Title: The
Harness the Power of the Next Generations
Harness the Power of the Next Generations
Trusts Authority
No Attention Span
Highly Motivated
Likes Structure
3Are We Prepared?
- Stereotyping
- NOT keeping pace
- Technology
- Management practices
- Hiring and Training
- NOT changing
- Waiting for THEM to change
4The End of the World?
- The Industrial Revolution
- The Roaring Twenties
- Rock n Roll
- The Mini Skirt
- Long-Haired Hippies
- Technology
5Questions to Help Us Change
- Who Are They?
- What Do They Want?
- How Can We Succeed?
6Who are They?
7Defining The Generations
Born 1920 - 1942
Age 65 - 87
U.S. Pop. 42 Million
8Who are Seniors?
- The Great Depression
- World War II
- Unprecedented Economic Prosperity
- Chaos of the 60s
9Defining The Generations
Seniors Boomers
Born 1920 - 1942 1943 - 1963
Age 65 - 87 43 - 64
U.S. Pop. 42 Million 82 Million
10Who Are Baby Boomers?
- Peace and prosperity
- Anti-establishment politics
- Civil Rights movement
- Anti-war
- Environmentalism
- Raised with television
- Music Is Important
- Rock n Roll
- Folk
- Hard Rock
- Disco
11Defining The Generations
Seniors Boomers Gen X
Born 1920 - 1942 1943 - 1963 1964 - 1980
Age 65 - 87 43 - 64 26 - 42
U.S. Pop. 42 Million 82 Million 68 Million
12Who Is Generation X?
- Latch-Key Kids
- Downsizing, Restructuring, Takeovers
- Shaped by Mass-Media, not Politics
- Cable, MTV, Video Games
- Technology
13Defining The Generations
Seniors Boomers Gen X Gen Y
Born 1920 - 1942 1943 - 1963 1964 - 1980 1981
- 2000
Age 65 - 87 43 - 64 26 - 42 06 - 25
U.S. Pop. 42 Million 82 Million 68 Million 80
14Who is Generation Y?
- Terrorism
- Booming economy thenbust
- The Electronic Age -
- Media everywhere!
- Cell phones
- Online for EVERYTHING
- Education
- Shopping On Demand
- Social Networking
15What Do They Want?
What Do They Want?
16X and Y as Consumers
- Skeptical/Informed
- Style matters
- Will search for value
- What do others say?
- Empowered and vocal
- Demand customization
- Give me what I want, when I want it.
Or Else.
17X and Y at Work
- 77M Boomers replaced by 45M Xers
- Career Systems International
18X and Y at Work
- Stereotype
- Not Loyal
- Hate Structure
- Dont Work Hard
- Reality
- Two-Way Loyalty
- Adept at Change
19X and Y at Work
- 77M Boomers replaced by 45M Xers
- Career Systems International
- Hours Worked per Week
- Boomers in 1977 42.9
- GenXers in 2002 45.6
- American Business Coalition
20X and Y at Work
- Stereotype
- Not Loyal
- Hate Structure
- Dont Work Hard
- Not Motivated
- Reality
- Two-Way Loyalty
- Adept at Change
- Focused on Results
- Seek Balance
21X and Y at Work
- 77M Boomers replaced by 45M Xers
- Career Systems International
- Hours Worked per Week
- Boomers in 1977 42.9
- GenXers in 2002 45.6
- American Business Coalition
- Want jobs with more responsibility?
- 1992 - 68 of Men, 57 of Women
- 2002 52 of Men, 38 of Women
- American Business Coalition
22How Can We Succeed?
How Can We Succeed?
23How Can We Succeed?
- Learn
- Research
- Quit preaching LISTEN and OBSERVE!
- Accept
- Change
- Collaborate
- Combine Strengths
- Overcome Weaknesses
24Change for Todays Consumers
- Messaging is OUT
- The Customer Experience is IN
- Frequently Update Styles
- Mass Customize
- (but watch the Mass)
- Tap Into the Network
- Constantly Create More Value
25Collaborate at Work
- Mature
- Too Loyal
- Structured
- Effort
- Process
- Next
- Too Wary
- Change
- Results
- Technology
Best Partners Evolution Innovation Success
26How Can We Succeed?
How Can We Succeed?
27Thank You!
Thank You!