The changing world of work - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The changing world of work


The changing world of work Objectives To identify key environmental forces shaping the world of work To evaluate the impact of wider environmental factors on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The changing world of work

The changing world of work
  • Objectives
  • To identify key environmental forces shaping the
    world of work
  • To evaluate the impact of wider environmental
    factors on organisational practice, employment
    relations and attitudes to work
  • To examine different patterns of work
  • To evaluate the concept and practice of
    flexibility in organisation and work design
  • To discuss the concept of the psychological
  • To debate future trends in work organisation and
    future HR scenarios

Influences on the organisation
The macro environment a PESTLE framework
  • Economic
  • Levels of employment
  • Exchange rates
  • Inflation rates
  • Earnings
  • Social
  • Demographic trends
  • Consumer patterns
  • Attitudes to work
  • Mobility
  • Political
  • Government orthodoxy
  • Legislation
  • International law
  • Social policies

The organisation
  • Technological
  • Internet
  • Communications
  • Production processes
  • Environmental
  • Protection laws
  • Re-cycling and waste
  • Resources
  • Legal
  • Corporate law
  • Employment law
  • European law

The driving forces of change
  • Think about the business environment your
    organisation (or an organisation you are familiar
    with) operates in
  • what are the key trends?
  • what are the main challenges?
  • what are the implications for the management of

The impact of the environment
  • The driving forces
  • internationalisation
  • competition
  • technology
  • How organisations are responding
  • differentiated goods and services
  • customer focus
  • quicker response times
  • lower costs
  • flexibility from people and technology
  • developing core competencies of people
  • Impact on the way people are managed
  • decentralisation and devolvement of
  • slimmer, flatter management structures
  • fewer specialists directly employed
  • developing a flexible workforce
  • more project-based and cross-functional
    initiatives and teamworking
  • empowerment
  • (CIPD Position Paper, People make the

The impact of the environment
  • increased self-management of individuals and
  • adding value - contributing to continuous
    improvement of products, processes, services
  • commitment to personal training, development and
  • (CIPD Position Paper, People make the Difference)
  • What this means for managers
  • facilitating, co-ordinating roles
  • greater interpersonal, team leadership and
    motivational skills
  • integrating flexible staff
  • What this means for employees
  • customer orientation to meet needs of internal
    and external customers

Its a tough environment out there...
Skills and talent shortage
Economic trends
Demographic change
Legislative change/political agenda
The economys looking good...
Banks set to announce record profits Sunday Times
Economy grows faster than expected BBC
Recovery gathers pace The Economist
Economic gloom is lifting The Times
Sun comes out for the Citys rainmakers Financial
But skills shortages persist...
Strategies needed to prevent the flight of
talent Financial Times
Search for talent is top issue facing HR
Directors Personnel Today
Our Asian rivals are closing the skills gap
We need a fundamental change of culture so that
learning takes place in every workplace Gordon
Unemployment falls to 27-year low BBC
Staff shortages continue in social care People
Public sector facing recruitment crisis Audit
The labour market remains tight People Management
  • The ability of an organisation
  • to respond to environmental
  • and business pressures by
  • adapting the size, composition,
  • cost and responsiveness
  • of human resources

First peripheral group Secondary workers Internal
labour market Numerical and functional flexibility
Core group Primary workers Internal labour
market Functional flexibility
Agency workers
Sub- contracting
Secondary peripheral group Secondary
workers External labour market Numerical
Increased outsourcing
Atkinson 1984 The Flexible Firm
Types of flexibility
  • Functional flexibility
  • matching skills to needs, multi-skilling
  • Numerical flexibility
  • adjusting numbers employed to business needs
  • Temporal flexibility
  • variations in hours worked
  • Financial flexibility
  • matching pay to performance
  • Behavioural flexibility
  • encouraging adaptability and versatility

Flexibility and the flexible firm
  • Review and compare your organisations working
    patterns. What forms of flexibility have been
    introduced in the past five years?
  • Identify and discuss the advantages and
    disadvantages of flexibility
  • for employers
  • for employees

Flexible working
  • Employee drivers
  • work-life balance
  • greater control
  • increased job satisfaction and motivation
  • Employer drivers
  • resource to cover peak workloads
  • recruitment and retention
  • reduced absenteeism
  • increased productivity
  • reduction of overhead/ property costs
  • elimination of overtime costs
  • working time regulations
  • ability to react to market conditions

Advantages of flexibility Barriers to
  • aids recruitment
  • makes better use of resources
  • affords greater flexibility for managers
  • reduces costs
  • builds morale
  • gives greater choice for employees
  • increases productivity
  • allows customer- orientation
  • management resistance
  • administrative problems
  • trade union resistance
  • costs of introduction
  • specific logistical problems
  • perception of non-standard workers
  • inappropriateness to certain industries/ tasks

The psychological contract
  • A set of reciprocal expectations between
    employees and their employers about what both
    parties are expected to contribute to the
  • relationship

The psychological contract
Causes Organisational characteristics Type of
organisation HR practices Individual
characteristics/ circumstances
Change Employment change Job change Organisatio
nal change Work-related change Change in
personnel policy
Content Fairness Trust Delivery of the
Outcomes ATTITUDINAL Commitment,
satisfaction, work-life balance, security BEHAVI
OURAL Motivation, effort, citizenship, intention
to stay, performance
Guest and Conway 1999
The psychological contract
  • What do you understand by the term the
    psychological contract?
  • List the expectations you have of your
    organisation - and what you believe to be the
    expectations of the organisation from you.
  • Do you think that nature of the psychological
    contract between employees and their
    organisations has changed? If it has, how and why
    has it?

Psychological contract typology
  • Transactional contracts
  • Transitional contracts
  • Relational contracts
  • Balanced contracts

The changing psychological contract
New Employability Flexible/unpredictable Variab
le Driven by market forces Value added Pay for
performance Making a difference Opportunities fo
r self-development Knowledge and skills
Old Security, long-term career Structured/predict
able Permanent Influenced by tradition Loyalty
and commit- ment Fair days pay for fair days
work Good performance in present job Stable
income Time and effort
Focus Format Duration Underlying
principle Intended output Employers
responsibility Employees responsibility Employe
rs input Employees input
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