Title: The%20Rationale%20for%20Change:%20The%20Past
1(No Transcript)
2The Rationale for ChangeThe Past
3The Rationale for ChangeThe Present
4The Rationale for ChangeThe Future
5CurriculumThe Journey
6Curriculum Review, Consultation, and Development
Curriculum Review, Consultation, and Development
7The Development Process
8Project Map
9Project Goals
10Curriculum Structure
11Curriculum Structure
12A Vision
13A Vision
14A Vision
16Principles for guiding the design of school
17Key Competencies
18Key Competencies
19Managing Self
20Managing Self is about
21Relating to Others
22Relating to Others is about
23Participating and Contributing
24Participating and Contributing is about
26Thinking is about
27Using Language, Symbols, and Texts
28Using Language, Symbols, and Texts is about
29Learning Areas
30Learning Areas
31Links to the Schooling Strategy and National
Education Guidelines
32Uses of Assessment Information
33The Key Competencies Cross Sector Alignment
34Achievement Objectives by Level
35Information and Feedback
36Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
37(No Transcript)