Title: Duty to Love - Rom. 12:9-13
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32 Timothy Introduction
- The Call to Christian Perseverance
4Answering Nine Questions
- Who wrote it? Paul
- What do we know about the author? An Apostle
- To whom was it written? Timothy
- When was it written? - A.D. 67
- Where was it written from? Rome
- Why was it written? Timothys timidity
- What is it about? Perseverance
- What is inside (outline)? 4 part outline
- What makes the book different? Pauls final word
5Four Part Structure
- General call to faithful endurance in the
ministry (chapter 1) - Ten metaphors describing what faithful endurance
looks like (chapter 2) - What to do in the midst of the coming apostasy
(3148) - How God met six needs in Pauls life (49-22)
6Four Part Structure
- General call to faithful endurance in the
ministry (chapter 1) - Ten metaphors describing what faithful endurance
looks like (chapter 2) - What to do in the midst of the coming apostasy
(3148) - How God met six needs in Pauls life (49-22)
7Four Part Structure
- General call to faithful endurance in the
ministry (chapter 1) - Ten metaphors describing what faithful endurance
looks like (chapter 2) - What to do in the midst of the coming apostasy
(3148) - How God met six needs in Pauls life (49-22)
82 Timothy 2
- Ten Metaphors Illustrating Endurance
9Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
10Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
11Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
12Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
13Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
14Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
15Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
16Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
17Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
18Ten Metaphors
- Teacher (22)
- Soldier (23-4)
- Athlete (25)
- Farmer (26)
- Christ (27-8)
- Paul (29-10)
- Trustworthy statement (211-13)
- Workman (214-18)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Servant (224-26)
19Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
20Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
21Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
22Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
23Two Kinds of Vessels (2 Tim. 220-21)
Uncommon Common
Gold silver Earthenware
Honor Dishonor
Sanctified Unsanctified
Useful for every good work Useful for mundane use
244 Kinds of People from 1 Corinthians 31-3
- 1 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to
spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in
Christ. 2 I fed you with milk and not with solid
food for until now you were not able to receive
it, and even now you are still not able 3 for
you are still carnal. For where there are envy,
strife, and divisions among you, are you not
carnal and behaving like mere men? (NKJV)
25(No Transcript)
26Two Kinds of Vessels (2 Tim. 220-21)
Uncommon Common
Gold silver Earthenware
Honor Dishonor
Sanctified Unsanctified
Useful for every good work Useful for mundane use
Spiritual man Infant in Christ or carnal believer
27Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
28Three Tenses of Salvation
Phase Justification Sanctification Glorification
Tense Past Present Future
Saved from sins Penalty Power Presence
Scripture Eph 28-9 Titus 35 Philip 212 Rom 510
29Three Tenses of Salvation
Phase Justification Sanctification Glorification
Tense Past Present Future
Saved from sins Penalty Power Presence
Scripture Eph 28-9 Titus 35 Philip 212 Rom 510
30Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
31Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
33Vessel (219-23)
- Avoid sin (19)
- Illustration two vessels (20-21)
- Two vessels (20)
- Transformation (21)
- Avoid lusts (22)
- Avoid foolish arguments (23)
34The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make
his face shine on you and be gracious to you
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you
peace. (NIV)
352 Tim 214-26
- Workman (214-18)
- Avoid non biblical speculation (214, 16-18)
- Embrace biblical truth (215)
- Vessel (219-23)
- Two kinds of vessels (220-21)
- Avoidance of these things (219, 22, 23)
- Servant (224-26)
- Teach with patience (224-25)
- Reason for patience (226)