Preparing for the New York ELA Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preparing for the New York ELA Assessment


Essays Biographies Newspaper articles Poetry groups ... modest, sprightly 265 pounds, the world s reigning heavyweight ... PowerPoint Presentation Author: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Preparing for the New York ELA Assessment

Preparing for the New York ELA Assessment The
exam will be held during the first week of May.
It is a two day test with three different
sections. We will practice each section, along
with the necessary skills, together.
What are they testing me for? The test does not
test how many reading and writing details you
have memorized. Instead, it tests how well you
understand and execute some of the ideas and
skills you need to be good readers and
writers. This is a very important test for you
this year. Your scores will impact your
scheduling next year at NFA. This is a definite.
Your scores will be the deciding factor in
whether on not you are able to take your chosen
electives or if you are placed in an additional
reading/ela skills class.
Before we begin working on individual skills you
will need in order to be successful on the exam,
we are going to complete a full pretest of the
ELA exam. During the formal exam, this will be a
due day test. However, due to time constraints,
it will take us several days to complete it in
class. This will help you to become familiar with
the format, reading selections and questions.
After we have all completed the practice test, we
will go through it together and learn how to best
respond to each question.
Test Taking Tips Tip 1 Do a first read of the
passage. The questions on the NYS ELA test will
be related to reading and listening passages.
The first time you read a passage, read every
word. Dont skim or skip over anything. By
reading every word, youll get the big picture
what the passage is mostly about. You dont have
to remember every detail. Just get a feel for
the main ideas, how the passage is organized, and
where important details are located. Its okay
to slow down and go back over a difficult idea,
but dont get stuck. Keep moving until you come
to the end of the passage. Tip 2 Know how to
answer different kinds of questions. (short
answer, extended response, multiple choice,
graphic organizers) Tip 3 Read every question
carefully. Make sure you understand each
question before you choose your answer. Dont
jump ahead and select an answer before youve
read the entire question and all the answer
Tip 4 Go back and scan the passage for the
correct answer. To scan means to run your eyes
quickly over a page. Scanning is an important
reading skill, but you need to know when to use
it. When taking a language arts test, never scan
during your first read of a passage. After
youve read the entire passage, the best way to
find an answer usually is to scan the passage for
key words from the question. Tip 5 Choose the
best answer to the question. Several of the
answer choices may look good, but one will always
be better than the rest. Make sure your choice
is the best answer to the question being
asked. Tip 6 Base your answers only on what is
in the passage. In general, dont try to use
outside knowledge to answer the reading
questions. Youre being tested on how well you
read, not on how much outside knowledge you have
about the topic of the passage. Every correct
answer will be based on something stated in or
supported by the passage. You can go back and
look at the passage (or your notes) as much as
you like.
Tip 7 Dont let difficult questions throw you
off. Some questions may seem very difficult, but
others will seem easy. If you come to a hard
question, dont let yourself get too worried or
upset. Just do your best to answer the question,
then move on. A much easier question may be just
around the corner. Tip 8 Dont leave any
blanks. Even if you arent sure of an answer,
you should always make your best guess. By
answering, you at least have a chance to get the
question right. Not answering is a guaranteed
miss. Before you guess on multiple-choice
questions, always eliminate choices that seem as
if they might be wrong. Your odds of answering
correctly will be greatly improved.
Tip 9 Use your time wisely when answering
written-response questions. Some passages will
require you to write your answers in paragraph
form. Read the entire passage before answering
the question. Think about what you have read.
Also, think carefully about what the question is
asking you to do. Organize your thoughts and
plan your response before you begin writing.
Write you answer on the lines provided. Take
enough time to answer the question thoroughly and
completely. Support your answer with details
from the passage and be sure to answer every part
of the question. Tip 10 Relax. Most people get
nervous when they have to take a test. Its
normal. You do not need to be worried because
you know youll do your best. You can relax
and maybe even have some fun showing off your
language arts skills!
Lesson 1 Elements of Literature Telling the
Genres Apart Categories help us to understand
things. They help us put things in order the
items in categories are alike. In literature,
there are four main categories, or genres. Each
has certain qualities that make it distinct.
Consider the following table
Genre A literary work that Examples
Fiction uses prose to describe imaginary characters and events. Short stories Novels
Nonfiction uses prose to describe real people and events. Essays Biographies Newspaper articles
Poetry groups lines into stanzas and uses expressive language, rhythm, and sometimes rhyme to communicate feelings. Ballads Elegies Odes Epics
Drama is meant to be performed using setting notes, stage directions and dialogue. Plays Television scripts
Genre Similarities and Differences While genres
group similar kinds of writing, they also help us
draw comparisons. Take fiction and nonfiction.
While fiction focuses on the imaginary and
nonfiction on the real, both use prose, or
sentences and paragraphs. Then take poetry. It
can be fiction or nonfiction, but it does not use
prose. Instead, it breaks lines into
stanzas. Drama, for its part, can be very
expressive, like poetry, and it uses prose, like
fiction and nonfiction. But its the only genre
meant to be performed, which is why it alone
includes things like stage directions and setting
What genres are represented by these pictures?
Read the passage below, and then answer the
question that follows. Excerpt from Loveliest
of Trees by A.E. Housman Loveliest of trees, the
cherry now Is hung with bloom along the
bough, And stands about the woodland ride Wearing
white for Eastertide. Now, of my threescore
years and ten, Twenty will not come again, And
take from seventy springs a score, It only leaves
me fifty more. What genre does this literature
belong in? Five at least one reason to support
your answer.
From A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee
Williams BLANCHE No, now seriously, putting
jokes aside. Why didnt you tell me, why didnt
you write me, honey, why didnt you let me
know? STELLA (carefully, pouring herself a
drink) Tell you what, Blanche? BLANCHE Why, that
you had to live in these conditions! STELLA
Arent you being a little intense about it? Its
not that bad at all! New Orleans isnt like
other cities. Which of the following is this
passage an example of? A ballad B nonfiction C
drama D epic
The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest
left many legacies. Among them are longhouses
like the one below. Named for their simple
structures these buildings were long, low, and
narrow longhouses were built in different ways
and with different materials. Their main purpose
was to house the families of the Native American
people. They lived in large groups of parents,
children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
cousins. One longhouse alone might house 20 or
more families, and each family was related to the
family that originally built the longhouse. All
would belong to the same clan, each named for an
animal or a natural object like a river. This
passage is probably part of a(n) A elegy B
essay C play D novella
Plot The plot is the sequence of events of a
story. Plot has four main elements each related
to the next. Think of those elements as cause
and effect. Consider the following chart
Conflict The main problem facing the main
character or characters (introduced at the
beginning of the story)
Rising Action The events after the conflict but
before the climax or turning point (usually most
of the story)
Climax The point at which the main character must
decide how to address the conflict (usually the
storys most exciting event)
Resolution How the main character resolves the
conflict (the final part of the story)
Max stared worriedly at the ground, his eyes
following his scuffed sneakers as they traced the
white lines of the football field, up and down,
over and over. What was he going to do? He had
to attend todays game as the schools
reporter, his attendance was mandatory. But
Maxs enemy was due here, too and any minute
now. Max didnt relish the thought of seeing Dan
again not here, not ever. The thought alone
made his stomach turn. Big for his age nearly
twice the size of other boys Dan took full
advantage of his size on the playing field and
off. As one of the schools linebackers, Dan was
skilled at picking out and tackling other
players. But he liked to have a target in his
classroom, as well. Lately, he had his sights on
Max. So intent on pondering his dilemma what
would he do if Dan confronted him here?Max
didnt notice the sky above the football field
darkening. He didnt notice the group gathering
around him silently. Then, he heard them Dans
heavy, slow, deliberate footsteps. Max saw the
towering boys faint shadow before he saw
himself. Dans smirk was the first thing that
caught Maxs eye as he slowly turned, taking in
first Dan, then the surrounding crowd. How can
the reader tell the story is reaching its climax?
  • The theme, or central idea of a story, is an
    important element to consider when analyzing
    literature. It tends to tie a story together and
    give that story broader meaning. A piece of
    literature may have one theme or several themes.
    Among the themes common in literature are these
  • love caring for another person, often even
    more than oneself
  • bravery courage in the face of real or
    perceived danger
  • greed valuing objects and riches over all else
  • friendship valuing a relationship over
    personal gain
  • loneliness feeling the pain of being on ones
  • loyalty being faithful
  • The best way to identify a storys theme is to
    consider the actions, thoughts, and words of the
    storys characters, and their greater meaning.
    When a certain idea or belief, like bravery, is
    repeated throughout a story, its probably
    related to theme. A theme is broad enough to
    apply to an entire literary work, while more
    specific ideas, even when theyre related to the
    broad idea, are probably not the storys theme.

No, really, Jamar insisted, pressing the dollar
bills into Kavis hands and folding the boys
fingers around them. Really, he said again,
this time more fervently. I insist. I want you
to have it. I already have a new skateboard, and
with this, maybe now you can get one. Kavis
eyes widened, and his mouth dropped. For a few
moments, there was only stunned silence. But,
but he finally stammered, trying to coax the
right words out of his mouth. But you worked
all summer to earn this money. I mean, you
worked really hard with no breaks! Nodding,
Jamar replied, Yeah, I did. But what funs a
skateboard with no one to skateboard with? What
is the theme of this passage?
When authors use symbolism, they use concrete
things objects, animals, or situations to
represent other, usually abstract, things
death, love, power, confusion. An author might
use the birth of a child, for example, to
symbolize a new beginning or the death of a
character to represent the end of an era.
Authors often use doves to symbolize peace and
hawks to symbolize war and aggression. For
something to act as a symbol, it must share some
quality or characteristic with the object or idea
it is supposed to represent. For instance, fairy
tales often use a big bad wolf to symbolize
danger or evil. The wolf works as a symbol in
these cases, because wolves are intimidating
creatures that prey on small, defenseless animals
they suggest danger or evil.
Carltons mother sighed and gazed adoringly as
she watched her only son give his speech. All
his life, Carlton had been a superior child,
always helping his mother around the house,
always helping his classmates with their school
work. So today, the day he was accepting an
award for student citizenship, his mother had
made sure to press and bleach his best white
shirt. It was sparkling clean, and, in the sea
of the other students dark shirts, it really
stood out. It also set off Carltons dark hair
and dark eyes and made the boy seem to glow. His
mother couldnt be more proud of how well her son
had turned out. What does Carltons white shirt
  • Irony is a device authors use to make their
    writing more expressive and colorful, to spark
    interest or create surprise. Authors who use
    irony write one thing but mean another. They
    purposely use words that mean the opposite of
    what the words mean literally. For example,
    imagine a character just found out that she had
    won a prize. An author using irony might have
    the character exclaim, How awful! to mean quite
    the opposite that winning the prize is
  • In addition to contradiction saying one thing
    but meaning another, as in the preceding example
    irony often involves
  • Using a word or phrase with two or more meanings
  • Saying the opposite of whats meant, generally
    for humor
  • Using language to make the meaning difficult to

  • There are three basic types of irony
  • Verbal Irony In this case, the narrator or a
    character says one thing but means the opposite.
    Example A father cries How wonderful! when he
    finds out that his son is failing English.
  • Situational Irony Whats expected to happen and
    what really happens are two different things.
    Example A man cancels a date with his
    girlfriend to have dinner with friends, only to
    run into his girlfriend at the restaurant on a
    date with someone else.
  • Dramatic Irony This type of irony occurs when
    the reader understands something the character
    doesnt. As a result, the characters actions
    and words take on new meaning for the reader.
    Example When a character is saving all his money
    for a present for his mother, but the reader
    knows his mother does not want the present, the
    characters thoughts and actions take on new
    significance for the reader.

Wow! Look at that guy over there, Jamar, in the
middle of the ring! Kavi exclaimed as he
gestured to the center of the auditorium.
Clearly impressed by the hulking, brooding boxer,
the boy let out a huge breath, then glanced at
his friend before turning his attention back to
the ring. Hes massive, enormous twice my
size, and yours, too, at least! Jamar nodded
his approval with wide eyes. Just then, an
announcer crackled an introduction into the
rooms many speakers. And now, weighing in at a
trim, modest, sprightly 265 pounds, the worlds
reigning heavyweight boxer, Tiny Brewster!
Stunned, at first the two boys exchanged a
surprised look. Then, together, they burst into
laughter. Well, how do you like that? Kavi
roared, holding his stomach. From now on, you
can call me Giant!
What is the irony of this passage?
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