Title: Superconductors for Power Transmission and Distribution
1Superconductors for Power Transmission and
Technology Engineering Division
Joseph V. Minervini Division Head, Technology and
Engineering Plasma Science and Fusion
Center Massachusetts Institute of
Technology PPPL Colloquium Princeton, NJ May
13, 2009
- Background on superconductivity
- Electric power usage in the US and worldwide
- The Electric Power Grid
- Energy Losses
- Grid Congestion and Reliability
- Superconductors in the grid
- AC vs DC
- Summary
3 4Discovery of Superconductivity (1911)
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1853-1926) Door meten
tot weten (Through measurement to knowledge)
5Resistance is a function of temperature
6Facts on Superconductors
- There are two groups of superconductors
- Low-temperature (metallic) superconductors
(LTS) - High-temperature (oxide) superconductors (HTS)
7Facts on Superconductors - Electrical Behavior
8Facts on Superconductors
- Three Critical Parameters
- Critical temperature, Tc
- Critical magnetic field, Hc
- Critical current density, Jc
9Type II Superconductors Display Magnetic
10Progress of Tc
11J.V. Minervini - PSFC Seminar, February 20, 2009
12BSCCO Wire (1st Gen) is Expensive
13J.V. Minervini - PSFC Seminar, February 20, 2009
14YBCO Tape (2nd Generation-HTS)
- SuperPower (Latham, NY) uses a reel-to-reel
system for tape production
15HTS Conductors
HTS versus Copper Equivalent current carrying
16- Electric Power Usage in the US and Worldwide
17J.V. Minervini - PSFC Seminar, February 20, 2009
18Human Development is Directly Related to
Electricity Use
Source Global Energy Futures and Human
Development A Framework for Analysis, Alan D.
Pasternak, LLNL Report, UCRL-ID-140773 (October
19GDP and Energy per Capita are Related
20Energy consumption by 2025 is expected to more
than triple from 1970 levels
21J.V. Minervini - PSFC Seminar, February 20, 2009
22United States Electric Grid
23North American Electric Grid
24Total Electrical Energy Supply and Loss in the
Transmission and Distribution Systems(per annum,
24 member countries)
- Energy losses in the U.S. TD system were 7.2 in
1995, accounting for 2.5 quads of primary energy
and 36.5 MtC. Losses are divided such that about
60 are from lines and 40 are from transformers
(most of which are for distribution). - The EIA estimates that transmission and
distribution losses in the United States averaged
about 9 percent of electricity generated in 2005.
25- Electric Grid Congestion
- and Reliability
26New Transmission Capacity is Critical
- Electricity demand is far outrunning expansion in
transmission capacity - Transmission line investment is decreasing yearly
Source Karl Stahlkopf, Vice President, Power
Delivery, EPRI, Presentation at University of
Wisconsin, October 20, 2000
27Major Congestion Corridors
From DOE Congestion Study, 2006
28Need for Fault Current Limiters
29Northeast Blackout - August 14, 2003
- Impact
- Over 50 million people
- 60-65,000 MW
- 30 hours to restore
- Manufacturing disrupted
- 400 Generators tripped
- Statistics
- Line trips began at 305 PM
- Cascading began at 406 PM
- Lasted approximately 12 seconds
- Thousands of discrete events
30- Electric Utility and Power Applications
- Of Superconductivity
31Three Major Challenges for Electric Power
- Increase transmission capacity
- Superconducting AC and DC transmission lines
- Increase system stability and reliability
- Superconducting fault current limiters (SFCL)
- Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)
for energy storage and system stabilization - Superconducting machines running as synchronous
condensors for system stabilization and VAR
compensation - Increase system efficiency and safety
- Superconducting transformers
32Visions of A Superconducting Grid
- Efficiency
- Energy sector and transmission losses waste 300
TWh (equivalent to 400 million barrels of oil)
per year - Environment
- Superconducting transmission lines require
1/3-1/4 as much tunneling/trenching as copper
33Grid 2030 Vision
Superconducting systemsare seamlessly
integrated with high voltage direct current
systems and other advanced conductors for
transporting electric power over long distances.
34Proposed Configurations for HTS AC Cable
35Warm Dielectric HTS Cable
36Cold Dielectric HTS Cable
37Advantages of HTS Over Conventional Cables
- HTS gt 3 x current density of conventional cable.
HTS also permits a smaller overall diameter,
because of the absence of a need for heat
exchange to the air or ground. The size and
current advantages lead to - Reduced investment cost by reducing
infrastructure and right-of-way costs HTS
coaxial cable is smaller than conventional cable.
For underground transmission 3-4 x more power
can be carried by HTS than copper cables in
trenches and tunnels. - Reduced substation costs by delivering power at
lower voltages. - The lower weight of HTS allows quicker and less
expensive deployment by lower tension cable
pullers, smaller spools, cheaper transport, and
reduced mechanical support. - Possible deployment in existing infrastructure
not currently used for conventional cable,
including commuter lines, light rail, subways,
auto, railroad and sewer tunnels, overhead
highways and bridges.
38Advantages of HTS Over Conventional Cables
- HTS DC cable carries only real power, not
reactive power, thus avoiding significant
derating of the cables. - Low radiated EMF due to self-shielding design.
- Increased system reliability because of more
flexibility in siting new capacity, more
overcapacity leading to fewer outages, no
temperature excursions during normal operation.
Cold operation leads to longer insulation life. - Better control of power flow by using phase angle
regulators in series with a much lower impedance
HTS cable
39HTS Cables Can Increase Power Insertion to
Congested Urban Areas Through Retrofit in
Existing Tunnels
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44Albany Cable Project (SuperPower)
45Albany HTS Cable Project
- Delivery of nearly 10,000 m of 2G wire for the
Albany HTS Cable Project - Worlds first 2G device
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47AEP-Southwire/Bixby Cable Project (SuperPower)
48System Reliability
- Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL)
- HTS Fault Current Limiters (FCLs)
cost-effectively correct fault current problems
at the transmission voltage level of 138kV and
higher - HTS FCLs reduce the available fault current to a
lower,safer level so existing switchgear can
still protect the grid
49ZENERGY Fault Current Limiter
50ZENERGY Fault Current Limiter
51 52DC Superconducting Transmission Line
- Advantages
- No DC resistive losses
- No AC inductive storage - carries only real
power, no reactive power - No AC losses
- Long range transmission of high currents,
including undersea - Very high power ratings including transmission of
several GVA - Fault currents limited by fast acting inverters
at AC/DC and DC/AC ends of the line - Low voltage transmission, if desired, limiting
the need for high voltage transformers - Simplified cable design, more amenable to using
HTS tape geometry - Cable coolant also used to cool solid state
inverters increasing capacity and reducing high
temperature aging degradation - Disadvantages
- Invertors can add substantially to cost
- Most electric power grid infrastructure is AC
53AC versus DC Transmission
- HTS cables can carry 10 - 100 x greater current
than resistive cables - This allows transmission voltage to be reduced
from 100s kV to 10s kV for similar power
ratings - This results in a simpler converter station, with
reduced volume and cost and increases network
54Alternative HVDC Connections
Long Distance
55North American Transmission Region
4 independent asynchronous networks tied together
only by DC interconnections
56AC versus DC Overhead Transmission
57(No Transcript)
58HTS DC Applications
- HTS DC increases efficiency for long distance
transmission - Opens other advanced technology opportunities
- Direct connection of alternative low-carbon or
carbon-free power sources - Wind
- Solar PV
- Fuel Cell
- Microturbine
- other
- Connection of advanced energy storage devices
- Flywheel
- Battery
- Supercapacitor
- Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)
- other
59Off-Shore Wind Farm Power Transmission Using
HTS DC Cable
DC-to-AC Power Conversion
60Solar Photovoltaic Power Transmission Using HTS
DC Cable
Solar PV
Transmit DC before conversion?
Solar and Wind
DC Power
61A National Supergrid?
62Continental Superconducting Grid (Chauncey
Starr, EPRI)
63Where is it Windy?
64How Far Away?
65Wind in Space and Time
Source Mass Renewable Energy Trust TrueWind
66Solar in Space and Time
- The US and the world will need major new electric
power system infrastructure to satisfy growing
demand for energy and human development - Superconducting technology can help meet this
demand while - Conserving energy
- Reducing emissions of GHG
- Increasing system stability and reliability
- Tying together distributed power sources like
solar and wind - This new superconducting technology will include
- AC and DC transmission and distribution lines
- Generators, motors, and synchronous condensors
- Transformers
- Superconducting magnetic energy storage
- A visionary SuperGrid could lead to an integrated
system of large scale distribution of both
electricity and hydrogen
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69Experimental Device in Chubu UniversityFirst
Demonstration of HTS DC Tranmsission
Parameters current gt 2.5 kA voltage gt 20 kV
length 20 m Sumitomo Bi-2223 cable coolant
LN2 equipped with pump and cryogenic cooler
72 K - 77 K
70BSCCO High Voltage DC Cable
CASER-Chubu University, Japan, 20m experimental
Photo of cross-section