Title: Panel%20Data%20Analysis%20Using%20GAUSS
1Panel Data Analysis Using GAUSS
- 4
- Kuan-Pin LinPortland State University
2Panel Data AnalysisHypothesis Testing
- Panel Data Model Specification
- Pool or Not To Pool
- Random Effects vs. Fixed Effects
- Heterscedasticity
- Time Serial Correlation
- Spatial Correlation
3Fixed Effects vs. Random Effects
Estimator Random Effects E(uiXi) 0 Fixed Effects E(uiXi) / 0
GLS or RE-LS (Random Effects) Consistent and Efficient Inconsistent
LSDV or FE-LS (Fixed Effects) Consistent Inefficient Consistent Possibly Efficient
4Random Effects vs. Fixed Effects
- Fixed effects estimator is consistent under H0
and H1 Random effects estimator is efficient
under H0, but it is inconsistent under H1. - Hausman Test Statistic
5Random Effects vs. Fixed Effects
- Alternative Hausman Test(Mundlak Approach)
- Estimate the random effects model with the group
means of time variant regressors - F Test that g 0
6Hypothesis Testing
- Fixed Effects Model
- Random Effects Model
- The Null Hypothesis
- Based on the auxiliary regression
- LM test statistic is NR2 ?2(K), N is total
number of observation (i,t)s.
8Cross Sectional Correlation
- The Null Hypothesis
- Based on the estimated correlation coefficients
- Breusch-Pagan LM Test (Breusch, 1980)
- As T ? 8 (N fixed)
9Cross Sectional Correlation
- Bias adjusted Breusch-Pagan LM Test (Pesaran,
et.al. 2008)
10Time Serial Correlation
- The Model and Null Hypothesis
- LM Test Statistic
11Joint Hypothesis TestingRandom Effects and Time
Serial Correlation
- The Model
- Joint Test for AR(1) and Random Effects
12Joint Hypothesis TestingRandom Effects and Time
Serial Correlation
13Joint Hypothesis TestingRandom Effects and Time
Serial Correlation
- Marginal Tests for AR(1) Random Effects
- Robust Test for AR(1) Random Effects
- Joint Test Equivalence
14Panel Data AnalysisExtensions
- Seeming Unrelated Regression
- Allowing Cross-Equation Dependence
- Fixed Coefficients Model
- Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
- Using FD Specification
- IV and GMM Methods
- Spatial Panel Data Analysis
- Using Spatial Weights Matrix
- Spatial Lag and Spatial Error Models
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MA(1) disturbances in an error component model.
Journal of Econometrics, 68, 133-151. - Baltagi, B., Bresson, G., Pirotte, A. (2006)
Joint LM test for homoscedasticity in a one-way
error component model. Journal of Econometrics,
134, 401-417. - Bera, A.K., W. Sosa-Escudero and M. Yoon (2001),
Tests for the error component model in the
presence of local misspecification, Journal of
Econometrics 101, 123. - Breusch, T.S. and A.R. Pagan (1980), The Lagrange
multiplier test and its applications to model
specification in econometrics, Review of Economic
Studies 47, 239253. - Pesaran, M.H. (2004), General diagnostic tests
for cross-section dependence in panels, Working
Paper, Trinity College, Cambridge. - Pesaran, M.H., Ullah, A. and Yamagata, T. (2008),
A bias-adjusted LM test of error cross-section
independence, The Econometrics Journal,11,