Title: Sensor Networks
1May 22, 2008
????????? Sensor Networks ?????? ?? Prof.
Noriyoshi Yamauchi
protocol ??? ???????????????He violated
protocol by appearing in jeans and sneakers.
??????????????????????????????They are trying
to shed some of its stifling protocol.
???? ????????????????????????? ???????????????
???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????
countable technical an established method
for connecting computers so that they can
exchange information
5Examples of Conversations and Computer
6Flow Control
7Standards in Radio
???? ???? ??????? ZigBee Bluetooth ????PAN UWB ????PAN
?? ?? ?? IEEE802.15.4 IEEE802.15.1 IEEE802.15.3a IEEE802.15.4a
????(bps) 2K 2.4K 250K 1M 480M ??K??
??????? 307.74MHz? 316.74MHz 429MHz 2.4GHz? 868MHz? 915MHz 2.4GHz 3.1GHz 10.6GHz 2.4GHz? 868MHz? 915MHz 3.1GHz 10.6GHz
???? 30m 30m300m 10m75m 10m100m 10m(110Mbps) 4m(200Mbps) 10m??
???? (??/??) 66mW /3.3mW 50mW /0.3mW lt60mW (??) 120mW /4.2mW lt100mW (??) 6.2mW (?????)
??? ? ? ???? ? ? ?
????(????? 3m?????) 322MHz?? 500µV/m?? 322MHz??
10GHz?? 35µV/m?? ??????? ?? 1mW?. ?? 10mW?
IEEE802.3 Ethernet
IEEE802.11 ??LAN
IEEE802.15 PAN
802.15.3a UWB
802.15.4 ZigBee
802.15.1 Bluetooth
802.15.4a ??WPAN
8OSI (Open System Interconnection) Reference Model
9Layers in OSI Model
10Examples of Protocols
11Ad hoc Network
A collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a
temporary network without the aid of any
established infrastructure or centralized
12Ad hoc Network
No fixed network infrastructure. No centralize
administration Network topologies keeps
changing Multi-hop network
13Outlook of a solar cell powered sensor node
14A configuration of sensor nodes
15Multi-hop Communication ???????????
16Reactive Protocol and Proactive Protocol
Reactive On-demand Proactive Table-driven
17Applications of ad-hoc WSN
-Mostly military related -Natural
disasters -Shopping mall -Stadium -Amusement park
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