Title: Cardiovascular events in the CABG trial
1Cardiovascular events in the CABG trial
Outcome Parecoxib/ valdecoxib Placebo/ valdecoxib Placebo/placebo
Any cardiovascular event () 2.0 1.1 0.5
Significant vs placebo
Whelton A. American College of Cardiology 2005
Scientific Sessions March 6-9, 2005 Orlando, FL.
Parecoxib/valdecoxib useful in selected
noncardiac-surgery patients? Rheumawire gt News
Mar 8, 2005
2Cumulative narcotic consumption through day 10 in
CABG trial
Narcotic consumption Parecoxib/valdecoxib Placebo/ valdecoxib Placebo/placebo
Mean cumulative morphine consumption (mg) 22.4 33.4 39.2
Significant vs placebo
Whelton A. American College of Cardiology 2005
Scientific Sessions March 6-9, 2005 Orlando, FL.
Parecoxib/valdecoxib useful in selected
noncardiac-surgery patients? Rheumawire gt News
Mar 8, 2005
3Cumulative narcotic consumption through day 10 in
general-surgery trial
Narcotic consumption Parecoxib/ valdecoxib Placebo/ placebo
Mean cumulative morphine consumption (mg) 43.2 66.2
Significant vs placebo
Whelton A. American College of Cardiology 2005
Scientific Sessions March 6-9, 2005 Orlando, FL.
Parecoxib/valdecoxib useful in selected
noncardiac-surgery patients? Rheumawire gt News
Mar 8, 2005