Title: An exciting Opportunity to
1New National competition for 2008-9 Cascading
more Particle Physics into schools colleges
- An exciting Opportunity to.
- Enhance your Physics studies
Develop Key Communication Skills - Make personal links with Research staff at a
leading University Win money to
help finance a trip to CERN
- What is involved?
- Groups of 2-4 A Level or GCSE students are
invited, with support from their teachers, to
prepare a - - short, but interesting
stimulating, video relating to particle physics - - lasting 3-4 minutes
- - aimed at a particular
specified age group (your choice!) - The videos will then be judged by a team from the
University Particle Physics experts and
teachers - - Prizes of 400 will be
awarded for the best 10 entries submitted.(to
help fund CERN visits) - Prize winners will be invited to an event at the
University to collect their prizes in June/July
2009 - - Lunch with Particle
Physics researchers students - - Discussions with
academics - - Live video link to
researchers at CERN - Winning videos will be uploaded onto the web and
schools will be invited to use them to introduce
concepts in the classroom - Please see enclosed information sheet for
details of competition rules and procedures.
2In 2009, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the
Worlds most powerful particle accelerator, will
be running experiments at CERN in Geneva.
The experiments bring together thousands of
scientists from dozens of countries - including
the Particle Physics group at the University of
LHC Tunnel
The biggest detectors ever built will be
investigating the origin of mass and studying the
fundamental particles that were present at the
beginning of the Universe..
Possible ATLAS event
ALICE Detector
Particle Physics - What do we already
know? What will be discovered next??
A world-wide computing Grid will be used to sort
and analyse the vast amount of data collected in
the experiments - selecting interesting events
will be like looking for 1 person in a thousand
World populations one years data from the LHC
would fill a stack of CDs 20km high!
3Competition information rules
- A competing team will consist of 2-4 students (AS
or A2 or GCSE students or mixed), and each team
member must make a recognisable contribution to
the video presentation either by appearance or
preparation of content. - The video presentation must last 3-4 minutes in
total. - The video presentation could include a Power
point element, live demonstrations, drama,
original computer animations or whatever you
think works the choice is wide open! - It could be serious or humorous BUT MUST CONVEY
ACCURATE PHYSICS INFORMATION. - There will be a website set up by University
students to access and an e-mail support system
for any advice or questions. - You will need to send in
- - a CD or USB memory stick with copies of
your video presentation - - details of the students who
compiled/starred in the video their school year
etc - - details of the school / college etc
specify the age of the student audience the video
is aimed at. -
to reach us by March 27th 2009
4- Your video presentation should be on one of the
following topics - -Whats in a proton?
- -Cosmic Rays are they cosmic? Are they
rays? - - How are particles accelerated?
- - If we can not see particles, how do we
- know they are there?
- - Why do we collide particles together?
- - The electron is it really fundamental?
- - What are neutrinos and how do we detect
them? - - How are forces transmitted between
particles? - - The BIG BANG linking particle physics
with cosmology - - What do we mean by DARK MATTER?
- - What is ANTIMATTER?
- - Medical applications of accelerators
or submit your own idea
for approval!! -
5Judging CriteriaAll presentations will be judged
on hitting the correct level for the specified
audience and on the originality/innovation of the
video produced
- Knowledge of the subject matter and evidence of
research (20) - Quality of video presentation we dont expect
professional quality but it should be
clear/audible/easy to follow (20) - Originality/innovation (20)
- Audience appeal is it interesting and
captivating? (20) - Pace and variety of methods used to get the key
messages across (20) - NB you should not copy paste material
wholesale from the web or any other source. Any
photographs etc used should be acknowledged on
the entry details form. -