
1100 km Graded roads
gt 6000 km
  • Community Relations

Community Relations
Who are we!
  • 7 Offices (Muscat Interior)
  • Fahud
  • Qarn Alam
  • Bahja
  • Nimr
  • Marmul
  • Harweel
  • 45 staff as of today
  • MAF 4
  • CROs 12
  • Assistant CROs 9
  • Drivers 5
  • WWGs 15

Traditional CR work
Traditional CR work
  • Act as face of company with community and
    represent it with local authorities.
  • Propose community projects and receive community
    requests and grievances.
  • Water delivery to north and south communities
    costing USD5m.
  • Grading of Civil Roads as per schedule USD0.5m.
  • Watchmen Recruitment average of 1 thousand per
  • Land allocation in concession in cooperation with
    Ministry of Housing as per CP141.
  • Resolution of issue with community e.g. seismic,
  • Stakeholder engagement to support community,
    resolve issues and follow up community programmes
    and projects.
  • Act as HR and Finance in interior (imprest,
    salaries, leave calculation etc).

Is there a Case for Change?
  • Recognizing Changing Environment post 2011
  • 1. Strategy Workshop April 2014 when we
  • Learned of leadership expectations.
  • How does CR contribute to PDO vision.
  • Undertook analysis of socio/economic data.
  • Applied analysis tools on available identified
  • Engaged external stakeholders.
  • Recognized the case for change.
  • Developed CR vision and Strategy.

Summary of the Case for Change We live in a
changing and challenging world. The political,
legal, demographic/cultural and economic
variables have certainly changed, PDO operations
are progressing and new projects are constructed.
On the other hand, there are established CR
legacies in services and style of engagement that
are untouched with some efforts here and there.
These demand a revisit of practices, processes
and uplift of PDO engagement with the local
community and authorities coupled with an
investment in the resources and position of CR to
manage the role expected in the next era.
To achieve Change
  • Developing PDO CR Strategy 2014 approved by MD
    focusing on 4 main blocks.
  • Change in mindset Building EVC team capability
    to achieve SP excellence. An educated team that
    can learn and act as the agent of change.
    Compared to 1 Graduate CRO in 2011, EVC now
    includes 9 graduates, 3 of whom with Masters.
    This ensured that staff are able to absorb and
    adapt new improvements in processes and best
    practices introduced.
  • Cross learning Get the team exposed to
    international best practice. This was achieved
    through collaboration with Shell MENA to provide
    training and short term assignment support.
  • Imbed lean and challenge old processes Introduce
    improvements in services. Despite hick ups, the
    approach challenged several legacies and opened
    the door for improvements.
  • Invest in our stakeholders Ensure consistent
    dialogue with stakeholders and introduction of
    mechanism for stakeholder feedback. This is
    particularly vital for informed decision making
    and to ensure collaboration in dealing with
    emerging issues such as the recent Fakhr10 in

(No Transcript)
How did we go abou tit?
1. Building SP Competencies
1 Held 3 SP foundation workshops and monthly SP applied workshops in Concession
2 Appointing and training SMEs for Land Resettlement, GMP
3 Assessing CROs SP competencies and areas for development
2. Introducing Change in processes
1 Developing Operational and Social profiles for each of the concession areas
2 Developing Social Impact Mitigation Plans (SIM) for each concession area accordingly
3 Developing, documenting communicating clear interfaces with roles responsibilities between CR projects relevant contractors (RASCI)
How did we go abou tit?
3. Challenging Current processes
1 Taking over improving Community Scholarships
2 Community Watchmen Lean
3 Introducing a new strategy for water haulage to be implemented with support from MD, MOG, PAEW, Ministry of Finance.
4. Enhancing Stakeholders Relationships
4 Developing structured Stakeholder engagement plans and community feedback forms for CA
5 Developing an extended Grievance Mechanism Procedure building on the existing one to include relevant PDO directorates
6 Implementing PIN analysis and prioritization for each CA from the Stakeholder Mapping
  • Examples of CR Initiatives

Taking over improving Community Scholarships
  • Introduced in 2004 as an evolution of the
    Vocational Technician Training Program (VTTP) to
    allow students from the concession to join local
    universities/colleges after high school.
  • 100 students per year and 200 since 2011.
  • An annual budget of more than 8 million USD.
  • Currently around 800 students are on seats half
    of whom are under direct PDO supervision.

CSP Improvements

Activity Improvement
Allowance Allowance
Monthly check of student attendance and registration Reduction of monthly allowance average spent from 100K to 60K
Registration Registration
All registration done though HEAC Fairness and transparency
Signed MOU with MOHE to manage all future CSP students Compliance with State Audit Input. Compliance with national MOHE standards.
Oversight on Colleges/University Oversight on Colleges/University
Checking invoices in detail Avoid the process of Duplicate and incorrect invoices
Student Management Student Management
Went through the transcripts of 460 students thoroughly to identify those who are not advancing Lead to the termination of 40 under achieving students and motivation for others to improve their status.
Oversight on scholarship period Oversight on scholarship period
No more extensions and reinstating of student as well as no more postponing more than 1 semester Those with insufficient time left to complete their studies were terminated which resulted in others actively registering and performing
Establishing a Grievance Log for students Establishing a Grievance Log for students
Established a grievance log to register student complaints and the feedback and support provided by us Ensuring fair, transparent, and consistent treatment to all students and on time response to their issues
Community Watchmen Lean
  • When did it start? With the start of oil
    activities in the North and then South.
  • Who nominates?
  • North 3 Duru Sheikhs by rotation and through
    verbal communication.
  • South Walis through official and auditable
  • What is the scope?
  • Average of 1000 watchmen recruited per year.
  • Costing more than half a million USD paid by PDO
    and its contractors.
  • What prompts Change?
  • Local complaints.
  • Government steer for review.
  • 2011-2014 PDO trial with SSS recruitment.
  • Audit enquiries

Community Watchmen
  • EVC dealt with legacy at two fronts
  • External Political legal Engagement with all
    relevant parties e.g MOG, MOI.
  • Internal Managerial Identification of areas for
    change and needed resources/process (undergoing

Water Haulage
  • Around 800 beneficiaries including people,
    Izbas, troughs, mosques, schools.
  • Budget USD 5 Million per year.
  • Contract through 4PL with OFSAT, NCC and
  • What prompts Change?
  • Over 1000 waiting list.
  • Beneficiaries deliveries difficult to track.
  • Waste of resources in contracting.
  • Lack of water resources.
  • Locals issues and complaints.
  • PDO is not the legal entity concerned with water

Water Haulage
What have we done?
  • Phase I In 2011 verified beneficiaries using ID
    cards and established first Water Database.
  • Phase II In 2012 worked with UWL who
    renegotiated rates based on zones.
  • Phase III In 2014 we started negotiating with
    PAEW to handover the rigime and support on
    capital investment.
  • Mid 2015 to date A new strategy to be agreed and
    implemented with support from MD, MOG, PAEW,
    Ministry of Finance.

PDO Social Investment
Our mission vis-à-vis Social Performance
National Day is a treasured occasion for the
people of Oman and PDO has a long tradition of
marking the milestone National Days by making a
Gift to the Nation.
We strive for strategic social investment via
more involvement with our stakeholders.
Social Investment Projects 2015
  • Construction of Fish Market in Ibri
  • Construction of female School in Dahboon in
    Welayet Thumrait
  • Construction of RO plant in Welayet Shaleem
  • Construction of 6 public Majlises in PDO
    concession area
  • Construction of Health Centre in Hamra Al Duru
  • Signed agreement with 18 NGOS
  • Construction of Health Centre in Maqshan
  • Purchase 12 mobile vet clinic for concession area
  • Construction of 4 public Parks in Adam,Samail,
    Izki and Bahla
  • Construction of multi-purpose Hall at Ibri
    College of Applied Science jointly with the
    Ministry of Higher Education
  • Construction of 60 bed extension to the existing
    22 bed ICU unit in Khaula Hospital
  • Construction of Water Breaker in Darsit
  • Construction of Rehab Centre for Drugs

Social Investment Awards
Thank you
Community Relations
The Thank You Exercise
Najya Al Hinai
Thank You
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