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Title: Master Seminar on

Master Seminar on
Effect of Sulphur on maximizing the production
of Oilseed Crops
Agrilcultural Chemistry
  • Content
  • Introduction.
  • Status of kharif oilseed crops in C.G.
  • Status of kharif oilseed crops in C.G.
  • Importance of oilseed crops.
  • Role of sulphur in oilseed crops.
  • Role of sulphur in general crops.
  • Deficiency symptom of sulphur in oilseed crops.
  • Correction of sulphur deficiency.
  • Source of Sulphur.
  • Sulphur content in common fertilizers.
  • Removal of sulphur by oilseed crops.

  • Continue

  • Content
  • Response of oilseed crops to sulphur.
  • Crop response and profitability of applied
  • Effect of sulphur on nodulation.
  • Effect of applied sulphur on nutrient use
    efficiency in different
  • oilseed crops.
  • Effect of added sulphur on percent oil content
    of important
  • oilseeds.
  • Effect of applied S on oil content oil yield
    of oilseed crops.
  • Optimum rates of Sulphur fertilizer application
    for crops.
  • Conclusion.
  • References.

  • Introduction-
  • Sulphur is one of the seventeen nutrient
    elements which are essential for the growth
    development of plants. Its essentiality was
    established in 1911 by Horstmann.
  • On an average, crops absorb as much as they
    absorb phosphorus. Plants absorb S mostly through
    roots in the sulphate form (SO42-) to a much
    lesser extent from the atmosphere in gaseous form

Status of kharif oilseed crops in India(2013-14)
Crops Area (M.ha) Production (Mt./ha)
Groundnut 55.27 9672
Sesame (Til) 16.67 6.75
Soybean 122.00 119.89
Niger 2.77 0.88
Sunflower 6.91 5.47
Source Status paper on oilseeds, Fourb advance
of DES 2014
Status of rabi oilseed crops in India(2013-14)
Crops Area (M.ha) Production (Mt./ha)
Mustard 67.01 79.60
Linseed 2.87 1.43
Safflower 1.78 1.14
Sunflower 6.91 5.47
Groundnut 55.27 96.72
Source Source Status paper on oilseeds, Fourb
advance of DES 2014
Status of kharif oilseed crops in C.G. (2013-14)
Crops Area (000 ha) Productivity (kg/ha)
Groundnut 53.84 1070
Sesame (Til) 38.27 181
Soybean 156.59 1150
Niger 73.03 298
Sunflower 0.28 655
Source Krishi Darshika 2015
Status of rabi oilseed crops in C.G. (2013-14)
Crops Area (000 ha) Productivity (kg/ha)
Mustard 143.99 590
Linseed 65.69 475
Safflower 6.22 290
Sunflower 14.17 640
Groundnut 27.00 1530
Source Krishi Darshika 2015
  • Importance of Oilseed crops
  • Importance of oilseed as sources of both fats
    proteins is well known the annual requirement of
    oilseed in India.
  • In India, a variety of oilseed such as
    groundnut, sesamum, mustard, soybean, safflower
    etc. are grown. However, about 85 of countrys
    edible oils are derived from groundnut, mustard
  • The nutrient which plays multiple role in the
    nutrition of oilseed cops is sulphur. It is an
    essential constituent of Sulphur containing amino
    acids, protein as well as several fatty acids

  • Role of Sulphur in oilseed crops
  • Sulphur is essential in formation of plant
    protein because it is a part of certain amino
    acids which act as building blocks of proteins.
  • It is an important constituent of several other
    biologically active compounds such as vitamin B1
    (thiamine) vitamin B7 (biotin).
  • Lipoic acid, acetyl co-enzyme A, ferrodoxin
    glutathione other biologically active sulphur
    containing componds which play in important role
    in plant metabolism include sulphate-3.
  • Phosphoadenosive-5 phosphosulphate is
    involves in the synthesis of glucosides in
    mustard oil.
  • Sulphur promotes nodule formation, although it
    is not a constituent of chlcrophyll.
  • Sulphur is involved in carbohydrate metabolism of
    the plants by activating a no. of enzymes which
    participate in dark reaction of photosynthesis.

  • Role of sulphur in general crops
  • Sulphur plays an important role in improving the
    quality marketability of the produce as
    reported by Kanwar (1976), sulphur can improve
    crop quality in the following ways
  • Increasing the oil content of seeds.
  • Synthesis of sulphur containing amino acids
    protein .
  • Improving nutritional quality of forage.
  • Improving starch content of tubers.
  • Improving baking quality of wheat.
  • Raising sugar recovery in sugarcane.
  • Enhancing marketability of copra.

Deficiency symptoms of sulphur in oilseed crops
Crop Symptoms
Mustard Leaves cupped inwards and reddening on underside.
Sunflower Pale leaves and inflorescence, shorter internodes, markedly smaller plants.
Soybean Pale yellow colour of new leaves at beginning but due to severe deficiency whole plant becomes yellow, smaller leaves and shorter internodes.
Groundnut Young plants are smaller than normal, pale in colour and more erect from the petiole than normal plant. This gives the trifoliate leaves a V shaped appearance. Older leaves may remain green. In new leaves, area around the main vein may be pale.
Correction of sulphur deficiency In view of the
increasing incidence of sulphur deficiency in
soils plants, it is important to suggest
corrective measures for ameliorations of sulphur
deficiency. The major source of sulphur are
gypsum, pyrities, elemental sulphur (85.5),
and the sulphur containing nitrogenous (amonium
sulphate), phosphatic (SSP), potassic (potassium
sulphate) fertilizer and micronutrients
fertilizers like zink sulphate, copper sulphate,
ferrous sulphate etc. are used for correction of
sulphur deficiency.
  • Source of Sulphur
  • The earth crust contains nearly 0.06
    sulphur which is costly present in the form of
    sulphides, sulphates organic combinations of
    C N.
  • Over 60 sulphur containing fertilizers are
    known to agriculture, but main fertilizers
    soil amendments as source of sulphur in India.
  • The fertilizers soil amendments, mentions
    above indirectly add every year a substantial
    amount of sulphur to the India soils.

Approximate sulphur content in common fertilizers
soil amendments consumed in India
Fertilizers / Soil amendment Sulphur
Ammonium sulphate 24
Ammonium sulphate nitrate 12
Single super phosphate 10-12
Amonium phosphate sulphate 15
Potassium sulphate 17-18
Gypsum 18.6
Pyrite 22
Zine sulphate 10
Copper sulphate 12.8
Ferres sulphate 18.8
Source Soil science manure and fertilizer by
Dr. Vinay Singh
Besides addition of sulphur through fertilizers
containing sulphur. It is also advisable to apply
20-50 kg S/ha as elemental Sulphur (sulphur
powder) mainly to oilseed crops. This dose should
be applied 3-4 weeks before planting in moist
aerated soil.
Removal of Sulphur by oilseed crops Yield
content uptake of sulphur in important oilseed
crops of India.
Crop Botanical name Yield (q/ha) Yield (q/ha) Sulphur content () Sulphur content () Sulphur uptake (kg/ha)
Crop Botanical name Grain Straw G S GS
groundnut Arachis hypogaea 19 48 0.24 0.21 15
Raye Brassica juncea 20 90 1.00 0.13 32
Brown sarsow Brassica compestris 15 67 0.94 0.17 26
Soybean Glycine max 25 37 0.33 0.33 22
Taramira Earica sativa 15 60 0.10 0.10 31
Sesamum Soamum indicum 12 48 0.20 0.20 14
Sunflower Helianthus annus 6 24 0.23 0.23 7
Linseed Linum usitatislimum 16 58 0.10 0.10 9
Source Indian Jouranal of Ecology,(1985).
12(2) 238-242.
Response of oilseed crops to sulphur
fertilization The response of different oilseed
crops to application of sulphur has been reported
under field condition. These studies on yield
quality (oil, amino-acids, protein) of oilseeds
are summarized here.
Response of important crops to sulphur
Crop Added sulphur kg/ha Added sulphur kg/ha Added sulphur kg/ha Added sulphur kg/ha
Crop 0 10 20 30
Mustard 1596 1673 1770 1865
Sunflower 1525 1650 1700 1836
Linseed 1465 1590 1782 1924
Safe flower 1836 1904 2082 2264
Sesame 852 876 1020 1131
Source Indian J. of fertilizers (2006)
Crop response profitability of applied sulphur
Recent studies have further confirmed the need
of sulphur application for increasing crop
productivity in the state (U.P.).
Crop Yield without S (kg/ha) Yield with applied S as indicated level (kg/ha) Response (kg/ha) Response ratio, kg grain/ kg S Net return Rs./ha.
Lentil 1693 1962(45) 269 5.98 3766
Mustard 1595 2035 (40) 440 11.0 6464
Linseed 959 1304 (60) 345 5.75 5520
Groundnut 2134 1690 (40) 556 13.90 7784
Soybean 1730 2490 (40) 760 19.00 9500
Safflower 1817 2021 (25) 204 8.16 3060
Source Indian Jouranal of Fertilizer.
(2006).1(11) 43.
Effect of sulphur on nodulation, N fixation
yield of leguminous crops
Crops Applied S kg/ha Applied S kg/ha Applied S kg/ha Applied S kg/ha
Crops 0 20 40 60
Soybean Soybean Soybean Soybean Soybean
No. of nodules per plant 60 DAS 21.4 23.8 26.7 27.2
Nodule biomass (mg per plant 60 DAS) 119 145 174 172
Nitrogen fixed (kg/ha) 128.3 156.7 195.4 184.0
Yield kg/ha 1729 1993 2494 2321
Source Indian Jouranal of Fertilizer, (2006).
1(11) 44.
Effect of applied sulphur on nutrient use
efficiency in different oilseed crops Because of
the significant increase in crops yield by
sulphur fertilization, the uptake of other
nutrients significantly increased reflecting
marked increase in nutrient use efficiency.
Crops Nutrient uptake without S (kg/ha) Nutrient uptake with S at indicated level (kg/ha) Increase in nutrient uptake (kg/ha) due to S increase in nutrient uptake
(A) Nitrogen (A) Nitrogen (A) Nitrogen (A) Nitrogen (A) Nitrogen
Mustard 79.65 115.72 (40) 36.07 45.28
Linseed 78.00 86.19 (60) 8.19 10.50
(B) Phosphorus (B) Phosphorus (B) Phosphorus (B) Phosphorus (B) Phosphorus
Mustard 21.25 29.36 (40) 8.11 38.16
Linseed 18.00 19.32 (60) 1.32 7.33
Lentil 5.05 6.25 (45) 1.20 23.76
(C) Potassium (C) Potassium (C) Potassium (C) Potassium (C) Potassium
Mustard 55.71 74.32 (40) 18.61 33.40
Source Indian Jouranal of Fertilizer, (2006).
1(11) 45.
Effect of added sulphur on percent oil content of
important oilseeds.
Added S kg/ha.
Added S kg/ha.
Added S kg/ha.
Effect of applied S on oil content oil yield of
oilseed crops
Crop Treatments applied S kg/ha Oil Oil yield kg/ha Protein Protein yield kg/ha
Mustard 0 35.05 541 18.75 289
Mustard 40 37.30 699 19.55 367
Soybean 0 19.68 340 35.25 609
Soybean 40 22.11 550 36.43 907
Groundnut 0 42.75 668 27.83 435
Groundnut 40 44.59 858 30.34 584
Source Indian Jouranal of Fertilizer,(2006).
1(11) 47.
Optimum rates of Sulphur fertilizer application
for crops
Crops S rate (kg/ha) Remarks
Cereals 30-40 Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum
Pulses 30-45 Chickpea, Pea, Lentil, Urd bean, Mung bean, Pigeon pea
Oilseeds 30-60 Groundnut, Soybean, Mustard, Linseed, Sunflower, Safflower
Fodder 40-60 Maize, Sorghum, Cowpea, Egyptian clover
Potato 40-80
Spices 40-50 Onion, Garlic
Source Indian Jouranal of Fertilizer ,(2006).
1(11) 50.
  • Conclusion
  • The major reason for low yields of oilseeds is
    their cultivation on marginal land with
    constraints on fertilizer irrigation.
  • Full potential of newly evolved high
    yielding varieties of oilseed crops, fertilizer
    sulphur must form a part of their integrated
    management programme.
  • The balanced rates of different fertilizer
    nutrients including sulphur should be worked out
    for different oilseed crops.
  • There are also the need to develop extension
    literature on sulphur fertilization and wall
    charts, slides sets and video cassettes on the
  • Agriculture universities should suggested to
    the state soil testing laboratories about
    precise sulphur recommendations based on soil

References Aulakh, M.S. and Pasricha, N.S.
(1988). Sulphur fertilization of oilseeds for
yield and quality, Kalyani publishers, New
Delhi. 230-245. Singh, S.S.(2004). Soil
fertility and nutrient management, Kalyani
publishers, New Delhi. 36-72. Tandon, H.L.S.
(1995).Sulphur fertilizers for India Agriculture.
Fertiliser development and consultation
organisation, New Delhi. 1-23. Tiwari, K.N. and
Gupta, B.R. (2006). Sulphur for sustainable high
yield agriculture in Uttar Pradesh, Indian
Journal of Fertilisers, 1(11) 37-52. Yawalkar,
K.S. (1996), manures and fertilizers,
Agri-horticultural publishing house,
Nagpur.168-171. Cont
Singh Vinay, soil science manure and fertilizer,
bharti bhandar publisher, page no.141 Krishi
Darshika 2015, page no. 04, IGKV Ripur (C.G.)
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