Title: Vietnam: Mobilize the People to Sustain Boom
1Vietnam Mobilize the People to Sustain Boom
- SPP 556 Macroeconomics
- Country Analysis Paper
- Ayako Ariga Chih Chia Lin
2Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- GDP (2004) US45.2 billions
- (about 1/250 that of the US)
- Currency Vietnamese Dong (VD)
- Doi Moi Policy and Its Outcome
3Vietnams Growth Pattern
period Policy environment Per annum per capita GDP growth ()
1976-81 War communism -0.67
1981-86 Some relaxations of control 5.86
1986-88 Launching of Doi Moi policy 1.97
1988-97 Doi Moi policy starts to take effect 5.85
1997-99 Spillover effects of Asia crisis 3.40
1999- Steady growth 6.60
4GDP Growth
5Quality of Growth Not Linked
- GDP per capita US 2,490
- In the world ranking,
- GDP is the 40th vs. GDP per capita the 160th
- Poverty rate28.9 (2002)
- Income disparity
- E.g. ratio of income of the richest 10 to
that of the poorest 10 is 9.4
6Saving Investment
- Consumption, investment and saving growth
7Lack of Sound Financial System
- Presence of crony capitalism/favortism
- Bank mismanagement
- Fledgling securities market
- Corruption
- Which leads to
- gtLarge component of savings goes to
cross-generational investment within families - gtOpportunity for individual decisions between
money and interest-bearing assets is not there
8Explanation by Keynesian Cross
9Explanation by IS-LM Model
10Vietnam Tax System
11Capital Inflows
- average 15.6 per annum growth since 1999
- ODA Remittances
- average 18.4 per annum growth since 1999
- 2004 Foreign Reserves
- US5.6 billion10 weeks worth of imports
12Explanation by Solow Model
- 1. Strengthen the banking sector
- Restructure the inefficient state-owned banks
- Eliminate incentives for banks to prefer lendings
to Party-related companies - Build bank management capacity
- 2. Further improve friendly environment for
foreign investments, trade, and new businesses - 3. Tax system reform
- Broad-base income tax system-increase tax revenue
- Moderately progressive tax rate-encourage
14Potential Weakness in Recommendation (2)
Further attract foreign investments and new
- Linkage between the FDI and indigenous
manufacturing becomes more crucial - Assure this by improving management capability
to absorb technology, effective government
policies to support innovative, domestic firms
15Thank You