Title: HOPE in Sri Lanka Reg no 1126110
We are raising money for the children at KK
orphanage Sri Lanka so they can buy a generator
to pump water from the well. They need to pump
approximately 150 bucket fulls a day. At the
moment, the children do it by hand daily. Last
year a girl was struck by lightning whilst
pumping the water. The generator will also be
used for electricity.
2Which class can move the most buckets in the
least time?
- During the week beginning the 11th July,
children will be participating in Water
Wipeout! As children carry buckets of water
along a course, they will realise how hard work
it must be for the children at the orphanage- but
hopefully will have fun too! The teacher will be
adding extra obstacles for different year groups!
Please find attached the sponsor form. You can
sponsor based on how many buckets moved or
alternatively donate- no matter how small it will
make a massive difference. Thank you for your
help! - If you would like more information, please do not
hesitate to contact me. - Miss Richardson
3Which class can move the most buckets in the
least time?
- During the week beginning the 11th July, Key
Stage 1 and 2 children will be participating in
Water Wipeout! As children carry buckets of
water along a course, they will realise how hard
work it must be for the children at the
orphanage- but hopefully will have fun too! The
teacher will be adding extra obstacles for
different year groups! The Foundation Stage unit
will be setting up obstacles so the children are
involved in the whole school event. Although we
are not asking for a child in the Foundation
Stage to be sponsored, any donations to Hope in
Sri Lanka would be greatly appreciated. If would
like more information, please do not hesitate to
contact me. - Miss Richardson
4HOPE in Sri Lanka
- Helping
- Overcome
- Painful
- Emotions
CHARITY NUMBER 1121160 Website
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6On behalf of Hope in Sri Lanka a huge thank you
(again!) for your continued prayers and support.
7Update from Hope in Sri Lankas last
tripFebruary/March 2016
- Support given to Kalamussa Kadella- An orphanage
just South of Colombo - Working one to one with children- therapy
sessions - Marriage Day
- Childrens workshops with Bible stories
- Sunday School Sessions
8Your toast money paid for the children to have
their first EVER
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11 12Marriage Day
- We helped the Mums and Dads too!
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18Sunday School Sessions
- Pam and Keith were asked to do a special lesson
for the Sunday school while Premadasa and Nelum
stayed in the church room. - Pam and Keith focused on the Armour of God and
worked with over 100 children. - Premadasa is trying to provide breakfast for
these children every week as most of the families
are very poor and several travel long distances
to church. YOU provided the money for the rice
and dhal and egg on this occasion.
19Church Breakfast
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21Future Projects
- Continued support at K.K. for the children AND
Nelum and Premadasa - Food for the children who attend church weekly
- Possibility of funding a generator and/or
lightening conductor at K.K.