Title: Overview of Shelter Implementation Plan Progress
1Overview of Shelter Implementation Plan Progress
- Dennis K. Kreid
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- January 22, 1998
2- Shelter Project Strategy
- Status as of February 1997
- 1997 Progress
- The Path Forward
3Strategy of DOE Involvement at Shelter
- Objective
- To assist in international effort to convert
Chornobyl Shelter and destroyed reactor Unit 4
into a stable, environmentally safe, manageable
system - Basis for U.S. assistance
- December 1995 Ukraine/G7 memorandum of
understanding - Approach
- Provide urgent operational safety improvements
- Support international program
- Avoid conflicts and duplication
4February 1997 Status - Equipment Needs Project
- Provide urgent operational safety improvement to
upgrade shelter worker safety - Nuclear (criticality) safety
- Dust suppression
- Industrial safety
- Equipment needs prioritized, specification
preparation and purchasing initiated
5February 1997 - Shelter Activities
- European Commission Short and Long Term Measures,
final report - November 1996 - Approved by G7/Government of Ukraine
- Established project framework
- Lacked sufficient logic, cost, and schedule
definition - G7 commissioned Shelter Implementation Plan
- Draft due March 31, 1997
- To provide additional definition to support
initiation of Shelter project tendering
61997 Progress Report - Shelter Equipment Needs
- Dose Reduction in Purchasing Total
Delivered / Shipment - 5.9M 40 60
- Electronic dosimeters survey instruments air
sampling and monitoring shielding/enclosures
calibration sources radiological protection
technician training access control databasing
shielding software whole body counting
high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) testing
excess radiation area clothing and respirators - Dust Suppression 0.4M 50
50 - Decontamination methods survey airless
sprayers dry and water vapor HEPA vacuum
71997 Progress Report - Shelter Equipment Needs
- Nuclear (Criticality) Safety Monitoring
- in Purchasing Total Delivered
/ Shipment - 1.3M 100 ---
- 8 pod detection system power supplies alarming
readouts archival and trending diagnostics - Industrial safety 1.85 70
30 - Personal protective gear (hearing protection,
hard hats, eye protection, gloves, respirators
with internal communications) fall protection
equipment rescue gear industrial hygiene test
kits first aid kits concrete sawing and boring
equipment electrical generators air compressor
jackhammer two-way radios
8- Dose reduction PD-3 self reading electronic
9- Water Vapor assisted surface HEPA-vac
maintenance of good radiological conditions in
frequently accessed areas of Shelter
10- BF3 fission chamber detectors with gamma,
temperature and humidity sensors. - Assess neutron count rate transients for
criticality safety implications - System includes power supply, alarming readouts,
data collection and trending capability,
11- Concrete drilling and sawing equipment
- Replaces large, unreliable existing equipment
- Support electrical/ventilation/access-way
121997 Progress Report - Unit 3/4 Ventilation Stack
- Issue Damaged in 1986 accident
- Urgent and necessary action
- G7 and Ukraine support bilateral repair
project - Status Ukraine, Canada, U.S. establish 2.25M
project - (4.5M Ukraine, 0.8M Canada, 1.0M U.S.)
- Schedule Awaiting final design, project plan
deliverables - Materials and equipment purchasing
February-March 1998 - Repairs April to May 1998 (subject to weather)
131997 Progress Report - Shelter Activity
- Shelter Implementation Plan
- Draft completed March 31, 1997
- G7 and government of Ukraine approved May 1997
- Plan retains access to fuel-containing material
(FCM) - Develops removal strategies and technologies
- Does not include FCM removal
- Sufficient to support international pledging
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) selected as funds administrator
141997 Progress Report - Shelter Activity
- Denver Summit, June 1997G7 pledges 300M U.S. to
Shelter funds - Ukraine pledges 50M, July 1997
- International Donors Conference, New York,
November 199737M U.S. additional pledges
(other country donations) - G7/EBRD conclude sufficient commitment to
initiate project
15SIP Opportunity
- The SIP is a logic-based program based on
Shelter information, analyses, and assessments
available to date. It features - Early Biddable Projects (EBPs) to develop the
bases for optimizing and finalizing design
decisions - Also define and initiate balance of required
infrastructure improvements - 10 programmatic milestones (3 key) to integrate
and drive final decisions - Long-term tasks to achieve safe confinement
compatible with FCM removal strategy/decisions - Total estimated cost 760M
16Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Including the
Grouping of Tasks
17Criteria for Selection and Specification of Early
Biddable Projects
- Urgent to risk management
- Essential to improve levels of knowledge and
engineering to support decision making - Critical path
- Readily implementable
- Created construction infrastructure
18Early Biddable Projects See SIP Section 9 for
Scope Descriptions of Early Biddable Projects
- Civil Engineering
- Structural stabilization, design integration and
mobilization SIP Task 1 - Structural investigation and monitoring Part of
SIP Task 6 - Geotechnical investigation SIP Task 7
- Safe confinement strategy SIP task 21
- Operations and Monitoring
- Seismic characterization and monitoring Part of
SIP Task 8 - Radiological protection program Part of SIP Task
15 - Industrial safety, fire protection,
infrastructure Part of SIP Task 16 and access
control - Integrated monitoring system Part of SIP Task 17
- Integrated database/configuration
management Part of SIP Task 18
19Early Biddable Projects See SIP Section 9 for
Scope Descriptions of Early Biddable Projects
- Emergency Systems
- Emergency preparedness SIP Task 9
- Dust management Part of SIP Task 10
- Emergency dust suppression system Part of SIP
Task 11 - Criticality control and nuclear safety Part of
SIP Task 12 - Contained water management Part of SIP Task 13
- Fuel Containing Material
- FCM initial characterization Part of SIP Task 14
- FCM removal and waste management strategy Part
of SIP Task 19 - FCM removal technology development Part of SIP
Task 20
20The Path Forward
- Activity Established
- PMU/EBP expressions of interest 8/15 - 9/15/97
- PMU RFPs 12/15/97 - 2/15/98
- EBP RFPs 12/15/97 - 3/15/98
- EBP awards/performance 5/98 - 4/1/99
- Key decision PI
2/99(stabilization shielding strategy) - Long-term projects 4/99 - 3/06
21SIP Project Structure
Donors Fund Administration Beneficiary Execut
ing Agency Architect Engineers Contractors/s
22EBRD Procurement Policies
- Open tendering required for gt200,000 ECU goods
and services, gt5M ECU works - Process
- Pre-purchasing plan
- Notification of opportunities for
tendering(http//www.ebrd.com - 85 UK
subscription fee - Pre-qualification where appropriate
- Invitation to tender/tender documents
- International competition encouraged
- Receipt of tenders, evaluation and award
- Objective evaluation criteria
- Contract administration
- Client (PMU-driven), bank oversight
23Shelter Activities - The Path Forward
- Early Biddable Projects will initiate mid CY98
- PMU and EPO subcontracting opportunities
- Construction phase projects will initiate mid
CY99 - More subcontracting opportunities
- Strong U.S. contractor support will help ensure
implementation success