Title: Greg
1Gregs Top Tips for Warehouse Accuracy
2Todays Presentation
- In this session you will learn how reducing
warehouse errors can help you save time and
money. - Agenda
- Lets learn about errors
- Some tips and case studies
- Compare some solutions
- By the end of this session you will have some
ideas on how to save your company time and money
by reducing warehouse errors.
3Why Do We Care About Errors?
- Fixing errors consumes resources
- Lowering stock levels frees up capital
- If you cant find it, you cant sell/use it
- If you have it but dont know it, you might as
well throw it away
46 Basic Warehouse Tasks
- There are only a few basic things that get done
in a warehouse - Typical labor allocation as per WERC study
5Some Tasks Require Training
- Unit of Measure Conversion
- Kits versus Components
- Trace Violations
6Other Tasks Require Focus
- Mis-counting items
- Missing an entire line item
- Transpositions typos
- Illegible handwriting
7Its the System, Stupid
- most troubles and most possibilities for
improvement add up to proportions something like
this - 94 belong to the system (the responsibility of
management) - 6 are attributable to special causes
- Dr. W. Edwards Deming
8 9Make Item Numbers Legible
- The use of bar codes does not eliminate the need
to read the item markings.
- Not too long confusing
- Set up aliases
- Use optical cues
10Consider the Input Device
- For Key Entry on Terminals
- Upper Case Only
- Minimize Alpha
- Eliminate Punctuation
- For Bar Code Scanners
- Optimize Aspect Ratio (height to width)
- Gimme Space!!!
11Bar Code The Locations
Pictures used with permission www.SlotLabel.com
12Match the Labels to the Scanners
13Example Domtar
14 15Get Granular
- A Few Large Locations
- It seems easy, from sitting at a desk
- Requires lots of searching for items
- Many Better Sized Locations
- Requires use of a stock locator
- Once at the location, items are at hand
AREA1 MMT-1996-BCH-DM MMT-1996-BCH-WM MMT-1996-BCV-DM MMT-1996-BCV-WM MMT-1996-C05 MMT-1996-C15 MMT-1996-DM MMT-1996-DM-B MMT-1996-HCH MMT-1996-H5 MMT-1996-KPD MMT-1996-RCV MMT-1996-RCVCVR MMT-1996-SCR AREA2 1/4PLATE 1X4X3ANGL BX00136 CL-02110 CRS.020 4 X 4 CRS.300 X 3.50 FG01
A6 B6 C6 D6 E6 F6
A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F5
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1
16Get Random
- Fixed Stock Locations
- Spots are held open for specific parts, even when
out of stock - Similar items are in close proximity
- Random Stock Locations
- Similar products are separated
- Empty space is re-assigned
MMT-1996-BCV-WM MMT-1996-C05 MMT-1996-C15
MMT-1996-DM MMT-1996-DM-B MMT-1996-HCH
MMT-1996-HCH MMT-1996-H MMT-1996-KPD
MMT-1996-DM 1X4X3 ANGL MMT-1996-HCH
BX00136 MMT-1996-H FG01
MMT-1996-RCV CRS.300 X 3.50 MMT-1996-SCR
1/4PLATE MMT-1996-BCH-WM CL-02110
MMT-1996-BCV-WM CRS.020 4 X 4 MMT-1996-C15
17Pick Route Order
Rigid and Heavy Objects
Lighter and Fragile Objects
18 19Worth Repeating
- most troubles and most possibilities for
improvement add up to proportions something like
this - 94 belong to the system (the responsibility of
management) - 6 are attributable to special causes
- Dr. W. Edwards Deming
20Adhere to Industry Standards
21Or Impose Your Own
22Example Compliance Specification
- P12345ltSN0001lt4LCAlt
- 10D121021ltH300054.6lt
Field Prefix Data Delimiter
Part P 12345 lt
Serial Number SN 0001 lt
Country of Origin 4L CA lt
Ship Date 10D 121021 lt
HTS Code H 300054.6 lt
Vendor V QDATA
Free Barcode Generator www.microscan.com Click
on Training Select Free Barcode Generator
23Make It Easy for Vendors to Comply
and the spreadsheet creates the 2D bar codes and
the Packing Slip
Vendors type in or scan in the part numbers and
serial numbers
24What is a License?
- A A logical collection of items
- Think of it as
- A location that can be moved
- or
- A short cut transaction moving one license
makes all of its contents and their properties
move with it
One To Many
One To Many
One To One
Trace Data
25Build Licenses During Receiving
- Scan PO or WO
- Confirm Part
- Confirm Lot
- Enter Quantity
- Print License
26Build Licenses During Receiving
- Add Lot B
- Enter Quantity
- Add Lot C
- Enter Quantity
- Close License
27Make the System Match the Process
E.G. Stacking Pallets
28Cut The Cord
Bring the Rules to the Tools In Real-Time
29Use The Right Tool For The Job
30My First Flowchart
31Paper Based Work Flow
32Paper Sparse Work Flow
33Barcode Scanning
99.9997 accurate Ink is dirt cheap
- Cons
- Requires line of sight
- Only one read per scan
34RFID Radio Frequency IDentification
- Pros
- Hands Free
- Eyes Free
- One scan many reads
- All IDs are unique
- Cons
- Subject to RF interference
- Much higher cost
35RTLS Real Time Locating Systems
User ID
2 You Are Here
Work Order
A WO-1234
B WO-2345
C WO-3456
D WO-4567
36Voice Directed Logistics
- Pros
- Hands Free
- Eyes Free
- Cons
- Requires special process design to build in
real-time validation
37Voice Picking Case Study
- Family owned supermarket chain
- 15 local stores
- Unhappy with support from existing WMS supplier
- Planning for growth
- Building a new DC
- Doubling the number of stores
38Split the Order by Process
Full Pallet Picks
Line Line Line .
Dry Goods
Case Picks
Catch Weight
39The Case Picking Script
- Jennifer Selector
- Go to 03-02-01
- 987
- Get 3
- Got 2
- Get 1
- Got 1
- Go to
- 03-02-01
- Aisle Bay Slot
- Check Digit 987
40Voice Picking
41The Catch Weight Picking Script
- Jennifer Selector
- Go to 03-02-01
- 987
- Get 2, UOM
- ltscangt
- 21.3, UOM
- ltscangt
- 21.1
- Go to
- 03-02-01
- Aisle Bay Slot
- Check Digit 987
42Voice and Bar Codes
43Longos Brothers The Benefits
- 15 increase in pick efficiency
- Increase throughput without increasing staff
- Award winning solution
Gold Medal Winner Best Collaborative Solution
44Infor Bar Coding Solutions
45RF Plus for Visual
46TM Plus
Scan WO traveller to be taken direct to that work
Select open job to be taken direct to that work
47Product Comparison
Function Infor
Inventory Tracking Limited to the functionality of Visual
Job Cost Labour Tracking Limited to the functionality of Visual
Active development roadmap True real-time operation Supervisors Control Centre, KPIs Fully customizable, even by user Functions not found in Visual Gang, Wave, Zone Picks License Plates is-kit BOM Picking Nested Serial Numbers Supply Chain Labels In-Transit Moves
Active development roadmap True real-time operation RM Issuing Team Labour MVC Architecture (browser)
48Gregs ROI Estimate Worksheet
- In this session you learned how reducing
warehouse errors can help you save time and
money. - Agenda
- We learned about errors
- There were tips and case studies
- We compared some solutions
- Now you should have some ideas on how to save
your company time and money by reducing warehouse
50 51- 1-877-GREG-DOW
- _at_1877GregDow