Title: Social%20Influence:%20A%20Neglected%20Issue%20in%20Social-Dilemma%20Research?
1Social InfluenceA Neglected Issue in
Social-Dilemma Research?
- Tommy Gärling
- Maria Andersson
- Ted Martin Hedesström
- Department of Psychology
- University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Sweden
2Social Influence
It is believed that sheep follow each other
And men?
3A Normal Day at the Stock Market
- In the stock market following others is referred
to as herding. Conclusive market evidence of the
existence and causes of herding is largely
lacking. - Experiments are conducted by asking
participants to make choices in sequence such
that in addition to private information each
participant knows the choices made by the
preceding participants.
4Relationships to Social Dilemmas
- In social dilemmas under sequential protocol when
participants know what others preceding them have
contributed (taken), do they follow a majority of
others due to their social influence? And what
role does interdependence play in stock markets?
5Theories of Social Influence
- Social influence creates conflict between the
source and the target of influence. - Two ways of solving the conflict include
- Conforming to a majoritys view Majority
influence - Accepting a minoritys view Minority influence
- Dual-process theories assume there are
qualitative differences between majority and
minority influences.
6Theories of Social Influence (cont.)
- Majority influence is associated with heuristic
processing - (either because one wants to belong to the
majority normative social influence or because
one believes the majority is correct
informative social influence) - Minority influence is associated with systematic
processing (critical assessment) - Empirical studies (Erb, Bohner, Rank,
Einwiller, 2002 Martin, Hewstone, Martin,
2007 Martin, Martin, Smith, Hewstone, 2007
Tormala, DeSensi, Petty, 2007) crossing source
status and message processing give mixed results,
some support dual-process theories and some do
not. Several moderating factors.
7Method Overview The Market
Upmarket mean 12
Downmarket mean 9
8Method Overview Material (Upmarket)
Signal Participant A Participant B Participant C
1 gt10 Up Up Down
2 gt10 Up Down Up
3 gt10 Down Up Up
4 gt10 Up Down Down
5 gt10 Down Up Down
6 gt10 Down Down Up
7 gt10 Up Up Down
8 gt10 Up Down Up
9 gt10 Up Down Down
10 10 Down Up Up
11 10 Down Up Down
12 10 Down Down Up
9Method Overview - Design
- Participants
- 60 undergraduates in different programs
- Design
- A 3 (payoff individual vs minority vs.
majority) - by 2 (market state up vs. down)
- by 5 (4) x 12 (trials) factorial design with
trial as a repeated-measures factor. - Payoff schemes
- Individual payoff If correct prediction 4 SEK
- (EV of following majority/minority 2 SEK,
EV of following signal 3 SEK) - Majority/minority payoff If correct prediction 2
SEK 4 SEK if coinciding with the majoritys
(minoritys) predictions - (EV of following majority/minority 3/1
SEK/EV of following signal 3 SEK)
- Several previous experiments we have conducted
(see Andersson, 2009) have shown that a majority
has a larger impact than a minority. The payoff
for individual performance (not following the
majority) compared to the payoff for following
the majority is expected to counteract following
the majority if it instigates systematic
processing (and following the majority leads to
worse performance). The paypoff for following the
minority may have no effect because a minority
already instigates systematic processing. - Andersson, M. (2009). Social influence in the
stock market. Doctoral dissertation, University
of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.
Percent Correct
No significant effects (? .05)
12Results (cont.)
Follow signal
Follow herd
Main effect of payoff F(2,54) 4.46, p .016,
?2partial .06 Only the majority-payoff condition
differs reliably from the other conditions.
13Results of Additional Experiments
- Individual payoff had a larger effect in the
absence of the herd (percent correct 74 vs. 65) - Only slightly less effect when majority payoff
was eliminated (percent correct 69.7 vs. 60.6, - index .36 vs. .17)
- The results show that in the majority-payoff (and
no bonus) condition(s) participants pay less
attention to the signal and more attention to the
others predictions than do participants in the
other payoff conditions. An interpretation is
that a majority is followed mindlessly
(heuristic processing), whereas an individual
payoff instigates systematic processing that lead
to more accurate performance. - In contrast a minority bonus had no effect
because a minority already elicits systematic
processing. (Not confirmed in consequent
experiments.) - In a social dilemma under sequential protocol,
the interdependence certainly plays a role. Does
social influence? If there is uncertainty and
contributions are anonymous, informative social
influence may dominate. If not anonymous
normative social influence (reputation) would
perhaps dominate. - In the reverse, what does interdependence add to
accounts of social influence (in stock markets)?
15Thank you!
Questions and comments?
16Social Influence
Almost mindlessly people follow others.
Anonymous thinker
17Method overview - Task
- Task Predict upmarket or downmarket
- Information in all conditions
- - Before each trial, participants receive a
signal. - - The signal (ranging 5 to 16) is sampled from
one of two distributions (upmarket or
downmarket) - - The predictions by 3 (fictitious) others
18Method overview - Instructions
- Probability of initial market state
upmarket/downmarket .50 - Maximum one change
- Change on any trial after the twelfth (no change
occurred) - Probability of market change .50