Revolution!! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1713: Treaty of Utrecht ends war. France loses part of Canada. Can t Win Em All. Louis XIV fails to adjust tax system. Poor carry burden, many upper class exempt. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Revolution!!

  • Understand that
  • The collision of social unrest and new political
    ideas can lead to revolution.
  • In times of crisis, people will turn to strong
    leaders to gain a sense of stability.

from Absolutism toEnlightenment to
  • Warm up get your computers and choose a
    number from the cup on the big table.
  • Read directions for KLG The History Channel
    Young Historians project. Questions?
  • Go through homework calendar and write due dates
  • Read directions for Core Assignment
  • Country draft
  • Review absolutism especially in France - that
    led to the Enlightenment and the French
  • Enlightenment readings
  • When is revolution justified? . Today?

Now showingThe Adventures of Versailles
  • Henry IV

  • Louis XIII

  • Cardinal Richelieu

And the Star of the Show
  • Louis XIV

With a supporting cast of other absolute monarchs
  • England the Tudor family
  • Russia the Romanovs
  • Spain Philip II
  • Austria Habsburgs
  • Germany Hohenzollerns
  • England the Stuarts

Absolutely Louis
  • Louis XIV rules with divine right
  • Weakens nobles
  • Absolute monarch when England was a
    constitutional monarchy
  • WHY???

Look Around, Louis!
  • While Louis XIV on throne from 1643-1715
  • English Glorious Revolution 1688
  • Bill of Rights, other previous documents limit
    Kings Authority
  • Prime Minister gaining power under Hanovers
  • England eliminates their absolute monarchs

Dad and Grandpa
  • Henry IV assassinated in 1610
  • Louis XIII takes throne at age 9
  • Marie de Medici (Louis mother) was regent for
    next 7 years

Mamas Boy/Cardinals Boy
  • Louis XIII kicks out Marie, keeps Cardinal
  • Richelieu ends nobles powers
  • Nobles keep social status, but INTENDANTS take
    over administrative duties
  • Builds army, economy, national unity, and
  • Louis XIII is Richelieus puppet!!!

Bonjour, Louis XIV!
  • Takes control of government at age 23, rules for
    72 years!
  • Doesnt want to make same mistakes as Dad
  • Not a puppet
  • Keep limited nobility
  • Relies only on two major nobles
  • Makes intendants permanent
  • Fronde uprisings (Civil War by nobles and local
    leaders against increased royal power) make him
    determined to be absolute monarch

A King and His Court
  • Builds Versailles to show glory of monarch
  • Officials live with him
  • Nobility attend to him in court rituals
  • Lavish lifestyle
  • Nobility and
  • royalty dont
  • pay taxes

(No Transcript)
International Muscle
  • Bold foreign policy that frightens other monarchs
  • Wants to ally with Spain when king dies in 1700
  • War of Spanish Succession to decide who gets
  • 1713 Treaty of Utrecht ends war
  • France loses part of Canada

Cant Win Em All
  • Louis XIV fails to adjust tax system
  • Poor carry burden, many upper class exempt
  • Economic gap widens
  • Doesnt fix treasury problem
  • Unifies country under intendants who owe Louis
    XIV loyalty
  • Doesnt change traditions
  • Legal systems, taxes, measures different all over
  • Different authorities and regions for financial,
    judicial, religious, and administrative affairs

Troubled Legacy
  • Nobles still arent happy
  • They dont have power, but that doesnt mean they
    dont want it
  • Try to regain their power when Louis XV takes the
  • France has no money!
  • Buildings
  • Wars
  • Huguenots driven away

Enlightenment has some radical new ideas
  • Enlightenment Overview
  • People try to apply the scientific approach to
    all aspects of society
  • Political scientists propose new ideas about
  • Philosophes (philosophers) advocate the use of
    reason to discover truths
  • Address social issues through reason

  • Causes
  • Ideals of the Renaissance
  • Individualism, secularism, rebirth of classical
  • Scientific Revolution
  • Logic, reason, mathematics
  • New way of thinking based on willingness to
    question assumptions
  • Absolutism
  • Reaction to government of total control
  • Questioning of Theory of Divine Right

Characteristics of Enlightened Thought
  • Ideas incorporating the themes listed below were
    heavily discussed during this era
  • REASON-justification
  • HAPPINESS-What makes people happy?
  • LIBERTY-freedoms
  • PROGRESS-tolerance, diversity, science
  • NATURE- outside (plants, earth, universe, etc)
    and inside (emotion, human interactions, etc)

  1. Serious workroom of philosophy
  2. Various people, all educated
  3. Women sharp and witty

Absolutism leads to Enlightenment
  • Enduring Understandings
  • A societys values can be seen through their
    cultural and scientific achievements
  • Challenges to the social and political order
    frequently come from radical new ideas.
  • Go to MrKsmodernworld review sheets and
    classwork documents page Unit 1 and find the
    following documents
  • Read Hobbes choose three quotes that help to
    support the idea that absolutism is the proper
    form of government
  • Read Locke in what ways does Locke agree with
    Hobbes? In what ways and why does he disagree
    with Hobbes?
  • Read Rousseau With whom is he more likely to
    agree, Louis, Locke, and/or Hobbes?
  • Describe how a Salon may sound where the above
    four men were discussing their ideas

A graphic organizer of the philosophesIdentify
who, where and the key ideas of each of the
Enlightenment thinkers
Adam Smith
Thomas Hobbes
  • Human existence is "solitary, poor, nasty,
    brutish, and short"
  • Living through the brutal English civil wars in
    the 17th century, Hobbes was very cynical about
    human nature.
  • He wrote in the Leviathan that humans are selfish
    and wicked. Without government, there would be
    war of all against all.
  • Therefore, absolute monarchies are created
    through a social contract to keep the mean, nasty
    men from killing each other.

John Locke
  • "Government has no other end than the
    preservation of property.
  • He postulated that the mind was a "blank slate"
    or "tabula rasa people are born without innate
  • Believed that human nature is characterized by
    reason and tolerance
  • Two Treatises of Government had a profound
    influence on the writing of the Declaration of
    Independence and Constitution
  • People have god-given rights that are inviolable
  • People will voluntarily, through a social
    contract, create a government to protect their
    god-given rights
  • If government violates the social contract, then
    the people have the right to change the

"Wherever Law ends, Tyranny begins."
  • Those who can make you believe absurdities can
    make you commit atrocities.
  • His intelligence, wit and style made him one of
    Frances greatest writers and philosophers
  • He was attracted to the philosophy of John Locke
    and ideas of Sir Isaac Newton
  • In favor of religious tolerance and interested in
    the study of the natural sciences
  • Every man is guilty of all the good he didnt
  • God is a comedian playing to an audience too
    afraid to laugh.
  • If God did not exist, it would be necessary to
    invent him.
  • It is dangerous to be right when the government
    is wrong.
  • Love truth and pardon error.

  • Judge of a man by his questions rather than by
    his answers.
  • Men are equal it is not birth, but virtue that
    makes the difference.
  • Prejudice is opinion without judgment.
  • The way to become boring is to say everything.
  • I may not agree with what you have to say, but I
    will defend to the death your right to say it.

Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Never exceed your rights, and they will soon
    become unlimited.
  • Contended that man is essentially good, a "noble
    savage" when in the "state of nature"  
  • Good people are made unhappy and corrupted by
    their experiences in society  
  • Most important work is "The Social Contract" that
    describes the relationship of man with society

Man is born free, but everywhere he is in
Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • The right kind of political order could make
    people truly moral and free.
  • Individual moral freedom could be achieved only
    by learning to subject ones individual interests
    to the General Will.
  • Individuals did this by entering into a social
    contract not with their rulers, but with each
  • This social contract was derived from human
    nature, not from history, tradition, or the
  • People would be most free and moral under a
    republican form of government with direct

Adam Smith
  • Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all
    production and the interest of the producer
    ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be
    necessary for promoting that of the consumer.
  • Scottish philosopher and economist famous for
    his book, The Wealth of Nations written in 1776
  • Profound influence on modern economics and
    concepts of individual freedom
  • Father of modern capitalism and influential in
    the formulation of American Capitalism
  • Economic liberty guarantees economic progress
  • Government needs to stay out of economics
  • Buyers will buy
  • Sellers will sell
  • Each will participate in economics out of their
    own self-interest
  • Harmony will result

  • Liberty is the key for successful government, but
    liberty is often eroded by power in the hands of
  • He is famous for his articulation of the theory
    of separation of powers in government executive,
    legislative and judicial
  • Separated power would lead to checks on power and
    therefore protecting liberty developing the
    theory of checks and balances
  • largely responsible for the popularization of the
    terms feudalism and Byzantine Empire

Liberty is the right of doing whatever the laws
permit. -Montesquieu
  • An independent judiciary should provide justice,
    not just support the rulers
  • Opposed torture and arbitrary rulings and
  • Promoted fair trials with adequate defense of the
  • Punishment should fit the crime

  • Promoted the value of women
  • Women should be educated
  • Women should be equal to men in politics and

Impact of the Enlightenment
  • People have confidence that human reason can
    solve social problems
  • The individual becomes important as people use
    their own ability to reason and judge
  • Absolutism is generally questioned as being the
    antithesis of enlightenment.
  • Sets the stage for popular revolutions in the
    18th and 19th Centuries
  • Some monarchs make reforms the enlightened
    despots modified absolutists
  • Others fight for their continued power

  • Deism
  • The belief in the existence of a God or supreme
    being but adenial of revealed religion,
    basingones belief on the light of natureand
  • Deists saw no point in any particularreligion
    they recognized only a distantGod, uninvolved in
    the daily life of man.

The Origins of Enlightenment?
  • Pantheism
  • The belief that God andnature are one and the
  • Gradually, highly educated Protestants
    Catholics thought more about Gods work as
    revealed through science, rather than through the

The Origins of Enlightenment?
Effect of enlightenment
  • How will these philosophes ideas affect
    political leaders and their subjects in Europe?
  • Complete Unit 2 packet p 1 Q 1 and 2 Identify the
    key enlightened beliefs and how they conflict
    with absolutism

Enlightened Despots
  • Religious freedom
  • Reformed and more professional judiciary
  • Allowed more press freedom
  • Improved education
  • Abolished torture
  • However
  • Kept serfdom

Frederick the Great of Prussia
Enlightened Despots
  • Religious freedom even for non-Christians
  • Allowed more press freedom
  • Improved rule of law
  • Abolished serfdom

Joseph II of Austria
Enlightened Despots
  • Corresponded with Voltaire, Montesquieu and
  • Spoke of enlightened ideas but little
  • However
  • Kept serfdom

Catherine the Great of Russia
Impact of the Enlightenment
  • People have confidence that human reason can
    solve social problems
  • The individual becomes important as people use
    their own ability to reason and judge
  • Absolutism is generally questioned as being the
    antithesis of enlightenment.
  • Sets the stage for popular revolutions in the
    18th and 19th Centuries
  • Some monarchs make reforms
  • Other Monarchs resist change to their power
  • BUTthe common people, generally uneducated and
    distrusted by the philosophes, are not very
    enlightened. Therefore the enlightenment is
    really a middle class movement

Enlightenment leads to the American revolution
  1. Complete 3-7 packet p 1
  2. How does the American Revolution illustrate
    understanding 1?

ThThe American Revolution, 1776-1781e
Enlightenment and Revolutions
  • - Claiming abuses by the British Government and
    a general failure to safeguard the natural rights
    of the citizens, the American Colonies declare
    their independence from England.
  • - Thomas Jefferson authors the Declaration of
    Independence, drawing heavily on the writings of
    John Locke and the ideals of the Social Contract
    as theorized by Rousseau and Hobbes
  • Government must be created by the People
  • The people must consent to be governed
  • The primary job of the Government is to
    protect the peoples natural rights- Life,
    Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness
  • When a Government fails to protect these
    rights, then the people have the right to
    change their government, to overthrow it.

The Enlightenment and Revolutions
  • John Locke Thomas Jefferson

The Enlightenment and Revolutions
  • John Locke Thomas Jefferson
  • Darn, I looked better in the last picture, J.

The Enlightenment and Revolutions
  • Following the American Revolution, the Americans
    again embraced the ideals of the Enlightenment in
    the writing of their Constitution. James Madison
    heavily borrowed from the ideals of Montesquieu.
  • Separation of Powers, and Checks and Balances
    make up the heart of the U.S. Constitution

The American Revolution and French Involvement
  • Americas war for independence was successful in
    part due to the assistance of the French
    government. One of the most influential French
    military assistants was Lafayette.
  • In 1777, Lafayette purchased a ship, and with
    a crew of adventurers set sail for America to
    fight in the revolution against the British.
    Lafayette joined the ranks as a major general and
    was assigned to the staff of George Washington.
    He served with distinction, leading America
    forces to several victories. On a return visit to
    France in 1779 Lafayette persuaded the French
    government to send aid to the Americans,
    specifically the commitment of the French Navy,
    and monetary support.

Connections between the American Revolution and
the French Revolution video part II
  • Not only did French Citizens and Military
    directly participate in the American War for
    Independence, but the war itself, the ideals upon
    which it was based, and the eventual success
    served as inspiration for many of the French
    Citizens who had become disenchanted with their
    own government, especially King Louis XVI
  • Another impact of the American Revolution was the
    additional ginormous Debt incurred by the French
    Government in assisting the Americans against the
    British, further pushing France into Financial
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