Title: Title 1 Parent Information
1Title 1 Parent Information
- All About Title I
- Budget
- Parents Right to Know
- School Parent Involvement Plan (PIP)/ District
Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) - Compact
- Standards and Testing
- Parental Involvement
2 What is Title I?
- Title I is the largest federal assistance program
for our nations schools. - The goal of Title I is a higher quality of
education for every child. Its purpose is to
address the academic needs of students and to
assist them in meeting their states academic
standards. - The program serves millions of children in public
elementary and secondary schools each year
including eligible students in private schools.
3 How Title I Works
The federal government provides funding to states
each year for the Title I program. The Florida
Department of Education sends the money to our
district, Pinellas County Schools. The school
district identifies eligible schools and
distributes the Title I funds to the
school. Azalea Middle School implements a
school-wide program, all students benefit from
the supplemental services provided by Title I.
Every parent is a Title I parent.
4Title I Programs Provide
Supplemental Support
- Smaller classes
- Additional teachers and paraprofessionals
- Additional training for school staff
- Extra time for instruction (Before and/or after
school programs) - Parental Involvement Activities
- A variety of supplemental teaching materials
and/or equipment
5 Title I Budget
- Azalea Middle School is provided 528,935 to
pay for services and programs for our students.
The Title I Parent Involvement budget is 4,500 - We use our Title I funds to pay for the
following - Personnel Social worker, Technology Specialist,
additional teachers, Multi Tiered System of
Student Support Coach - Technology Computers, SMART Response system,
SMART Boards - Classroom Supplies Supporting school-wide
processes, textbooks, project based learning
6 Title I Budget
- Parents can assist in deciding how to use Title I
fundsyou have the right to be involved. All
Title I schools must maintain documentation that
demonstrates parent input into their budgets and
plans. - Every school has a School Advisory Council (SAC)
composed of parents, teachers, other staff
members, Principal and students (at Middle and
High School) - Input from the Principal, School Advisory
Council, parents, and the schools staff
determines how to allocate or use Title I funds.
7Parents Right to Know
- As a Title I parent you have the right to be
involved in the development of the following
plans and documents for our school - School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Compact
- Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) for the school and
district - Request and attend meetings to express your
opinions and to formulate suggestions and to
participate, as appropriate, in decisions
relating to the education of your children, - Please review these documents and attend meetings
or complete surveys to share your inputwe need
and want you to be involved.
8Parents Right to Know
- Be provided information on your childs level of
achievement on assessments in Reading/Language
Arts, Writing, Mathematics, and Science - Request and receive information on the
qualifications of your childs teacher and
paraprofessionals that are working with your
child - Principals attestations
- Be informed if your child is taught by a
non-highly qualified teacher for four or more
consecutive weeks. -
9School Classification
- Azalea Middle is one of five priority middle
schools in Pinellas County - The school grade for 2014-2015 was a D
- This grade is based 100 percent on our students
performance on FCAT
10Educational Standards
- Floridas academic content standards establish
high expectations for all students. - Florida Core Standards identify what your child
needs to know and be able to do in all content
areas. You may read more information by visiting,
www.fldoe.org. - Your childs teacher will be able to explain the
standards for your childs grade level.
11Schools Curriculum
- Florida Core Standards form the framework of
everything taught at school. - Curriculum
- Reading Read 180, Achieve 3000 and Daybook
- Math Think It Through Math and Carnegie
Learning, - Core subjects are supported by district pacing
calendars - Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
12Measuring Student Success
- FAIR-FS Students scoring a L1/L2 in reading on
the FCAT - When September, December, March
- Write Score All students
- When September and January
- SRI Lexile All students
- When September, January and May
- Math, Science and SS Common Assessments All
students - When October, December, March and May
13Florida Standards Assessments (FSA)
- Information concerning the assessment schedule
may be found at - http//info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document
-7047/dps-2014-81a.pdf - FSA ELA Writing March
- FSA Math and Reading April - May
14Florida End of Course (EOC)Assessments(Algebra,
Civics, Geometry)
15Working together!
- Title I law requires that all Title I schools and
families work together. - How we work together is listed in our
- School Level Parental Involvement Plan (PIP)
- Parent-School Compact
- School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Parents can also read the Districts Parent
Involvement Plan (LEA PIP) at www.pcsb.org under
Title I, a copy is at our Title I Parent Station
16 Parent-School Compact
- Every Title I School has a Compact. It is an
agreement between the parent, student, and school
to encourage the highest student achievement
17Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) Requirements
- Involve parents in a meaningful way in the
development, implementation, and review of the
parental involvement programs. - Parents comprise over 50 of the School Advisory
Council. - Each spring School Advisory Council reviews the
PIP and recommends changes for the following year - SAC meets five times per year on Tuesdays at 500
- Parent/Principal Roundtable discussions scheduled
once each semester - Contact Principals Secretary for more
18Parent Involvement Plan Requirements
- Convene a Title I annual meeting to inform
parents about Title I requirements and their
rights to be involved in the Title I program. - Offer meetings at flexible times to maximize
19Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
- Provides parents of Title I students with timely
information about Title I programs. - Weekly School Messenger calls and emails
- Flyers sent home with students
- Student agendas
- Front office Title I Parent Station
- Signs in car-line
- What works for you? Let us know how we can assist
20Parent Involvement Plan Requirements
- Assists parents in understanding academic content
standards, assessments, and how to monitor and
improve the achievement of their children. - Provides materials and training to help Title I
parents work with their children to improve their
children's achievement - Three Title 1 Parent Knights
- November
- January
- May
21 Support our school and your childs
educationwe need you!
- Share a love of learning
- Read to your child
- Ask your child to read to you
- Limit TV time
- Visit the Title I Family Resource Library
- Review the Compact throughout the year
- Keep Portal info up to date
- Volunteer
- Show interest in your childs school day
- Ask her/him questions
- Check homework
- Praise their efforts
- Encourage good study habits
- Communicate with the teachers and other staff
- Attend workshops/conferences
- Participate in giving your input for our SIP,
PIP, and budget
22Title I Parent Station
- Our schools Title I Parent Station is located in
the front office. - You will find a copy of our Schools PIP, the
School Districts PIP, Parents Right to Know
Memo, Upcoming Events, Compact, and any flyers
pertaining to upcoming Title I events.
23Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
- The District has a Parent Involvement Plan (LEA
PIP). - The Parent Advisory Council is responsible for
reviewing and revising it. PAC meets with the
Districts Title I Family Education Specialist. - PAC meets twice a year, if you are interested in
representing our school please let me know.
24Title I Family Library
- All Title I families may visit the Title I
Library located at - 2499 25th Street South St. Petersburg, FL
- A great place to check out books and games you
dont need a library card and no there are no
late fees. - Each time your child visits the library they will
receive a FREE BOOK! - Were open
- Monday Thursday 830- 600
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 830-330
- For more information you may contact
- 727-893-2988 ext. 2007
25Parents, together we can accomplish great things!
26Azalea Middle School727-893-2606, 7855 22nd
Avenue N., St. Petersburg FL Principal
Connie KoloseyAssistant Principals Catherine
Evans, Tonya Mitchell, Felicia Moline