Title: 10 pt
1Neptune Pluto Jupiter
Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter
Jupiter, Earth, Saturn, Mars, Pluto
Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus
Saturn, Sun, Mars, Pluto
5 pt
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15 pt
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25 pt
2It takes 165 Earth days to orbit the Sun.
3What is Neptune?
4It is the coldest planet.
5What is Pluto?
6It has 8 moons.
7What is Neptune?
8It takes 12 Earth years to orbit the sun.
9What is Jupiter?
10It is 1.8 billion miles from the sun.
11What is Uranus?
12Voyager 2 discoveredthis planets rings.
13What is Neptune?
14This planet has 15 moons.
15What is Uranus?
16It takes 1 year to revolve around the sun.
17What is the Earth?
18It is the only planet to support life.
19What is Earth?
20This planet has 16 moons.
21What is Jupiter?
22It is the largest planet.
23What is Jupiter?
24It is made mostly of water.
25What is the Earth?
26The rings around this planet are made of ice and
27What is Saturn?
28Viking 1 Viking 2 landed on this planet and
sent back pictures.
29What is Mars?
30It takes 250 Earth years to orbit the sun.
31What is Pluto?
32It is the brightest planet in the morning
evening sky.
33What is Venus?
34It is made mostly of gases.
35What is Saturn?
36This is a star.
37What is the Sun?
38It has poison clouds.
39What is Jupiter?
40This planet has no moons.
41What is Mercury?
42It is the smallest planet in the solar system.
43What is Pluto?
44It is known as The Red Planet.
45What is Mars?
46The Earth will fit 1 million times in this star.
47What is the Sun?
48This planet is 10 times the size of Earth in
49What is Saturn?
50This planet is 4th from the Sun and most Earth
51What is Mars?