The Importance of AERODYNAMICS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Importance of AERODYNAMICS


The Importance of AERODYNAMICS The following presentation will provide students with information about the RESEARCH of how the performance of vehicles is affected by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Importance of AERODYNAMICS

The Importance of AERODYNAMICS
  • The following presentation will provide students
    with information about the RESEARCH of how the
    performance of vehicles is affected by air as
    they move through at higher speeds. This is a
    branch of science dealing with objects as they
    move through a fluid called Dynamics.

  • Aerodynamics is the science that does research to
    discover the effects on an object as it moves
    through air.
  • Scientists have been studying how objects move
    through air for thousands of years. Sails on
    boats, arrows, bullets, and artillery shells,
    baseballs, golf balls and footballs have been
    tested and are still being researched to improve
    their accuracy, distance and flight all for the
    improvement of performance.

Automotive Aerodynamics
  • For this module, we will focus on the principles
    of air that affect a vehicles abilities to reach
    its highest performance when accelerated to very
    high speeds. While a student can design a VW
    Beetle or Honda Accord or even a BMW 325i, the
    goal for this research project is to design for
    performance not looks or styling. Those goals
    are called AESTHETICS.
  • Most cars are not expected to go faster than 85
    miles per hour. The next time you look at a car
    instrument panel look and see how fast the
    speedometer will measure.

  • You will see the term, Dragster, many times while
    discussing vehicle aerodynamics. Be aware that
    most cars since the fuel shortages of the early
    1970s forced all passenger car makers to pay
    attention to how they could improve a models fuel
    mileage and range. Most specialty cars come from
    the modifications done on regular cars.
    Dragsters, hotrods, muscle cars, dune buggies,
    and now foreign or sport-compact tuner cars
    are all born from the cars made by Ford, GM,
    Dodge, Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi

  • Only a few true sport cars purposely built for
    maximizing performance over everything else are
    actually produced and ALL are very expensive.
    Most of the following sports cars sacrifice many
    features you see on even the cheapest economy
    cars today. No stereo or speakers, no electric
    windows or no roll down windows at all, forget
    about cup holders and even air conditioners are

  • Where does everyone sit? Most have no more than 2
    non-reclining racing seats. No sound
    insulation-who needs to talk when you can listen
    to the engine rev and tires chew the road.
  • Everything is sacrificed to reduce weight or
    save weight for the massive brakes, wheels and
    large exhausts. Compare these cars to the
    vehicles you rode in to school or to the store.
    Where would you put your book bag, sports
    equipment or grocery bags?

True Sports Cars
  • Acura NSX
  • Aston Martin
  • V12

  • Chevrolet Corvette
  • Dodge VIPER

  • Lamborghini
  • Mazda RX-7 3rd body style

Ford GT-40
True Sports Cars
  • Toyota Supra
  • Porsche 911

  • McClaren 3 seats!

  • Also and just as important was the difficulty in
    the ability to make the shape of the car out of
    steel. It was possible to make straight flat
    sides with corners or simple curves but it was
    way too expensive to make complex curves for
    most car buyers. Today, lightweight aluminum,
    high strength steel alloys, plastics, or plastic
    composites like fiberglass and carbon fiber give
    a vehicle the same strength at a greatly reduced
    weight. The same vehicle depending on the
    materials it was made out of would differ in
    weight in as much as 1000 lbs!

Big Cars Big Drag
  • Additionally, the pollution from big older
    engines made governments force car makers to use
    smaller cleaner running engines to reduce smog
    and other forms of air pollution. In order to
    keep the performance up designers began looking
    for ways the keep cars fast but not use up all
    their fuel to keep passenger cars going down the

Reduce the Weight of the Car
  • The first method designers tried was to make the
    cars weigh less so the engine making less power
    would not have to use all of the power to keep
    the car moving or accelerating too slowly. The
    problem designers ran into was in order to make
    it lighter this usually made the car smaller
    because they were still using the same material,
    mild steel, to make most of the body. Mild steel
    is relatively cheap and engineers and designers
    know how to build with mild steel- used a lot.

The Limits of Weight Reduction
  • Although new materials continue to be develop by
    scientists and engineers, the need to improve
    performance led carmakers to start rethinking and
    asking questions they never bothered to ask
    before about how the shapes of their designs
    could if at all changed to somehow improve the
    PERFORMANCE of their cars. It is not that
    aerodynamics was discovered in the 1970s but
    that the science of technology was finally
    considered as having benefit to cars HMMM!

The Early Years
  • The first attempts were to copy examples of other
    products that went fast and could be controlled
    at speed. Aircraft and jets, which had been
    designed using aerodynamics since their
    beginnings, all had common shapes and features
    rounded edges, graceful and gentle curves, and
    low swept features and minimal parts stuck on the
    outside surfaces of the bodies.

Hi-Tech Wind Tunnel
  • Designers began using these types of features and
    began to ask aerodynamicists how to test to see
    if the designed would work. Now car makers began
    to hire scientists instead of designers because,
    FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION Depending on how much
    money a car maker/designer had they could measure
    or compare the efficiency of one design with
    another how much resistance, DRAG, was indicated
    by blowing air over a model in a machine called a
    wind tunnel. They would weigh how much force the
    car would push back or down on a scale and record
    the amount in pounds or kilograms.

Tuft Testing
  • Some car makers used a low tech low cost method
    of testing by attaching five to seven inch long
    pieces of string in rows to the car to see where
    turbulence, Disturbed AIR, were created at
    different parts of the car while driving down a
    test track. Both of these methods are still
    being used today together to show the amount of
    turbulence or drag the shape feels as it moves
    through air at speeds as low as 35 miles per hour
    (MPH). Your car will be exceeding 150mph and
    cover 66 feet in as little as 1.5 seconds!

The Rookie Designer
  • What are some things you can know about car
    design which will put you ahead of your
    classmates design?
  • Recognize the purpose and goal of this module and
    remember it as you design you car Performance!
    Go as fast as you can within the specifications

  • Read and pay attention to the following
    aerodynamic testing results others have done
    before you.
  • Notice how the shapes with flat rears have higher
    drag numbers than curves or tapers.

Results of Shapes
  • Drag Coefficient means how much pull or drag each
    shape feels as it was moving through the air.
  • Remember these are blocks.
  • Which shapes cause higher drag? Curves or corners?

Frontal Area
Frontal Area should be as small as possible. It
is the face or front surfaces of your car front
tires, bumper, grill, hood, windshield the air
would run into as your car moves through the air.
Reduce or avoid any flat vertical surfaces on the
front. Wheels and tires are the worst! Hide them
in the car!
  • Side view showing Rake. The tilting or leaning
    back of a surface to deflect the impact of an
    object hitting a surface.
  • Try to keep lines leaning back 30 degrees or less
    from horizontal. 7-10 degrees is best. Students
    should use a protractor to make sure the design
    has angles 30 degrees or less.

Notice how much the windshield and front nose
lean back
  • A taper is the gentle reduction or shrinking of
    the size of a shape from the center to the end.
    This can be from the front to the center or
    center to rear. Scientists discovered that by
    tapering the shape of an objects sides it reduced
    the amount of drag by allowing the airstreams to
    gently come back together as they leave the
    objects rear.
  • In vehicle design this is called boat-tailing

Tapered front and rear ends
Cropping the Tail
  • Cropping is the process of removing material from
    the bottom rear of the object to allow an upward
    taper for airstreams to follow as they leave the
    vertical sides and under side of an object.
    Scientists and engineers discovered this design
    also acted like a upside down wing causing the
    rear of the object to hold to the ground MUCH
    better. The taper cannot be more than 20

Cropped Tail Examples
Examples of cropped tails
No crop causes red swirl arrows-drag
Choosing Wheels and Tires
  • Big wide wheels may look cool but they are bad in
    two ways
  • The bigger the wheel/tire the heavier it is and
    more power it will take to make it turn.
  • The co2 cartridge pushes the car so you do not
    have to worry about traction.
  • Friction Drag. The wider wheel touches more of
    the road grabbing and rolling against more road
    just like dragging you hand down a wall while
    running. The heat you feel is caused by the
    friction of the two surfaces. It is stealing
    your power! Naughty Friction!

More Evil Wheel Drag
  • Wheels cause their own special drag that can be
  • The wheel edges are corners all the way around
    the wheel on both sides of each wheel. If you
    measured the circumference of each wheel,
    multiplied each by 2 for both sides and then
    multiplied by 4 for all the wheels corners then
    draw a line to that length you would see how long
    a corner you would have on your car because of
    the sneaky wheels!

Wheel Problems
  • Wheels and tires also spin through the air
    cutting and ripping through the air like an axe
    upwards, downwards, rearwards and forwards all
    at the time. If you were running a race would
    you like someone to hit down on your head and
    kick the bottom of your feet? Karate Chop!
  • Research testing shows exposed wheels make up 45
    of the total drag on a car.
  • Hide the wheels in a hole in the car called a
    WHEEL WELL. The well allows the wheel (cylinder)
    to sit inside protected from the air.

Wheel Well Design
  • In order to make wheel wells and the wheel/tire
    work the need to close to each other but never
    touch. Your car does not have a moving suspension
    or axle so the wheel well radius should be 1/8th
    in. or 4mm larger than the wheel.
  • The outside edge of the wheel should be even with
    the outside of the well or air will rush into the
    well and cause a mess of turbulent air. (See

Porsche 993
Mazda RX-7 3rd body style
Dark area behind wheel is disturbed area causing
serious DRAG
Shaded bulge around wheel as viewed from the top
shows turbulent air causing drag
More drag as air finds tries to find a path
around the spinning wheel
Notice the arrow inside the rectangular wheel is
pointing in the opposite direction of the air
going around the wheel. The spin of the tire is
forcing air to be thrown forward smashing into
the air going over the wheel!
Wheel spin throws air forward
  • Reduce the size of the body reducing weight
  • Shape of body should use curves or raked angles
  • Frontal area should be a minimal as possible
  • Taper the front and rear vertical corners
  • Keep wheels out of flow of moving air
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