Title: The Impact of YCJA
1The Impact of YCJA
- BC Criminal Justice Association
- Victoria, March 2010
2Youth Crime Rates Young Persons dealt with by
the Police, (Charged and Not Charged) Total
Criminal Code Offences B.C. and CanadaRate per
10,000 population
Charged in B.C. means a Report to Crown Counsel
has been filed.
3Youth Violence Crime Rates Young Persons Dealt
with by the Police, (Charged and Not Charged),
Violent Offences, B.C. and Canada Rate per
10,000 population
Charged in B.C. means a Report to Crown Counsel
has been filed.
4Youth Violence Crime Rates More Serious
Violence, B.C. and Canada Rate per 10,000
Charged in B.C. means a Report to Crown Counsel
has been filed.
5Youth Charged with Homicide Rate per 10,000
6Percentage of Young Persons Charged by Police
7Youth Court CasesBC and Canada Rate per 10,000
8Average Number of Youth UnderCommunity Youth
Justice Supervision1 B.C.
1 Includes all forms of community supervision,
e.g. bail, probation, conditional supervision,
alternative measures
9Average Number of Youthin Custody B.C.
10Rate per 10,000 of Youth in CustodyB.C. and
11Per Capita Rates of Youth in Custody by Province
2008 Rate per 10,000 population
12Aboriginal Youth in CustodyRate per 10,000