Title: Renal failure
1Renal failure
21 Introduction
- Normal function of the kidney
- Renal insufficiency
- Causes
- Basic manifestation of renal insufficiency
3Normal function of the kidney
- Remove waste product from the body
- Regulate electrolyte and acid-base balance.
2. Endocrine
Produce renin?EPO?1,25(OH)2D3 and
prostaglandins Inactivate gastrin?PTH.
4Renal insufficiency
Dysfunction of excretion and endocrine
Symptoms and signs
Edema, hypertension, oliguric, polyuria,
hematuria, proteinuria, anemia, osteodystrophy.
- 1 Primary renal diseases
- Primary glomerular diseases, Primary tubular
diseases, Interstitial nephritis, et al. - 2 Secondary renal lesion
- Circulatory system diseases, immunity siseases,
metabolic diseases, hematopathy, et al.
6Basic manifestation of renal insufficiency
- 1 Glomerular dysfunction
- 2 Tubular dysfunction
- 3 Endocrine dysfunction
71 Glomerular dysfunction
- ?GFR
- ?blood flow
- ?net filtration pressure
- ? Kf
- ? Glomerular permselectivity
82 Tubular dysfunction
- ?proximal tubule
- Renal glycosuria, aminoaciduria, renal tubular
acidosis, hypophosphatemia - ?loop of Henle
- Hypotonic or isotonic urine, polyuria
- ?distal tubule
- Acid-base and electrolyte disorders, polyuria
93 Endocrine dysfunction
- ? Renin
- ?Endothelins
- ?KKS disorders
- ?AA Disequilibrium
- ?EPO
- ? 1,25(OH)2D3
102 Acute renal failure
water intoxication,azotemia, hyperkalemia,
metabolic acidosis
11Section 1 Cause and Classification
1 causes Prerenal Intrarenal Postrenal
2renallesion functional organic obstructive
3urine volume Oliguric Nonoliguric
- 1 Prerenal factor
- renal blood flow
- Characteristic
- early stage functional late stage organic
- (2) oliguria
GFR? Reabsorption?
oliguria Impaired hemeostasis
142 intrarenal factor
- Causes
- (1) acute tubular necrosis,ATN 2/3
- acute renal ischemia
- acute renal poisoning hemoglobinuria,
myoglobinuria - (2) renal disease
- Characteristic
- (1) parenchymal
- (2) oliguric
- nonoliguric
15- Differentiation between the two RF
- urine functionalRF organic RF
- specific gravity gt 1.020 lt 1.015
- OP(mmol/L) gt 700 lt 250
- Na(mmol/L) lt 20 gt 40
- UrCr/SrCr gt 40 lt 20
- Sediment normal
- Manicol test urine volume urine volume
Necrosis epithelial cells,RBC,casts, albuminuria
163 Postrenal factor
- Causes
- Kidney stone, tumor, obstruction of necrosis
- Characteristic
- early stage obstructive
- late stage organic
Bowmans capsule pressure?
Obstruction of the urinary tract
Net filtration pressure?
Oliguria, anuria
18Section 2 Pathogenesis
1 Glomerular factor
- ? RBF
- (1) Net filtration pressure
- BP lt 60mmHg
- BP (50-70mmHg) GFR (1/2 2/3)
- BP(40mmHg) GFR 0
- Urinary obstruction intracapsular pressure
19(2)renal vessels constriction RBF
sympathetic nerve Shock RAS
afferent arteriole
constriction prostaglandin kallikrein -
kinin syetem
afferent arteriole constriction efferent
arteriole constriction
20(3) swelling endothelial cell ischemia
Na - K - ATPase free radical
endothelial cellular injury
(4)alteration of renal hemorheology
fibrinogen Blood viscosity
RBC??????? PLT?? WBC????? ?????
renal DIC
21? Glomerular lesion
filtration surface area
Glomerular permselectivity
222 Tubular factor
?tuble obstruction ?? ???? ?????? ??
???? GFR ?passive
backflow ???????????? ???? ????? ???
GFR ??
233 renal cellular injury and its mechanism
- ? damaged cells
- (1) renal tubular cells
- 1)necrotic lesion
- tubulorrhexic lesion ?????????
- ??????????
- ????????????
- nephrotoxic lesion?????????
- ?????,??????
- ???????
242)apoptotic lesion distal tubule
(2) endothelial cell
Tubular ischemia
endothelial injury
glomerular endothelial window
25(3)mesangial cell Ang??ADH Gentamicin?adenosine
contraction of mesangial cells
resistance of glomerular capillary filtration
26 ?mechanism of cell injury (1) production of
ATP and Na - K - ATPase hypoxia
ischemia toxication
Na - K - ATPase Ca2 - ATPase
Nain,H2O Ca2in
damage of mitochondria
27(2)free radical(FR) ischemia GSH
FR clearance reperfusion
FR?? (3)GSH ??????? ,???? (4)phospholipas
e Ca2in phospholipase A2
cell membrane injury
Cellular injury
28 (5)alteration of cell framework ischemia
ATP toxication (6)apoptosis
alteration of cell framework
29Section 3 Clinical Course and manifestation
oliguric ARF
- 1 oliguria phase(daysweeks)
- (1)features of urine
- urine volumeoliguria(?400ml/d)or
anuria(?100ml/d) - S.G.1.0101.020
- Na tubular reabsorption dysfunction
- urine sedimenterythrocytes, casts,
30(2) water toxication
- oliguria
- Catabolism ,???
- Transfuse fluid
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Fluid retention
Cell edema
31(3) Hyperkalemia
- Urinary excretion of K
- Tissue destruction
- Metabolic acidosis
- Transfuse non-fresh blood, high K diet
- hyponatremia,exchange of Kand Na
Movement of K from cells into ECF
32(4) Metabolic acidosis
grogressive,difficult to correct
- GFR excretion of acid production
- Secretion of H??NH3? , reabsorption of HCO3
- Catabolism , acid production
Metabolic acidosis
33(5) Azotemia (NPNgt40 mg/dl)
- Excretion of protein metabolite
- Protein catabolism
??????????????? ??????
342 diuresis phase(12W)
- Mechanism
- ???????????????
- ???????????????
- ?????????,?????
- ???????,?????
- polyuria,gt400 ml/d
- Early stage Hyperkalemia, Azotemia ,
- Metabolic acidosis
- Late stagedehydration, hypokalemia,
hyponatremia, infection.
3 recovery phase
36Nonoliguric ARF
- Feaures
- ???????????
???? - ???????????
??? - ???,???,???????
37Section 4 Treatment Principle of ARF
- 1. Treat the cause
- ?????????????
- ???????????
- 2. Rescue actively.
- ?????? ????
- ??????????
- ????.
38 - ???,11???????????9?,??3????
- 9?????????,???????,??34?,?????,????,???????,????
???5.83mmol/L, ???????????????????,???????????
39- ????60?/?,??120?/?,??85/54mmHg????????,????????
40- ?????Hb84g/L,???3.261012/L,????????0.14,???0.6
L,??128mmol/L,???100mmol/L, ??1.98mmol/L,??2.33mmo
/L????pH7.17, PCO23.27kPa,HCO-38.6mmol/L,
41- Addition
- 1. The role of free radical
- ? kinds and concept of free radical
- free radical
- ?????????????????????????
42- oxygen free radical
O-2 ?OH - kinds of (active oxygen
1O2?H2O2) - free radical lipid free radical
L?LO?LOO - others Cl?CH3?NO
43- (2) mechanism of increase of oxygen free radical
- ? formation of oxygen free radical
- nature oxidation of Hb , Adr , Cyt
C - O2 O ?2 H2O2
OH H2O -
H2O - oxidation of enzyme xanthine
oxidase(XO) - O ?2 xanthine
uric acid -
O2 O ?2 - Mitochondria CoQ
- Cyt P450 (?????)
44- Xanthine oxidase
- Ischemia
ATP Ca2i -
oxidase - ADP ?AMP
- ? increase of adenosine? xanthine
O?2 - oxygen free O?2 cell membrane
- radical LTB
4 -
- repiratory
burst O?2 ?OH -
mitochondria - hypoxia
O?2 -
sympathetic -
nervous system
45- (3) damage action of free radical
- ? membrane lipid peroxidation
- cellular membrane permeability
- lipid peroxidation of membrane Ca2
i -
- lipid cross-linked calcium
overload -
- inhibition of Na-pump
- and Ca2-pump Na i ,
Ca2 i -
- membrane lipid phospholipase C PGs ,
LTs - peroxidation phospholipase D
TXA2 - damage of mitochondria membrane ATP
46- ? inhibition of protein function
- enzymes , channels , pump , and so on
- ? destruction of nuclear acid
- ?????DNA?? ??????????
47- 2 Damage mechanism of calcium overload
- ?phospholipase injury of cell
membrane -
and cell organ - ?ATPas ATP
- ?Ca2 phosphate production of ATP
- deposition
- ? Ca2 i XO
free radical -
48 Chronic Renal Failure
Section 1 Conception
- etiological factors destruct nephron
Dysfunction of excretion and endocrine
waste product , acid-base and electrolyte
disorders , dysfunction of endocrine
49Section 2 Causes of CRF
- Renal diseases chronic glomerulonephritis et al
- Vascular disordersdiabetes mellitus?hypertensive
disease?Periarteritis nodosa, et al - Urinary tract obstructionurinary
calculus?prostatic hyperplasia et al
50Section 3 Clinical Course of CRF
- compensatory stage
- Renal insufficiency stage
- Renal failure stage
- Uremia stage
51?? GFR (ml/min) BUN (mmol/L) Cr (umol/L) ????
??? gt50 lt9 lt178 ????,?????
?????? 2550 920 178445 ??,????,?????
?????? lt25 2028 451707 ??,??????,?????????????
???? lt10 gt28.6 gt707 ?????????
52Section 4 Pathogenesis
- Intact nephron hypothesis
- Glomerular hyperfiltration hypothesis
- Trade-off hypothesis
- Tubulointerstitial injury
53- Intact nephron hypothesis
Destroy nephron persistently
Progressive reduction in the number of nephrons
Renal compensation insufficiency
Renal failure
54(??) ????
???? (??)
55(No Transcript)
56- Glomerular hyperfiltration hypothesis
Compensatory glomerular hyperfiltration
Renal failure
57- Mechaniasm of nephron dysfunction
- Primary disease
- Secondary progressive glomerulosclerosis
- RAS activation?oxidative stress?proteinuria?aldost
58Section 5 Changes of Function and Metabolism
?????? ????? ???????
- 1 characteristics of urine
- volumenocturia?polyuria(gt2000ml/d)or oliguria
specific gravityhypotonic urine (early stage)?
isotonic urine(late stage) sedimentProteinuria?he
602 acid-base and electrolyte disorders
- (1)fluidpulmonary and cerebral edema,heart
failure,dehydration - (2)Nahyponatremia?Hypernatremia
- (3) Khypokalemia or hyperkalemia
- K diet emesis?diuretic(excrete K )
- K oliguria?Potassium-sparing
diuretic?acidosis?catabolism ,
hemolysis?intake K
61(4) Ca P
- P early stage compensation(PTH )
- late stage nephron
bone dissolve - Ca P
- Vit D
- calcium phosphate
- Toxic substance damage
- intestinal tract
- (5) Acidosis ?????? ?carbonic anhydrase
??NH3 ??H
Absorption of intestine Ca
623 azotemia (NPNgt28.6mmol/L)
- BUN is not parallel to renal function
- Plasma creatinine
- endogenous creatinine clearance rate
- ----?????
Ucr Vu
634 renal hypertension
- (1) Fluid and sodium retention
- (2) renin
- (3) kinin?PGE2
645 renal osteodystrophy
- ?????,???????????????????D3???????????????
includebone cystic Fibrosis?Osteomalacia?osteopor
osis and renal rickets
65(2)Vit D3 ???? ,????
(1)P Ca and secondary hyperparathyroidism
(3) acidosisbone mineral lysis,decalcification,
VitD3 ,absorption of intestine Ca
- (4)Al ????????????????????
????? ???
???? ???
676 hemorrhagic tendency
- Toxic substance inhibite the function of platelet
- PF3 ????????????
68(1) EPO(2) bone marrow(3)bleeding(4)
Erythrocyte life span(5)Fe and Folic acid
7 Renal anemia
69End-stage renal failure
Intoxication symptom
70source 1. Metabolite 2. Ectogenesis
toxin 3. Ectogenesis toxin metabolite
4. Normal activity material
Uremia toxin
71common urea, guanidine, amines and
phenol,middle molecules?PTH?Al
Uremia toxin
72- PTH
- 1) renal osteodystrophy
- 2) neurotoxicity
- 3)RBC Plt
- 4) Myocardium injury
- 5) Soft Tissues necrosis
- 6) Protein catabolism
- 7) Cholesterol and triglyceride
731?nervous system ??2?digestive system
?????3?cardiovascular system4?respiratory
system ??5?skin ????6?immune system
Dysfunction 7?Material metabolism
???????????8?endocrine system EPO, somatotropin,
Ins, thyroid function, sex function
change of function and metabolism
74Treatment principle 1?treatment of the
primary disease 2? dialysis therapy 3?
renal transplantation
?1012/L?Hb47g/L,WBC9.6 ?109/L,??1.9mmol/L,??1.3mmo
76- ??????,???????????????????,??????????
- ??????????,?????????,?????????????????????????????
77 - ????????????????????????????????????????????????8?